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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    An Argonaut of the dream world, the Oneironaut. Every night a journey, every dream an adventure, every moment a treasure.

    1. #269 - aliens

      by , 09-16-2016 at 10:33 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I decided to write this up because I've been slacking a bit.. I've forgotten a lot of the details though :/

      Me and some people (possibly my old flatmates + friends) were walking down a large corridor, like an extended indoor drive way. It was concrete and seemed to be a part of a university. In here there was an alien pod, where the first aliens had landed.. We kind of react like they're evil, which they are, but it felt like a baseless accusation. One of us gets a futuristic (possibly alien) gun out and shoots them as they jump out of their ship. Holy shit, they're getting obliterated before they even realize it. As this happens I get the feeling they're defenseless and send a mayday to their alien friends in space..

      We're walking away now, feeling safe. It isn't long though until more aliens start landing on Earth, it seems our massacre of their kind pissed them off. Shit.. I get everyone together and lead them to some more the alien-like weaponry, then we get everyone to head outside. I know of a safe area or something and lead everyone to another university building in the city. I think I shoot the heck out of some aliens as we go too, it feels pretty intense. I notice a person acting.. odd.. He looks doped up or something just wandering sluggishly. He looks my way and has a feral bloodshot eyes. I make the connection that the aliens have released a bio weapon to make some of us into zombies. But how does it spread? I'm also surprised they managed to act so fast..

      We're in a mall area with escalators and staircases here and there, I remembered that in this part there were more zombie people around, I could vividly see their bloodshot eyes..

      Towards the end of the dream we were in a sewer-like tunnel complex, like something the TMNT would stroll through. I can't remember much more except I had blasted my way through a few aliens and zombies before getting everyone in there safely.

      Another note: the aliens were small and had 4 legs, each ending in a blade-like point. They had cone-shaped bodies/heads and I have no clue how they would operate intergalactic spaceships or spread world-devastating plagues.
    2. #213 - Supermarket wars

      by , 03-19-2016 at 10:58 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      This dream was very vivid and immersive for what it was... I had trouble waking up after.
      I was in a supermarket and there was some sort of team system for a battle. My eyes pricked up the conversation coming from behind me as my team mates discussed betraying me. Geeze, what a bunch of dicks. I was crouched on the ground making something, it was a little like playdough. I ditch them and run off down the aisle, I remember as I'm running that I run past my ex Eiei, she was in the middle of shopping for groceries. At some point the dream was ending and I was kind of waking up, I remember thinking that I had to get up for uni since my classes probably start soon. Then were was a dog that came up to me and pissed on me, apparently the dog pisses on university students according to the owner who was somewhere in the background. I also remember some part of my mind thinking about impressing my ex with superpowers, like teleporting and blue flame kind of bs.
      I finally woke up after about 5 minutes of rolling around in my bed convinced that I was going to be late for uni O_O.

      Updated 03-22-2016 at 05:24 AM by 71238

    3. #185 - Training / Homeless

      by , 12-20-2015 at 03:39 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      SC1) 02:08
      I had a hard time falling asleep last night, couldn't get my brain to stop stressing out.
      I'm in my house and I wake up, I think I then start doing some training to fight some boxer (I think there was a boxing ring maybe?). The whole thing feels really symbolic, maybe a result of watching motivational videos.

      SC2) 03:32
      I'm homeless and I'm by the river that runs next to my old university. It's night time and the building nearby is the hospital (in reality it isn't). I'm trying to eat some food, I seem really down on my luck and it seems like there's some youths talking shit about us homeless people. There's another homeless guy who talked to me (he was in his 40s or 50s) and I though he looked quite dirty. I'm not very polite to him, and seem to just try to shoo him away or something. I cross the road to be next to the hospital and sit on a bench near the back entrance (I seem to be at the back of the hospital). I'm just chilling eating my food, in front of me is my skate board lying on the ground (I don't skate in RL). It seems like the youths called the cops and they're trying to get them to take me away for 'loitering'. Damn dude I'm just sitting and eating my food... As the cops talk to the youths and start getting convinced to take me away, the older hobo steps up. It's really inspiring what he says, at the end he said something like "the mans just trying to eat his meal, he ain't go nothing else! You can take me but you can't take him!". I'm overwhelmed by it, why is he being nice to me after I was so rude to him? I start crying in the moment as his words touch me, tears roll freely down my face. The guy walks over and comforts me, he understands my pain and what it means to be alone. The police aren't going to hassle us, even the youths walk away.
    4. #139 - compliment / awesome dad

      by , 10-25-2015 at 09:29 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      My flatmate had a random burst of energy and offered if I wanted to go to the gym with him at 9:30pm. I ended up managing to get into bed around 11:30pm so my sleep wasn't that great. Interestingly though I decided to meditate before going to bed, and for the first time that I can remember, I actually felt myself falling asleep.. I think meditating in bed before I go to sleep might be good for me so I'll trial it again. I also had a whole bunch of WILD visions, where I could see the dream forming. It was pretty cool, it happened several times and each time it would dissipate (probably because of inexperience and because it was too early in the night). I woke up at 3am for a WBTB and decided I'd try meditating again. I did a mindfulness practice on my body, starting from the feet and working my way to the head until I held my whole body in awareness. Unfortunately I became too aware and lay in bed in a sort of borderline-sleep state from 3:30-6:00, bored as f*ck... I managed to recall two dreams (one from earlier in the night and another from 6:30-7:30).

