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    Turquoise Dreams

    1. Jesse

      , 07-20-2013 at 07:24 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Saturday 7/20/13

      last night bed at 5:20 am - 11 am
      Watched a Breaking Bad marathon from 12midnight - 5:20am

      B6 50mgs around 1pm.

      DR: I'm walking around town square. Looking at booths and stores. Checking out postcards. I'm in european country, but not sure if it's part of EU, so I ask if they take Euros. I have a feeling I'm in Serbia. Postcards have a lots of very nice, church like buildings on them and I'm thinking, that I don't remember this country having such historic buildings.

      I'm talking to two sales people. Later outside, I point them out to someone - one salesperson has a purple, the other one blue top on.

      I'm inside of a building. I'm either escaping, or plotting a break in. I'm going through walls, on the roof and watching some FBI people inside and I know I don't want them to see me. Outside I'm flying around.

      I'm still in the area. Talking to Jesse from Breaking Bad. We are deciding what to do, so we look at the movie schedule. I say I would like to see some movie I know from waking life.

      Lol, watching "Salt" and she is running bare foot. I just remembered, that I ran barefoot in my dream last night. And I was kinda worried if I will hurt my feet. But I wanted to experience how it feels so I started to walk and run and run faster. It was a new sensation. Cool.

      Updated 07-20-2013 at 11:34 PM by 50242

      Tags: fbi, postcards, serbia
    2. Bend over (WILD + DEILDSs)

      , 03-27-2013 at 07:52 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Wednesday 3/27/13

      Bed 1:20am -7:10am
      Morning nap 8:30, got up to restroom at 9:40, right back to sofa, up from WILDs at 11:07

      After WBTB, lay down on my left side - I had all LD in this position today.

      What a completely different experience than last DEILD chain. This time, almost all of 30 min experience were LDs, just a tiny portion were transition.

      I got the falling feeling maybe just twice, after I invoked it. But nothing like last time.

      The whole time I wasn't really asleep deeply. I heard the church bells, felt my cat move at my feet.

      1. This guy is stealing some metal rod construction things from my uncles yard. I yell at him from my window that I have him on camera. He comes close to me and I cover my face so he doesn't recognize me next time. But I know I'm just visiting there so I know there is no chance of running into him later.

      Until I run into him and his gang later. Oh yeah, kids cover your eyes. He bends me over and we have some gooood times. And then one more time. I saw his penuuuuus!

      (He looked like the bad guy on Sliders - I'm watching reruns)

      2. I'm walking through a very realistic looking apartment with white kitchen furniture. I'm thinking about people asking on DV how realistic LDs can get and I'm thinking to myself "pretty damn realistic". Looked as real as my real kitchen.

      I sit in a chair and 2 friends are there asking me if I can get lucid again, because they wanna be in a dream with me so we can be lucid together. I say I don't know and start to pushing my body so it hangs of the chair and I start seeing with my eyes closed and I'm lucid. Mind you, I was lucid already. I'm touching my friends and poking them if they can feel me, but they don't know I'm lucid (OBE), since my body is still sitting in the chair.

      3. I'm laying on sofa and I watch a small animal crawl on a carpet. I think to myself when I notice something, I'll know I'm lucid. It's a small, fat, hairless, 6 skinny legs, looking like a cuddly spider of a size of a small plate. Brown and lighter brown body with design like a spider. I pet him. He feels soft and squishy.

      4. I try to get out of the building. But every door I open leads to another room. I have to chuckle, because I'm aware of my daytime thought of staying in buildings, not be scared of them. I put my hand on the doorknob and try to think what's behind it. But I have the door ajar already and something bright and colorful is behind it. I walk out to Las Vegas casino.

      I want to get outside so I walk up to a rack with postcards. I thinking hard where I wanna go. Think Stonehenge, but there is no postcard for that. So I think pyramids in Giza. There are pics of pyramid, but it's the one in Vegas. I try it anyway and think I can trick my mind and have me transported to Egypt anyway.

      I put the postcard on my face and try to push my face inside. I remember reading IWL, that you can change dreamscape by entering large posters. I know this is too small but I also know it will work.

      I push my face into postcard and it stretches as a thin film over my face. I push myself through it and emerge on the other side. But It's still Vegas. I pick another postcard, this time of a very nice octagonal water fountain someplace in Egypt. I push myself through but there is only darkness.

      5. I start in a building again. Old apartment, european type. Try to walk out. Finaly after many doors I come to main hallway. There is a very old, frail looking lady checking her mailbox or something. I pet her arm and try to talk to her. I know my voice was not strong in last couple of LDs, but I know she can hear me. I get an idea that maybe she is someone I know who had passed away. I feel close to her.

      Updated 03-27-2013 at 08:39 PM by 50242

    3. day 2, 3 and 4 of B-complex

      , 11-20-2011 at 05:50 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Day 2 of taking B-complex 100mg. 11/16

      Took b-complex in the morning, bed at 11:45 pm. Had some dreams about taking Galantimine (I thinking about taking it when my order arrives). Dreams were not clear, nor vivid.

      Day 3
      B-complex at 2:45 pm. Bed past 1:30 am 11/17
      I have a feeling a have dreamt about GTA (I played all day IWL). Not clear nor vivid.

      Day 4 - 50 mg of b6, only half of what I took the days before
      B-complex 1 hour before bed, Choline right before bed 11/18
      remember more dreams and more details
      I'm in Himalayas in a gift shop. Looking for a preticular gift shop, because I know I have been there on a previous trip and they had some great postcards but I didn't have time to buy them. So I want to buy them this time. They don't have them, so I want to buy tibetan or nepalese wooden bead necklace, but hey have only something really big. I want something simle. Finally find the gift shop with the postcards.
      There is a vendor by whose accent I guess he is polish. But his wife speaks to me in slovak. Suddenly there is another friend of mine - former classmate.

      Updated 11-20-2011 at 09:53 PM by 50242

      non-lucid , side notes