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    Leaving the matrix

    1. 3/15/13

      by , 03-15-2013 at 10:48 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      First Dream Fragment: I'm in some pizza place, and I walk up to two tables, the table on the left has a group of teenagers, I can tell that they're superficial, judgmental, and perhaps bully's. This intimidates me so I opt to eat at the table to the right that has a man sitting alone, he looks to be in his late 20's or early 30's. The other table had well over ten boxes of pizza but this one only had two so I grab one and the man gives me a strange annoyed/suspicious look. I open the pizza box and he opens his and they are both cheese and garlic pizzas if there even is such a thing. I hear the man make a hiss sound so I look up to see that now his black hair is slicked back, he has a red and black cape, pale skin and sharp fangs. Not even fazed that the man turned into a vampire because of the garlic pizza, I start to eat it.

      Second Dream Fragment: I'm on my old elementary school playground. I'm just standing around conversing with dream characters. There's a coach telling us to get ready to race. The girl next to me tells me that she is angry with me, I tell her "don't worry, I'm already plenty angry with myself". She asks me why, I tell her "because my pants pockets are to heavy, I filled them up with too much stuff." I then grab my backpack from out of no where and begin to empty my pockets into the backpack. All that comes out from my pockets are a bunch of folded papers, and a whole lot of crayons, all different colors just keep pouring out. When I my pockets are empty I felt relieved and ready for p.e. We all get in front of the entrance tube of different colored play tubes from like Chuck e. chees or something. The coach says try to be the first one out. I know I got this in the bag, for some reason I already know the layout of the tubes and the right ways to turn. I hear the coach yell GO! and while all the other people crawl through the tubes on their knees all normally, I take off like a missile through the tubes not even touching the tube. As I'm nearing a corner I know I need to turn right in, I know that Psy will be coming the opposite direction, sort of like an obstical. I turn the corner and gangnam style starts playing louder and louder and psy is doing the gangnam style dance in prone position in the tube and I just zoom over him and keep going until I exit the tube.

      Third Dream Fragment: I was laying on the couch next to my sister, she was petting the puppy. On the wooden bench next to the couch is sitting some dream character I don't recognize. She's eating chocolate messily. Suddenly she stop eating the chocolate and her eyes open wide and her facial expression changes from relaxed to horrified, and then she points to the bit of couch behind my head. I instantly become afraid and jump up from the couch expecting a spider to be there. I look and I don't see anything, so I get annoyed and ask her what was there. But the DC ignores me and gets really close to the bit of the couch with that look on her face still pointing at nothing.

      Updated 03-15-2013 at 10:50 PM by 61831

      non-lucid , dream fragment