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    Visions in the Dark

    Lucid Dreams in red.
    Non-Lucid Dreams in blue.
    Dream Conversations in purple.
    Comments in black.

    My spelling and grammar are terrible. Expect mistakes.
    Thank you for reading!

    1. A dog race, shrinking, and terrorists in Turkey.

      by , 05-12-2010 at 06:04 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      Dream starts off with me at some sort of Olympic event for dogs. There is a race down a long winding path that looks like a bobsleigh track. The dog I have entered looks like my friend RM's previous dog Memphis, a shetland sheepdog who passed away last year. Spectators and other dog owners have gathered in a sphirical room where the race starts and where it can be watched on a large screen t.v. There are many people there but the only one's I really pay attention too are a group of three young men who are dressed in black or dark blue suits and look like hitmen. They are determined to win and I fear they may become violent if they lose.

      The race begins but I am too worried about watching my back and keeping an eye on the dangerous looking suited men than the ranking of my dog in the race. The race ends and neither I nor the suit men win but for some reason I leave the statdium with them and we all leave our dogs behind. Outside there is a path that leads to floating boardwalk that goes over a lake to a townhouse complex on the other side. As we cross the boardwalk it starts to sink and we are forced to swim across. For some reason we have to do all of this unseen by others because we are running from something but I cannot remember the reason anymore. The most handsome of the suit men sticks close to me and is very protective. I think his name was Vince because he looked like Vincent Valentine when he was a Turk.

      When we get to the other side we have shrunk and are about the size of crows. We start sneaking around one of the townhouses when we run into my friend RM and her dog Memphis. She tells us that the coast is clear and that we can get by unseen. Past the townhouse complex is a parking lot, then a trailer park where the Vince's alcoholic father lives. We take shelter in father's trailer and Vince and his father argue about something.

      Beyond the trailer park is a huge grocery store which we have to sneak through to get to something on the otherside. We dodge through aisles and onto a table with fruit when we are spotted by some shoppers but they don't threaten us like we thought they would and rather only show curiousity about our small size. The four of us finally get through the grocery store and find ourselves in a dirty run down town.

      The dream changes and Vince's two companions disappear and he language and dress of the poor people walking around inform us that we are in a slum in the eastern European country of Tukey. The slum is overrun with gangsters and terrorists and anyone who lives there are virtual prisoners. Vince and I are normal size again and we are now lovers and he is my fiancee. Because of the dangerous conditions of the city we go are seperate ways because Vince has to find something that will let us get out of the slum and to freedom and I am told to mill about a trade center to wait for him.

      The trade center is filled with goods from all over the world and I am amused to find a section of Canadian memorabelia and soapstone carvings. There are explosions outside and the people in the trade center panic and start running around to find cover. I ask one old woman what is going on and she tells me that terrorists have been randomly attacking the slum and bombing certain streets. I go outside to try and find Vince and see that there are people walking around cautiously either trying to go about there business or find shelter.

      There is an older man who works somewhere nearby that I think can help me, but the bombings are close to where I think I can find him. I search up and down many narrow dirty streets until I find the dentist's office where the older man works, but it is closed and no one is there. I walk out of the alley and see a gang of men wearing masks, carrying weapons and riding crudely built motorbikes riding up and down the streets forcing people to do as they say and to go inside or they will kill them. I know these are the terrorists and I have to hide behind some debris in an alley to avoid being seen until they pass.

      I run into a woman who says she knows where the old man is and I follow her to a cafe halfway across the slum. We manage to get there unnoticed by thugs and find many people trying to take shelter or relax and have a coffee. The older man is there and he admits that he knows where Vince is but first we have to go back to his dentist's office to get something. On the way we are stopped by some masked men who threaten us, but the old man shows them a pass of some kind and says that I am his daughter (and he is escorting me home for the forced curfew) they begrudgingly let us on our way.

      At the dentist's office the old man is dismayed to find that it has been broken into and the place has been ransacked. His money, passport documents and stash of cigarettes has been stolen. The old man thinks awhile about what to do next before deciding that we should head to the trade center which is not that far away.

