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    The Dream Magic Experiment

    Unlock Your Creativity

    1. Forest and Sex

      by , 04-23-2015 at 11:13 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a forest. I was with some people. Then there was only me and a woman. We had sex. After that, I walked away and kept thinking if I used a condom or not and hoped that I did. I felt regret as I walked away.


      - Slept at around 10:30 a.m., woke up around 3-4 p.m.
      - Was awake for over 24 hours.
      - Had a lot of coffee.
      - Met with a potential tenant replacement.
    2. Jumping in the Skate Area

      by , 03-15-2015 at 06:06 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a familiar place. Somehow, like Cebu at night. A man offered to pay me for sex. At first, I thought he said his age is 100. I realized he said $100 an hour. He has white hair and looks older than middle age.

      I was in a skate area. I jumped from one area to another. Edu Manzano was there. He asked who's Ilonggo. I raised both hands while I ran and jumped. He asked a question that I didn't understand and didn't make sense, but I answered something like "Yeah, I think it is." He confirmed that's the right answer and explained why. I didn't understand the reasoning or the words.



      - Slept around 12 a.m.
      - Alarm at around 6 a.m.
      - Was preparing for parkour training
    3. Yellow Themed Rooms

      by , 11-20-2014 at 06:01 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was looking at a couple having sex on a bed. They don't have clothing. Yellow-themed. The woman leaned away from the guy. There's some sort of oil on the guy's chest. He's mostly hairless. I licked on the chest and got some of oil on my tongue. My tongue went numb.

      I was in a room with a lot of people. It's still yellow themed. Not sure if this came before or after the previous one. I was practicing my Capoeira moves, while trying to avoid hitting people.
    4. Trinity de Liberas

      by , 08-10-2013 at 02:13 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      WARNING: Sexual content

      NOTE: Numbers do not signify any particular order. They're just for ease of reference for interpretation.

      A phrase: ''Trinity de Liberas'' . No idea what it meant.

      1. Justice. I was in a room. Reminded me of a room I rented in college near a river. He was in the room beside mine. Although there were 'holes' in the plywood separating our rooms, I did not peek into his room, though I was sorely tempted. I heard him talking to someone, but I sensed or knew he was alone, so it must be a phone. I lied down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling, and noticed that the plywood wall does not go to the ceiling, so there's an open space between our rooms near the ceiling. I was looking at the opening when I saw him start to peek through it, all while he was talking on his phone. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to sleep, but I can still see him somehow. He crossed over to my room, still talking on his phone, and he looked me over.

      2. A guy got pregnant. At first it was me, and then it wasn't me. When they took the 'baby' out of his (or my) stomach, it turned out to be a frog. Turned out that there's a particular species of frogs (it was clear when I saw or heard it but then forgot it when I woke up) that insert their eggs through the skin, and then it goes in the stomach/uterus to grow. I became careful not to go out with my body parts exposed.

      3. I had sex with a guy, with me on top. I wanted it to be the guy on [1] but it seems it's not. This one is darker. After sex, we discussed the amount, or maybe it was a flashback. The room costs 3000, and he wants 600. He/I complained about the cost of the room.

      4. I was outside our house in our hometown. I was naked, but didn't really mind. I love the cold. I was near the well-pump area. I saw my dad come out of the 'front' door, and he saw me. I waved. He quickly grabbed a towel to cover me and brought me inside the house. My brother was also there. (NOTE: I have no male sibling).

      5. I was inside a house. A guy (L? He looked thinner.) caught a huge roach, about the size of an adult person's forearm and thick. The guy held on to its huge body with his left hand, and used his right hand to cover or play around with the head of the roach. I warned him that it might bite him.

      [Woke up. Went back to bed.]

      6. I was inside a traveling train. It slanted a bit, and I played along by slanting my own body. There were a lot of people there. Caucasian. Then suddenly, the train went out through the 'door', almost hitting a girl on her way out and almost ripping my arm off by the door. It continued running off track through some wilderness. We passed near a gorge, running up along the cliffs and looking down the river. The wilderness was blue and green; it was beautiful. We continued trailing away from it, and through some tall grasses. We even crossed an old, rusty railroad. We finally stopped near a small river. There were people on the other side, and we had to cross the river and get our feet wet to get there. My sister was already walking in the river. I looked around for a dry path. The rusty railings. Some dry cemented area. Finally, on the other side, I looked around and saw a small grassy field and some 'trees' beyond it. Somebody mentioned 'glen'. I looked around, this time with more awareness that we may be in a magical glen.

