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    Keitorin's Dream Log



    Dream Palace:

    Welcome to my Dream Journal! ヾ(´¬`)ノ



    I discovered lucid dreaming June 10th, 2008. I was actually reading the Wikipedia entry on Sleep to find out what the average amount of sleep needed for my age was. From there, I followed the link to Dream because I suddenly realized I hadn't remembered my dreams in years. I'd forgotten about dreaming entirely. Once I got to Lucid Dreaming, I didn't look back... especially since I remembered for the first time in a long time a couple of special dreams I'd had in the past.

    Old forum DJ.


    DILDs = 9~

    (I need to go through my old journal and current one and get the exact number.)

    My Dream Signs:

    Vehicles (particularly accidents)
    School/old class-mates
    Fandom-related stuff
    Immorality (stealing mainly)
    Old places or people (school, residences, family I don't see often)
    Dirty bathrooms
    Wandering around (buildings and such)

    Past Dream Signs:

    Disasters (most often tornadoes or something I can't remember)


    Apparently I can't settle on what to call the people I know in my dreams from WL, but here's a tentative list (I'll probably go back and edit past entries later):

    Sister = Rane
    Sister's ex-boyfriend = Matthew
    Aunt (older) = Sarah
    Aunt (younger) = Melly
    My best friend = Pillywiggin, though I think I use her real name (Nicole) more often...
    Old school friend #1 = Ella
    Old school friend #2 = Liz
    Old male classmate (crush) #1 = Jake
    My cat = Jazzy
    Our grey cat = Smoke
    Our white/orange cat = Spice

    1. Wrong anime rec

      by , 03-06-2015 at 01:17 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Mom, dad and Rane were watching something in the living room. I heard them talking about this surprisingly explicit sexual scene in it.

      There was a show coming on at 1:45 that I wanted to see so I went in, but it took 20 minutes to come on. Meanwhile, Sailor Moon was on.

      I looked in the refrigerator (while someone had it open?) and saw packs of meat and a wholeee lot of cheese. I said something about it and mom said yeah, now we can just… (something about convenience of eating it).

      It was just me and Rane by then. The anime was a historical type with a lot of bishounen. The opening was playing (though I didn’t hear any music) and I was worrying about Rane’s reaction because it wasn’t really her thing.

      But then there was this scene she found really funny where these guys were ‘fighting’ by having sex, and they were taking it so seriously. I said that I cracked up too the first time I saw it.

      She told me not to tell anyone about it and I was like, “Why? No one’s going to care; heck mom saw the whole Jack/Ianto thing in Torchwood and didn’t care then, so I highly doubt she’d care after that.” I actually didn’t feel 100% certain of this because I wasn’t sure mom had seen all of it.

      She was really surprised. “She did?” And she started talking about a het couple in a fic with some guy named George and a woman I can’t remember the name of (Iris or some such), even though I didn’t know any characters named that. I was thinking about how at least she wasn’t messing with the gay couple, although I was fine with other pairings that involved the characters (if it was slash).

      I realize that this wasn’t the anime I had wanted to show her after all – I had wanted to show her Tiger & Bunny, and it was x10 better! Though I didn’t want her to think this wasn’t any good. She actually didn’t seem to dislike it so that was good.


      I’m looking at a post I made on LiveJournal. At the top was a bowl with gravy-covered popcorn in it, and I thought there was something weird about that when I realized what it was. At the bottom were about five lines of a knitting or crochet pattern with two or three marked off.

      I also remember something about writing about the anime we were watching.


      Then was something about a webtoon I had started to read, and I was really enjoying it, but I couldn’t figure out what this shadowy-looking character was going to look like, every time I’d get a glimpse of him I’d waver on how I felt about him. The clearest view I had of his face was pretty scary, he had really pale - almost a powdery - face, with gray lines or something running along both cheeks. There was another guy character, kinda reminds me of Mase from Ability.


      Sex scene: I read a chapter of Kyou Kara Yonshimai! the other day that was a lot like it. I thought it was surprisingly explicit (though I shouldn’t have, really).

      Sailor Moon: Saw some old Sailor Moon anime pictures on Tumblr yesterday.

      Meat & cheese: Me looking in the meat drawer yesterday for something to eat, and mom opening the new cheese pack and me asking her about it, because there was still some of the old left. May also have something to do with her eating Ritz crackers with cheese on it yesterday.

      Historical anime: Maybe it’s just déjà vu, but I feel like I was thinking about historical anime recently.

      Torchwood: Maybe because of the random Torchwood wallpaper that popped up the other day? And I’m pretty sure mom has seen all the TV series of Torchwood, not sure about the Children of Earth and such. On the other hand, I don’t think Rane has ever seen Torchwood, she’s not really into that genre. I think that part was inspired by me wondering what she thought when she watched gay couples on Glee. Did she gloss over them, enjoy them, not care for them?

      Tiger & Bunny: Maybe from thinking fairly recently about the new guy and wondering what part he plays? I still need to watch that movie.

      LiveJournal: From thinking last night about how I don’t post there to my rec journal anymore. And maybe also from thinking about all the old fics on there and wondering if some are deleted now.

      Gravy-popcorn: Ew. Inspired by wonder if there was any gravy left in the fridge and looking. I had some popcorn a few times this week, last time being yesterday.

      Pattern: My mom knits and crochets and sometimes shows me things.

      Webtoon: When I was lying in bed last night, I was thinking about how I rarely dream of media when I’m heavily into it. I’ve been reading the Ability webtoon for the past week constantly and it never made it into my dreams that I recall. So I guess at least -a- webtoon made it in?

      Updated 03-08-2015 at 06:01 PM by 20026

      non-lucid , side notes