      The dream becomes fuzzy and I cannot remember a bit but somehow we meet up with Vince who had been captured and tortured by some terrorists. The old man bribes someone to take us to a port town nearby where we can sneak onto a cargo ship and onto freedom. We succeed in getting on the ship but some gangsters or terrorists find out that there are two people trying to escape from Turkey and they get there own ship to pursue us. The crew of the cargo ship get nervous about having us as passengers and dump us on a small island not far away from the port on which there is a circular fortress of some kind that has many levels underground.

      Vince suddenly looks like he appeared in Dirge of Cerberus and has acquired some guns from the cargo ship crew and he sends me into the lower floors of the building. He is able to kill some of the pursuers but is forced into the bowls of the fort when confronted with the leader of the terrorists. He gives me one of his handguns and tells me to go to the lowest floor and wait for him. I can hear gun fire and yelling but don't know what is going on until Vincent and the terrorist leader come running down, shooting at each other. The terrorist leader has transformed into a hideous beast and is more impervious to bullets. Vincent has trouble taking him down and just before the end the leader summons more warriors to fight for him.

      There is a long gun battle all over the basement of the fort but Vincent eventually triumphs with my help but the dream ends before we leave the island or anything.
    2. Rosso is hunted as she searches for Shelke

      by , 12-06-2009 at 06:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      The main character of this dream is Rosso the Crimson in she is in a large compound that is part military complex and part resort. Many buildings surround a body of water that is a natural spa. One building is very tall and looks like the sort of like the Empire State building, but it is made of glass. The timeline is after DoC but the world isn't a FF setting. Rosso has been institutionalized but for some reason she is wandering freely around a single story building that looks like a factory on the inside. She is desperately trying to find Shelke and feels compelled to look everywhere. While wanding through the factory building, many people who are working there stop their activities to observe Rosso, but do nothing to stop her. Rosso knows that she has to find Shelke quickly before she is reinstitutionalized again.

      Rosso comes into one room that is tiled like a shower room but with many large pipes sticking out in the middle of the floor. She believes that one is an escape route, but when she lifts the lid of the pipe, there are wires and metal parts on the inside, making it impossible to crawl inside. The rest of the pipes are the same. Rosso exits the building through a doorless doorway in the large pipe room and comes into a cement court enclosed with a tall chainlink fence.

      Suddenly Rosso with with Vincent Valentine and they are entering the waters of the spa. Vincent swims across the small body of water and underneath a wooden deck. Rosso follows but is distracted but a group of people lounging beside the wooden deck. The people sit admidst brown octoganal stones that stick up out of the steaming water. A man and woman in the group try to talk to Rosso but she ignores tham and follows Vincent underneath the wooden deck, still fearful that people are chasing and trying to capture her.

      Underneath the wooden deck is a dilapitated wooden staircase that leads up into a secret room hidden between the buildings. Vincent easily climbs to a platform at the top of the stairs and says that this is where he likes to hang out. Rosso follows but has difficulting jumping a part of that staircase that has completely rotted away and almost doesn't make it to the top. On the platform at the top is a desk and chair in the old Victorian style and a sofa upon which a blanket and pillow are lain. Rosso says something to Vincent about the place being unsafe and a mess and that she wants to leave. On the way back down the dilapitated wooden staircase, Rosso again has trouble traversing the gap in the staircase and barely makes it a second time.

      The compound suddenly seems devoid of resort seekers and there are groups of military personal conducting aggressive searches of all the buildings. Rosso fears that she is now being outright hunted and she doesn't want to be captured because she still has no idea where Shelke is. Vincent leads Rosso to the tall glass building of the compound and takes her to an large abandoned apartment suite about midway up the building. Three black Apache helicopters are now circling the building and it has been evacuated of all other people. When one of the helicopters spots Rosso near a window it is passing by, it turns and starts firing, blowing out the windows and attracting the attention of the other helicopters. Both Rosso and Vincent have to crawl on the floor to avoid being seen and shot and they get seperated.