      7. I was in a hall, with a huge book displayed on the wall. The red and orange or yellow cover was ripped/vandalized, as well as some of the pages. I can see some of the writings inside, and they looked old, like a grimoire. I mentioned this to Rob. He took it out and put it on the table like he didn't mind the fact that it was ripped apart.

      8. Justice. I was in a room. It reminds me of our room in first-year high school.

      More notes:

      * I ate nothing but bread and butter the whole day prior.
      * I avoided sexual activity for the whole day.
      * An old neighbor visited while I was topless. I felt 'exposed.'
      * Before I fell asleep, I happened to think of a dorm mate back in college who I had some sexual activity. He's dark skinned.
      * I went down this morning to use L's toaster grill, and I found a roach inside. I'm thinking whether it was precognition or I simply thought of the Madagascar hissing roach before I slept. Did I? I'm no longer sure.
      * I was supposed to read a small red-white-black book last night, but I decided not to.
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Sex LD's-gorge1.jpg  
    5. Dormitory Retreat

      by , 12-20-2012 at 03:41 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      ~12:20 am - sleep, breath zhine, 9 purif
      ~6:30 am - wakeup

      I was in a dorm. I was there because of a retreat. There were several double- or triple-decker beds. It seems men and women are in the same room. We were planning something. I remember seeing RP and LR there. There was a plastic bottle of twinkly stuff there that we opened (accidentally?), and it spread. It's hard to put into the bag. I also remember seeing my crush RS, but he doesn't look the same. Also, he looks smaller. Or maybe that's he's actual height, and not seeing him for a long time made me forget. I also recall one guy who spit on the bed. MY bed, to be specific.

      I entered a bathroom after three people went out. It was one man and two women. I entered, and the place looks so backward. The bathroom was big enough, but it simply looks so dank, the walls and floors not even tiled, although thankfully the toilet looks clean enough. Also, the "shower" is nothing more than a busted pipe flowing water down from the ceiling. The funny thing is that it seems automatic, in the sense that it turns on automatically when I'm close enough, and turns off when I'm away. Then there's a metal drum about stomach height filled with water that I assume I would use to bathe, if in case the shower doesn't work.

      I also remember being online, searching for something. And there's a sex act going on, with the woman on top. She was complaining to me that I don't include lesbians in my website. This kind of confused me because it doesn't look like she's a lesbian when she's doing it with a guy. They were so close in view, too.

      Updated 12-20-2012 at 03:08 PM by 47454

    6. Winning the Game

      by , 11-30-2012 at 05:11 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      This is my dream after my LD.

      WARNING: Mature content.

      I was walking with some friends at night. I think it was ST and RP. There were a few people drinking by a table outside. We grabbed some chairs and sat down. I declined a drink. I am with RP inside a feng shui store. He was talking about how people go to the jewelry store to sell their jewelries. Why not to individuals? He said for a rare/good 25-cent coin, you can get as much as 3 pesos. I jokingly told him I have lots of 25 cents at home.

      I am out in the field. It's daytime. I am waiting for a sports game of some sort with some friends. Some jock challenged our team. Everybody arranged the net near the goal. It looks like a mix of rugby-football and soccer-football. I think we won, although I don't think I even played. For some reason, I ended up jumping (or catapulting) to the other side and penetrating the jock who was stupid enough to challenge us. He was on top of me. I worried about unsafe sex. The guy was arrogant earlier. Now he's submissive.
    7. Orphanage Escape

      by , 09-17-2011 at 02:49 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in an orphanage of sort. There are other people around me. There's also Luis M. We were making love very awkwardly. Then the person changed into someone else. It was my lover (a stranger). We were sleeping side-by-side, with my lover to my right. Looks Caucasian.

      Then we had to escape. It was an orphanage for kids used for crimes and other stuff. The leader was there. When we approached the door, the leader popped out. He shot and hit me on the right side of my torso. I shot him and hit him on the head, and he dropped dead. I didn't feel anything.

      We continued running, but we're not sure which way was out. There were many others. Then some were out. I was looking for someone. Had to find him. I was outside. The others were just staying right outside. I told them to run as far away as they can because there's a bomb.

      There was a pregnant woman coming out of the building. At first I was just watching her, and then I was accompanying her, as she climb up the... stairs?

      Then there was an explosion. With no sound.