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    1. More from early morning 7/21/20

      by , 07-22-2020 at 04:44 AM


      …I used my Grandfather’s teapot, or something. I decide that I will get him a new one…

      …Handing out pamphlets for some kind of a program where people can work and have money for tuition (or just have tuition paid, something like that)…

      …I get a nose bleed. I don’t remember too much about this dream, and what I do remember is kind of disgusting, so I won’t give the details…


      Fragments, with many dream signs

      …It is time to exchange gifts (Birthday gifts?) with my brother and father. I and am looking through some things that I had set aside earlier, I think. They are books. I think I’m worried that I don’t have enough, especially for my brother…

      …Something about wearing clothes that I think make me look like a bum…

      …People are being given credit for something. Like a movie, or a scholarly work, or something. I am mentioned, because I helped (though not very much). There is a lady who thought she had helped enough to be there too, but she wasn’t mentioned. This seems to upset her, and the guy next to her puts his arm around her (or some such gesture) to support and comfort her…

      …Going up some carpeted stairs. I am looking for other parts of the building for some reason. There seem to be some little kids following me…

      …The Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith (1970s version) are in a hotel room. There is something about a blanket. They share a bed in the hotel room, which I don’t think they should do. However, I remember that something happened to the other bed in the room so they might not have much choice…

      …There is something in my ear. At first, it seems to be a tattoo. Then maybe a bug? When I finally get it out and look at it, is a skull bone from some kind of fish…

      …I am in a hospital-like building. I’m wandering around, not sure why exactly. I don’t want to get caught, and I recall somebody saying something about how I should hang around the doors that lead from one area to another. That way, the people in one area will think I work in the other area, and not bother me. I also pretend to look at stuff on the wall…

      …I am underneath a bridge. The water is kind of deep, and I’m trying to think of what would be the best place to land if I had to drop there. I decide close to the bank would be a good idea. Then I drop there (I don’t know where from). I crawl out from under the bridge and into an area that seems to be like a deserted industrial area. This might have led into the hospital scene above, but I don’t remember…
    2. Fragments

      by , 07-19-2020 at 06:34 PM
      …In a large building. I go up some stairs to the second floor, which has a kind of mezzanine surrounding the first floor on one side and another section off to my right. There is a picture of C-- here, a girl I recently met…

      …In a large building, going up and down stairs. The building reminds me of one of the administrative buildings on the campus of IUP. There is a girl going down one set of stairs, and I am going down another. I want to be the first to reach the bottom floor…

      …Watching the new Dr. Who. I had speculated in waking life that I dream more about the classic Dr. Who than the new version, and in my dream I wonder if that is true. I don’t become lucid though…