      Rosso hides in a bedroom, under the bed which is against the outer wall, making it impossible for the helicopters to see her. Vincent searches the apartment for Rosso and is fired upon when seen. He discovers Rosso's hiding place when he is forced to take refuge there himself. Vincent tells Rosso that he doesn't know why oders have been given to kill Rosso, because her institutionalization was for mental health reasons, not because she is considered dangerous. He mentions a man who works for Reeve who has been actively trying to undermine Rosso's recovery and fears that he is the one who has given the order to seek and destroy while Reeve (who owns and runs the compond) is away on business.

      While the helicopters searching the otherside of the building, Vincent gets up to leave, saying that he is going to get to the bottom of this. He tells Rosso to stay put and grabs a pillow and blanket on the bed and gives it to Rosso so she will be more comfortable. Rosso still desperately wants to find Shelke but is afraid to leave her hinding spot. Rosso is exausted and falls asleep. She has an out of body experience and her spirit floats up above the building and watches the helicopters circling around. She revels in the fact that they cannot see her and for a moment she forgets about her desperation and fear. Rosso notices an opening in the side of the building near the top and it has a platform where helicopters can dock on the side.

      Re-entering her body, Rosso wakes up and crawls out from underneath the bed and finds her way up to the top floor of the glass building. A large open room filled with dirt and small dump trucks is found behind the helicopter dock. A yellow helicopter approaches the dock to land and Rosso hides behind the peak of a pile of dirt to watch who gets out, but no one does. A vehicle nearby has a turret on top and Rosso discovers that she can fly like she did when having her OBE and goes over to the turret and smashes it to peices with her hands, fearing that if she is spotted that she will be fired upon. Even though the three Apache helicopters are still circling the building, and Rosso is out in the open, they do not notice her and continue to scan the building with their serach lights.

      Rosso hears some voices approaching and she glides over to a pillar near window that has a long curtain coming down from the roof. She hides behind the long curtain and even though it is solid, she can see through it. There are two grey coloured women soldiers (grey armour, not elderly) on a dirt pile nearby. They cannot see through the curtain and therefore cannot see Rosso. They are talking and laughing maniacally about something. Rosso can tell that they are genetically modified soldiers like she is and she fears for a moment that Deep Ground has returned.

      At some point the grey soldiers leave and Rosso makes her way down to the bottom floor of the glass building. She finds a large room that has many wires and pipes dangling from the high ceiling. Rosso flies around them for a while before noticing a muscular man dressed in blue on the floor (Azul the Cerulean?) and she goes over to talk to him. I cannot remember the conversation and the dream ends about there.
    3. Rosso and the Desert Temple

      by , 01-08-2009 at 06:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      The main character of this dream is Rosso the Crimson and she is in an newly built temple somewhere in a desert. She is still a Tsviet from Deepground and they are fighting alien looking creatures reminiscent of the Predator.

      The dream jumps ahead and it is now many years later. The temple is now ruined and looks as if it has been abandoned for hundreds of years. There are groups of people doing excavations in the area. Rosso is with Vincent Valentine telling him about the fighting that the she and the Tsviets engaged in there before, though she is recounting it as if it were a dream. As she is speaking what she is describing appears as a flashback with her words as a voiceover.

      Rosso tells Vincent that she was commanded by Weiss to kill anyone she came across, alien or not, and to show absolutely no mercy. She gleefully fulfilled her orders, revelling in the bloodshed, until she came across two naked little girls in a courtyard in the center of the temple. They cower and cry in terror and she found that she could not bring herself to kill them.

      Back in the present Rosso tell Vincent that she does not remember what happened the the children, but being a homocidal Tsviet, she probably killed them. Vincent says that he doesn't think that is true, because the excavators have not found remains of any children, though they have dug up many alien skeletons, confirming most of Rosso's kill count. Many of the bodies are found buried in front of lion headed statues of the ancient Egyptian goddess of war and transformation, Sekhmet.

      The dream flashback again, and Rosso is leading the little girls out of the temple. Three enemy aliens approach and move as if to attack. Before they can Rosso asks if there is a safe place to take the children, but aliens tell her not to bother because the little girls are dying anyway. The creatures tells Rosso that she should creamate their bodies and bury their remains in the desert. Rosso praises the three aliens for their wisdom before slaughtering them.