      Dream 1 - Compliment
      More of a dream fragment, I was sitting in the lounge in my flat playing guitar and watching TV. No one was supposed to be home so I just decided to start singing. I love to sing but I REALLY suck lol, so I was just enjoying it . Then my flatmate Olly walks past and looks at me a bit surprised. I look up at him from the relaxed position I'm in as I sit on the couch. I don't seem to stop singing, I kind of keep going, trying to finish the verse I'm singing. It takes a few seconds and then he's like "Hey maybe your singing voice isn't as bad as you thought". Damn that felt nice hearing him say that ^_^

      Dream 2 - Awesome dad
      I remember being with my dad and he was driving us away from my university. We were heading to the university that he worked at (he doesn't in RL). It's not as prestigious as my own university, its reputation is that some of the people are a bit dumb . We arrive and enter through a white archway front entrance and rolled into a small courtyard with parking all over the place. There's a narrow road with diagonal parking spaces but they're all filled up, we drive down there anyways hoping to find a space at the end. It feels so vivid it's unbelievable. Like I can remember lots of random details... The sky was bright blue, I remember the clothing that some people wore (kind of artsy looking students, upon looking at them I thought they had some kind of school uniform too). I can remember the main building and how the windows looked (far too hard to explain), and I remember peering outside of the window to my left and spotting some cute looking girls looking my way . I thought to myself that this university would have been cool to go to, the whole place felt alive. I was still in the car with my dad driving down that narrow road looking for a park, but we reached the end and nothing. He then starts backing up the car and just goes so fast, he's looking behind us as he drives and looks so comfortable driving. I think to myself how good at driving he must be, especially since the road was so narrow. It really blew my mind. I notice also how damn long the road seems to be, was it always this long? We've been reversing for ages. I know that the road wasn't this long when we first went down it (low level awareness but I didn't get lucid). We're finally out and he turns the car around. "How come you didn't send me to this university?" I ask
      "Because I worked too damn hard" he replies (or something along those lines). He wanted me to go to a good university, though in RL he had no influence on my choice ^_^.
      I have to go back to my university now, so we both step out of the car. The place around us is quite active, there's a lot of people walking around since it's the middle of the day at a university. I run around the car and give my dad a big hug, "Love you dad!" I say with a profound sense of affection. I felt like my dad was just awesome . I wasn't even the slightest bit embarrassed about all the people that were looking at us. I head to the front entrance of the university by myself so I can catch a taxi home. The end.
    5. #95 - parrot and cat

      by , 07-01-2015 at 02:03 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      Dream - parrot and cat
      I'm in school, though it looks like my university building (19th century, really majestic as fuck, dark wood and nothing concrete, huge building), and I'm talking to my friend Olly in the hallways. I see something that says '9th of July' and absolutely just go into panic mode... My presentation is on the 10th so I was like "no way! It can't be! it has to be wrong!" turns out it was the 7th of July which is still wrong but it made me feel a bit better. Then I spotted a parrot inside and wondered "why is a parrot inside"... Me and Olly approached it and I told him how my neighbour used to have a parrot just like that one. We decide to take it outside, along with a black cat that had appeared. I carried the parrot and Olly carried the cat, Olly isn't the biggest fan of cats either . We open the doors to go outside and I throw the parrot into the air, it flutters its wings and flies away while the cat just walks off, Olly has a look of disgust on his face and wipes his hands on his shirt. I notice that the bird pooped on me too a bit on my arm and on my shirt but I wasn't too bothered. Me and Olly then went back inside and walked up a few flights of stairs, kind of just wandering around I guess. We end up on the top floor and discover that there's a martial arts class going on, there's a bunch of people swinging 'no dachi' swords around in practice and they're dressed up in black japanese garbs. I think I boasted that I was really good at using these swords and attempted to duel someone, but I woke up around this point too and it's all a bit blurry.
    6. #34 - Zombies at Uni/Giant Cockroaches

      by , 10-20-2014 at 09:48 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Slept a bit better, had okay-ish dream recall but I let some details slip by lying in bed and not being diligent enough about writing them down sooner. I even had a decent stab at the SSILD cycles, but the consecutive run of bad sleeps over the past few nights probably didn't give me a good base mindset for lucidity.