      Back in the future Rosso again tells Vincent that she does not know the fate of the little girls, but Vincent again says that he does not think she killed them, citing again that lack of children's remains. Rosso fears that she did end up following the alien's advice and killed the girls somewhere out in the desert in which case their bodies would never be found. Vincent tells Rosso to stop believing in her fears.

      Dream ends there.
    4. Rosso and the snakes.

      by , 10-14-2008 at 05:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am Rosso the Crimson and I am in some sort of army. For some reason a small group of soldiers including Shelke Rui, Vincent Valentine and I, defect and flee from the main army, which is situated in a sparse and barren, temperate forest. The rest of the soldiers in our group seem to be young adults and children.

      Vincent and I have the responsibility to lead the children away from that place but our ideas and ways of doing things are often at odds and we fall into verbal conflict, though most of the time I conceed to Vincent's way of doing things. I am kind of annoyed at first, but ultimately trust that he will not lead us astray. As we leave the main camp, and out of the forest, it begins to snow and our first night is tryng to find shelter where we can sleep. There are several large gaps underneath logs or holes in the ground large enough for humans to crawl into, but Vincent says to stay away from them because dangerous wild animals, like bears and foxes, might live there.

      We crest a hill and come across a children's playground where someone has thrown a blue tarp over some of the equipment, and while we could all easily fit under it, Vincent insists that we are not far enough away from the main army yet and we must continue. At this point in the dream, Vincent suddenly disappears and in his place is my brother Ryan.

      We do not have to walk far to discover that we are on an island or something and must turn back. We return to the playground and I lay down on the ground to sleep, with Shelke beside me, and hope the man who I still expect to be Vincent to lay down on my other side. Instead the man lays down on the other side of Shelke and I am shocked and angry to see that it is Ryan not Vincent.

      Despite being very tired I refuse to sleep and insist that Shelke switches spots with me because I am afraid that Ryan is going to sexually molest her. One of the other children soldiers cannot sleep and wanders around and finds a radio which he immediately turns on very loudly. I want the young boy to turn the radio off because I think it will give our position away but Ryan says it is fine and mocks my obvious apprehension. I convince the boy to turn the music down and everyone goes to sleep eventually, except for me.

      Suddenly I sit up because I have an overwhelming urge to find Vincent, without whom I do not feel secure. I walk around the playground area and see that while it is still cold, most of the snow has disappeared. I turn off the radio as I pass it by. All of the defected soldiers except for Shelke and Ryan follow me.

      One little girl freaks out because there is a tiny brown snake in the sand. I pick it up and throw it as far away as I can but quickly find another, and another and then many more. There is a reddish brown snake with a yellow rattle on its tail near the playground and the children flee because I positively identify it as a rattlesnake. Suddenly all of the snakes I can see are of the poisionous variety and as I walk back to my sleeping bag I am bitten several times, though I do not seem immediately affected by the poison, which feels hot and firely, almost electrical, coursing through my veins.

      I cannot wake Shelke and since I refused to leave her there I lay back down on my roll to sleep. More and more snakes appear, each is bigger than the last and they are increasingly a variety of bright colours. Soon there are so many of them that I cannot move without touching several of them and they turn and bite me, again with that fiery, electrical feeling shooting through my body. I feel myself becoming increasingly weak and disoriented, but I do not know if it is because I am exhausted or because of the poison.

      I sit up and notice that Shelke and Ryan are gone. Still hoping for Vincent to return I cry out to him to save me. When Ryan appears instead I am very upset, still wanting/expecting Vincent, and fall silent in anger and frustration. I sit crosslegged and completely still and the hundreds of snakes surround me and almost bury me in their mass and I find that I would rather be crushed or poisioned to death (though at this point I notice they have stopped biting me) by the snakes than to have Ryan come near me or save me, the very thought of which makes me feel sick.

      The last image of the dream is looking at the mass of snakes in my lap and taking note of a rather large, bright red one with intricate oriental inspired patterns down its back that are coloured a bright yellow or gold.
    5. Vincent Valentine and the Robodemons

      by , 10-08-2008 at 10:45 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      This is the second dream I had on October 7th, 2008.

      It is sometime in future. Starts off with young students excavating remains of ancient school and many small bones of children are found. The remains of only one adult is found and not only is the body completely intact, but it is Vincent Valentine. He wakes up with little prodding and flies outside where he tries to jump straight up a very tall brick wall (or side of building) to escape the curiousty of the children, (and his own confusion at where he is).

      He is able to jump dozens of feet in the air but despite several attempts he falls just short of reaching the top. Exausted he collapses in a pool of blood which has formed below him. He wakes up in a vat of thick milky/clear liquid in a futuristic looking room. The group of children who initially discovered him surround the vat and stare intently. Vincent is uncomfortable because he is still confused about what is going on and also completely naked and his golden claw is gone.

      He tries to escape using speed and agility, and finds that he can partially air- and water- bend, which is useful when demons show up and try to capture him. He also discovers that he can temporarily make himself invisible as well as strong enough to smash through concrete and tear through metal. Somewhere along the way he acquires a pair of black pants which he aquires from a particularily difficult red and black horned demon after he defeats it.

      Vincent escapes but ends up in a room filled with creatures that are half demonic and half machine. He cannot hide through invisibility from them but they also do not attack. It is like a giant business office but disorganized and hellish, and covering everything are tiny multicoloured entities called nanoites that are the workhorse of this operation. They outnumber the robodemons but are enslaved to them and at first seem non-sentient and complacent.

      A few robodemons are just chillin' and ask say Vincent his name, and ask that he be inspected/processed by some nanos. He doesn't tell them his real name and instead tells them that his name is "Chaos," which impresses the robodemons. Millions of tiny nanos inspect his body and report that he is an advanced machine. Vincent is confused, but says nothing. At this point Vincent notices that on the wrist of his left arm is a tattoo with multipul triangles and/or a diamond shape. As the nanos run over his body his mind briefly connects with their collective consciousness and for the first time he realizes that they are a sentient entity entirely on their own.

      Being briefly connected with the nanos Vincent sees the fabric of existence that makes up this future and sees a gargantuan machine creature that asserts and protects the robodemon's domination of the world by devouring anything the robodemons comand it to. Its body capacity is unaffected by normal physics and it can go between physical reality (consciousness) and digital reality (unconsciousness) at will. While the nanos exist within most things in this world, they cannot overcome such a formitable foe and are thus forced into servitude by those that command the digital beast.

      In the same futuristic demonic office Vincent meets some fellow organic humans (slaves to the robodemons) and complains about the lack of shoes (he keeps stepping on tiny nanoites that look like humans) and the robodemons agree to let a few of their human slaves take Vincent into the human world to buy some footwear. There are three burly looking men covered in scars and tattoos and two women. One is a platnium blond who eyes Vincent suspiciously and the other is a pretty and thin brunette woman who attaches herself to Vincent's arm and leads him down and out of the robodemon's futuristic world.

      While the buildings and things in the robodemon's world are advanced technologically, most of the human settlements and technologies are primitive and many of the objects that people use and wear were dug up in excavations of the "old world," which the pretty brunette explains was the time before "the Reckoning" when most of the world was organic, before the robodemons appeared and enslaved the organic world to their futuristic technologies. One of the men mention something about it being 1.5 million years since that time but Vincent has trouble believing that he has slept for that long and the the world he once knew and the people in it are completely gone.

      The shoes that he is shown are silly and retro, one pair being ridiculously oversized. He finds a decent pair of black leather boots which he is given for free because the human slaves believe he is a robodemon and regard him with great fear induced respect.

      At some point the platnum blond talks to Vincent and reveals that her name is Lucretia. Vincent is shocked but she explains that she was named after St. Lucretia, the Lady of the Crystal, who is secretly a hero for the humans because she fought valiantly against the robodemons and allowed some humans to initially fight back and remain free from the demons for a time. There was a religion centered around St. Lucretia but the robodemons stamp out any external signs of it and thus the reverence for her sacrifice are often carried out in secret. It brings Vincent much peace to know that his former lover ended her life in an act of bravery and not suffering.