      Dream Fragment
      Standing on the driveway to my parents house at night-time, reminds me of when I used to sneak home late.

      Dream 1 - Zombies at Uni
      For some reason there's a zombie Apocalypse, me and some others have kind of gathered together. We're near the northern exit of the university (I know there was more to this, but I forgot most of what happened prior to this point) and we jump into this massive armoured vehicle. There's zombies off somewhere, I don't recall seeing them much except on the sidelines/backgrounds of the dream. The armoured vehicle can't move or something, but luckily there's another car loaded in the back compartment of it, all hooked up and tied down. I run to the back of the armoured vehicle and kick the back door open, then jump back and flick a hook off of the car, the rest simultaneously come free letting the car roll back. We proceed to hop inside, and then I think I woke up.

      Dream 2 - Giant Cockroaches
      I seem to remember dropping something at the very start of the dream... It was dark with only a little amount of light which made shadow-outlines of things. Whatever I dropped didn't hit the ground, because a size-able cockroach with pincers clamped it, I notice the sprawling crawling mass of these covering the floor. Fast-forward to later on, I'm running, there are GIANT cockroaches now, comparable to the spiders in the 'Eight-Legged Freaks' movie. It's still dark and I'm running, I'm in an old building (19th century Victorian brickwork or something) and I dash to the side, into a closed off room. I hide on the floor, near a big wooden table. I know they can't get in here.
      "what was that?"
      I look at a small cockroach scuttling across the floor near me, I realize that maybe the little ones can get in though... It feels like a few minutes pass, and I notice even more of them, they seem to amass into a swarm on the floor and I decide to rethink the idea of hiding, with the feeling that the larger ones are actually able to break into the room too now. I head to the exit on the other side of the room, and I think 'hmmm what if they've blocked off the other exit...?' but as I'm about to exit the room I wake up.

      Was pretty bored with these dreams, didn't feel scared or fearful of anything in them (they sound like they should have been nightmares in retrospect, but weren't), they weren't strongly emotional.
    7. #31 - Bad Drivers/Lucid #3/Talking to friends

      by , 10-16-2014 at 10:57 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Note: There were a lot of friends that know, used to know, or haven't seen in a while. Through out all these dreams I seemed to see a whole bunch of them.

      Dream 1 - Bad Drivers (before 05 00 - birds started chirping about 30 minutes after I woke so it's a rough estimate).
      I am in my university, heading to field (the field is much larger, and has a dirt wall on the left) to meet someone. I remember that my old biol group is meeting too, and I don't want to meet them so I consider running up the side of the dirt wall to get past them. This train of thought is interrupted, as I'm walking I see a crowd of people and a truck just speeds towards them. I SWEAR this truck hit a person, but when is passed there was no one who was injured... I look off to the left and see a bus speeding towards me and the crowd! We all scatter to avoid it, I turn around heading towards a construction area where they're setting new pavement. I remember walking back knowing that the bus has passed, I seem to somehow be talking to a construction worker, I talk weirdly, as if I had a foreign accent... Haziness ensues until I'm walking down the ramp inside the cafeteria building (I remember that it seemed more club-esque style, black walls and dimmed lights etc). I am utterly shocked, because at the bottom of the ramp is my best friend D! He's looking at his phone, I haven't seen him for about a year so I just run towards him and bear hug him . He's apparently gay too, and I hug his boyfriend so he feels welcomed or something.

      Dream 2 - Lucid #3 (07 00ish)
      I'm in my high school walking along beside a bus (I used to bus back and forth from school). I see ahead of me my old friends, and M who I used to be really tight with but he moved away. I'm overwhelmed with the same happiness I had when I had seen D in the previous dream, I start running to tackle-hug him, but I stop. The feeling spurs a déjà vu effect, I realize instantly that I'm dreaming. I don't even do a reality check, I start to float and fly away (this has happened at the start of every lucid I've had). I stop myself, telling myself to stabilize the dream first, I'm rubbing my hands together but I can't really feel it. The same thing that happened in my last lucid happened again, I seemed to have my eyes closed, and I knew that once I open them I'd be awake. Bam. Ruined it again somehow.

      Note: Stoked to have my 3rd lucid, but I need to learn to make them last and make them stable.

      Dream 3 - Talking to friends (08 30)
      I seem to be walking the usual route I take to university, talking to J1 who I don't usually walk with. I tell him that I had my 3rd lucid dream last night, he is impressed and then another friend walks past and asks us what we're talking about. I tell J1 not to say anything, I feel embarrassed about sharing it now (this is probably related to when some people walked in as I was showing J1 some poetry junk I was working on). I see J2 and I'm happy to see him (he used to get bullied and I used to stick up for him in high school), we start talking and I tell him we should go meet with J1 who's standing on the bridge looking into the river (still in the uni, this is all pretty accurately place for the dream world).