      The blond Lucretia eventually reveals that she wants a perfect and immortal machine body like the robodemons and that it is she who has been betraying the hidden settlements of rebel humans to the technological oppressors. In exchange she has been promised a machine body for her loyalty. Vincent is infuriated not only at the desecration of his former love's name, but also when the blond tries to kill the brunette, with whom he was starting to develop feelings for. They fight and though the details are fuzzy, the blond dies, not by Vincent's hand, but because she is betrayed by the robodemons, who mock her inferior organic body to her death. Vincent now knows that his awakening and is new powers are needed. He makes it his goal to defeat the robodemons and free the organic world from their technological oppression.

      He rallies the organic humans to fight and distract the robodemons while he forces his way into their central stronghold. Vincent starts battling the giant digital monster that allows the robodemons to control the world. Between Vincent's new god-like powers, and the giant digital monster's devouring of the physical and etheral deimensions, holes are ripped open through space and time. Vincent uses his powers to blast parts of the creature (and the essence that it is feeding on/being powered by) to bits.

      Through his physical body does not change, Vincent can feel the entity Chaos, the harbinger of doom of the old world, working through him once again. After a long and epic battle, which lays waste to most of the world, he defeats the demon, then destroys the robodemon's strongholds on the world and thus frees the nanoites and remaining humans alike.

      The collective consciousness of the nanoites explain that his purely organic yet immortal body was necessary to fight the robodemons since there are no nanoites in his body for them to control, (since all of the other "organics" of the world, plant or animal, have nanoites embedded in their genetic make up). Now that the oppressors were gone the organic world could flourish again since the nanoites could not grow or reproduce themselves and relied on their organic hosts to do that for them. In return the nanoites gather memories and feelings of the lives experienced by the individual organic humans and add that knowledge to their collective consciousness. There would be a balance between organic and technological, with not one being better or dominant over the other, but working together to create and sustain life in perfect harmony.

      After telling Vincent what became of his friends in the world he once knew in the past (and revealing that his new brunette lover is actually the reincarnation of Rosso the Crimson) the nanoites offer to release his consciousness to the lifestream, or allow him to live on in this new world, where his immense god like powers will remain intact. Vincent chooses to live in the new world and while uncomfortable with the new religion which has begun centered around him by the greatful humans, he looks forward to watching, with the reincarnated Rosso and new human friends, the newly freed technorganic world recover and develop.

      Whoa, dude! I think I've been playing way too much Dirge of Cerberus!
    6. Vincent Valentine and half Subterranean City

      by , 11-04-2006 at 06:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      Dream takes place in a city that is half subterranean (half above ground and half below ground). Most of the shops and recreational areas are above ground, while the living quarters of the civilians are mostly below ground. There is a vast tunnel system that connects the entire subterranean area to the above ground city. The main character of this dream is Vincent Valentine from the Final Fantasy 7 franchise.

      The dream starts off in Vincent's living quarters. Unlike most other homes, his residence is above ground. He is laying down on something (I can no longer remember if is was a bed or a sofa) and having a dream or vision:

      He is exploring the subterranean area when he stumbles across a woman being brutally murdered by a knife wielding man in a remote area of the tunnels. The murderer, who was wearing a green shirt and black pants, takes off and disappears around a corner. Vincent tries to give chase by he cannot find the culprit. Soon, Vincent finds himself in the tunnels underneath a tea shop in the center of town and he sees another woman being murdered by the man in the green shirt.

      The vision or dream ends there and Vincent believes that he has seen a vision of the future. He spends the next few days patrolling the areas where he saw the murders occur but comes across nothing suspicious. He goes into the tea shop one night and finds that it is devoid of people. In the tunnels below the shop, it is unnatually quiet. Vincent checks out the living quarters in the area but all of the homes are mysteriously empty of people and furniture. There is a commotion above ground and when he goes up to investigate, Vincent finds that there is a group of people fighting in the street outside of the tea shop. Amidst the group of people who are fighting is the green shirt man that Vincent had seen in his vision. Rather than become involved in the steet brawl, or even find out why it started, Vincent just watches from the side lines until it dies down. When Greenshirt breaks away from the fight and enters the underground tunnel system, Vincent follows close behind.

      Greenshirt seems to wander the tunnels aimlessly for a while but he does nothing suspicious. After wandering around for a while, they end up in the tunnels below the tea shop and it is there that Vincent is confronted by the man, who demands to know why he is being followed. Vincent tells him of the vision he had a few days before where he saw Greenshirt murder two women with a knife. The man seems a bit perplexed but then laughs and invites Vincent to his residence. When they get there Vincent sees that the man's home is actually one very small room with only one chair, a television, and shelves on each wall, cluttered with various random stuff.

      Greenshirt puts in a horror movie that depicts the deaths of two characters in the same manner that Vincent had seen in his vision, and says that he had just watched that film a few days before. When the movie is over, the man pulls out an old videogame system that looks like an old Atari, except that it has "Azure" written on it instead, and starts to play old-school Tetris. Vincent sees thrity-one cents in change on one of the shelves, takes it and leaves.
    7. Flying between Toronto and London, Ont.

      by , 10-28-2006 at 05:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      There is a large three story house on the side of a dark hill (I don't know why the hill was dark, it just was). People are vigorously running from room to room and from floor to floor. I cannot remember why now but it had something to do with music, (like musical chairs except on a house-wide scale or something?) I kept seeing several boys from my past (including a boy I used to call Rob "Pigwater") and some men that I like now, regardless if they are real or fiction. I did not feel really connected to anyone, like they just saw through me and I was just watching from a distance.

      Before all of the music and running around started, I begged my parents for my own room, because I had to share one with two people I don't know or like on the third floor. There is a small room on the third floor that is empty and hardly used and I wanted it. When I finally get the room, I do not keep it clean and this leads to a house-wide hide-and-seek or something, though I can no longer remember how.

      I tire of the noise and craziness going on inside, and especially of a dark, unidentifiable man who was following me through the house, and I crawl out of the tiny window in my new room and onto the roof. I suddenly realize that I am not in my hometown of London, Ontario and I need to get back there so I can attend my theapy session when the morning comes. It is dark out and there is several hours before the sun will rise, so I am confident that I will make it.

      Large, flowing white wings srpout from my back and am excited to have them, but my parents appear in a window and tell me that they don't think I'll make it and that I am wasting my time. I spread my wings and jump from the roof. While I can fly, I have trouble staying at a certain hight. I cannot seem to get above the powerlines, not because of the lines themselves, but because of an invisible force that keeps pushing me down when I try to fly at a certain hight. I am also disoriented at first and have trouble figuring out which way is west.

      I try to fly so that no one sees me, but that becomes impossible when the sky begins to lighten as dawn approaches and I have to to ignore anyone who stares or hollers at me. Not long after people start to notice me flying through the air, I sense a sinister force behind me and I am forced to land in a field that has a large hole in it. I dive into the hole hoping to lose my pursuer. There is an extensive underground cave system and I run into Vincent Valentine (from FF7) while trying to navigate it. Vincent attaches something to his belt or penis (I cannot remember which now) and asks for oral sex, saying that it will give him the power to defeat the sinister presence that is chasing me.

      Somewhat unsettled, I leave the cave without providing requested service and fly away. The sinister presence seems to be gone for now so I just try to enjoy gliding through the sky and feel the morning chill in the air as the sun begins to rise. Even though I am facing west as I fly, the sun is rising directly infront of me though I think nothing of it in the dream. As the sun rises, I begin to feel heavy. It becomes very difficult to fly without intense concentration on flapping my wings. I can do it, but I also become very disoriented direction wise, and because facing the sun all the time is blinding me.

      I see a tall building made of golden coloured glass ahead of me. It has a very gothic, yet modern design. I sense the sinister presence getting close behind me again so I fly to the building and land on a ledge. I try to move around on the glass surface discreately, but only end up drawing more attention to myself. The people on the inside of the building gather and stare at me. Feeling uncomfortable, I fly away from there and continue towards London, though I am forced to look down a lot because the rising sun is directly in my eyes. It is at this point that I suddenly realize that the sun is rising in the wrong place. I know that I am heading in the correct direction but I am perplexed as to why the sun is rising in the west and not the east, like it is supposed to.

      I finally reach London but because I am very tired, I can only fly a few metres above the ground. I end up flying underneath a steel bridge that is painted bright red, trying to avoid pedestrians and cars. Somehow I have aquired a red hardhat, though it is conveinient because I kept bumping my head on the bottom of the steel bridge.

      I do not make it to the hospital for my therapy session because I am suddenly back in Toronto laying on the bed in my new room. I am trying to explain to my dad that I am going to attend my session through astral projection and I will write everything down when I return to my body, or something.
    8. Vincent Valentine and a False Awakening

      by , 09-19-2006 at 08:29 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      The dream starts off in a with Vincent Valentine (a character from the Final Fantasy 7 franchise) walking down a road in a dark forest at night. There are few buildings here and there but they seem abandoned. There seems to be no other people and there is only one car (a black 70s trans-am), parked on the side of the road. Vincent gets into the car and drives for a while. The dream becomes a bit fuzzy here and there is something to do with trying to find two children who are lost in the forest, but I cannot remember most of the details. Eventually Vincent arrives at a small town just outside of the forest, where he disappears from the dream and the town begins to resemble my neighbourhood.

      Everything in the dream, up till this point, was viewed in a third-person perspective but now I am in the dream and everything is from my perspective. Or perhaps this is a completely different dream, but to me they seemed to run right into each other.

      I have a false awakening and sit up in bed because there is a very loud sound that roars somewhere directly above, followed by an explosion that rocks the entire house. The loud noise that woke me up sounded like a commercial airliner and sure enough when I look out my bedroom window (through the billowing smoke and flames) I can see the remains of a giant aircraft that has crashed just metres from my house. I am terrified at this point because I think everything is real due to the false awakening that I have not yet realized has occured.

      The smoke and the fire spread very quickly and the walls and various stuff in my bedroom catch fire. I run upstairs (my bedroom is in the basement) and frantically look for the fire extingusher in the hall closet, but I notice some people standing in my driveway. I run outside and the people turn out to be volunteer firefighters. I tell them that my bedroom is on fire and one lady from the group rushes past me and down the stairs. Even though I am panicking I try to follow her with the intention of helping extingush the fire but when I get to the top of the stairs I can see that the entire basement is engulfed in flames and the lady is nowhere in sight.

      The dream ended there and I wake up for real, sweaty, shaken, but relieved that it is all a dream. I did various RCs to make sure I was really awake!

      Updated 06-20-2010 at 11:19 PM by 6048

      false awakening , nightmare
    9. The Compund

      by , 07-25-2006 at 10:51 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I had three short dreams on this night.

      The first dream started off in my driveway with some man I do not know saying something to a blond woman I do not recognize. The woman was upset by what the man said and ran and jumped into the air. She drifted up into the air and when she did so, the environment changed from my neighbourhood to that of some sort of desert compond with lots of steep cliffs and tall watch towers - sort of like an army outpost.

      The woman could only stay in the air for a few moments and she drifted from cliff to tower top as much as she could, as the man that had creeped her out before was down on the ground, making threatening gestures in her direction. He transformed into some sort of half ape, half wolf (and yet, still part human) creature that desperately tried to reach the woman, who continued to drift around in the sky to avoid him.

      Soon the woman became exausted from her efforts and what ever power she had that allowed her to fly started to wear off. She started to panic as the power wore off because she started to get close the the ground and was afraid the man-monster would attack her.

      I woke up at this point but I kept repeating the dream in my head, as I was determined to continue with it when I returned to sleep. The second dream I has was similar in that it took place in some sort of compound but it was more of an amusement park than an army barracks. The creepy monster man was now a bratty, bossy boy, and the woman was now a little girl.

      It was the bratty little boy's birthday and he had a group of other children over to celebrate. The group of children were not too pleased to be around him as he was bossing them around and rubbing in their faces how fabulously rich he was and how he was better than then because of it. Similar to the first dream, the little boy began chasing and harassing a little girl - who desperately tried to ignore him, then to get away, but there was no where that she could get away to, and the parents of the little boy insisted that all of the other little children stay and entertain their bratty son.

      I woke up again and when I feel back asleep, I did dream again, but it was nothing like the first two. I cannot remember anything about it except that there was a man, who looked like Vincent Valentine from the Final Fantasy VII franchise, talking to me about something, but I can no longer remember about what.

      Updated 06-20-2010 at 05:18 PM by 6048
