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    Keitorin's Dream Log



    Dream Palace:

    Welcome to my Dream Journal! ヾ(´¬`)ノ



    I discovered lucid dreaming June 10th, 2008. I was actually reading the Wikipedia entry on Sleep to find out what the average amount of sleep needed for my age was. From there, I followed the link to Dream because I suddenly realized I hadn't remembered my dreams in years. I'd forgotten about dreaming entirely. Once I got to Lucid Dreaming, I didn't look back... especially since I remembered for the first time in a long time a couple of special dreams I'd had in the past.

    Old forum DJ.


    DILDs = 9~

    (I need to go through my old journal and current one and get the exact number.)

    My Dream Signs:

    Vehicles (particularly accidents)
    School/old class-mates
    Fandom-related stuff
    Immorality (stealing mainly)
    Old places or people (school, residences, family I don't see often)
    Dirty bathrooms
    Wandering around (buildings and such)

    Past Dream Signs:

    Disasters (most often tornadoes or something I can't remember)


    Apparently I can't settle on what to call the people I know in my dreams from WL, but here's a tentative list (I'll probably go back and edit past entries later):

    Sister = Rane
    Sister's ex-boyfriend = Matthew
    Aunt (older) = Sarah
    Aunt (younger) = Melly
    My best friend = Pillywiggin, though I think I use her real name (Nicole) more often...
    Old school friend #1 = Ella
    Old school friend #2 = Liz
    Old male classmate (crush) #1 = Jake
    My cat = Jazzy
    Our grey cat = Smoke
    Our white/orange cat = Spice

    1. Supernatural man, fragments

      by , 03-23-2015 at 05:44 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      1. This dream played out like a movie, except instead of watching from the outside, I was a presence inside the girl’s head and I knew more about what was going on than her.

      The girl is standing with a man. He asks her if she needs something to read, and when she says yes, asks which kinds of books she had. She answers, ‘nature and werewolves’. Apparently something had happened to her copies. I was waiting for him to react to the latter term because I ‘knew’ he was one.

      He leaves, and she’s holding some kind of tablet of his. I think to snoop around in it but dismiss it. She puts it on the round table nearby.


      She’s in a room. It’s really blurry here, but she gets really sick and pukes. She tries to reassure the man that it must be because she only ate twice that day. But I wonder if the man will suspect that it’s because she’s turning into a vampire herself and can’t process food normally anymore.

      Meanwhile, I suddenly have this knowledge that the man is a vampire, and is looking for this sort of leader of the vampires, or at least his group, named Karen, and the girl could be her.

      I remember that the girl had dark, longer hair with some kind of braided hairstyle. She was around 17-20 in age.

      Inspiration: I’m wondering if the vampire thing naturally led to the girl being Elena from Vampire Diaries. IDK why I’m having so many werewolf dreams, they don’t even turn –into- werewolves in them!

      2. Blurry fragment. I’m at this machine sitting on a counter looking at the option for these black plastic cups. You could get a smaller sized amount or 14. We needed 15 but I have no choice but to get the 14. Something about food. Gap. Mom is there and says something about being thankful for an extra cup being left there by someone. She pressed a button and a bucket thing with the cups in it starts descending down into the counter.

      Inspiration: We have these sturdy plastic cups but there aren’t many left, and mom used some of them for something a couple of days ago and I was worried she was just going to throw them away after.

      3. I was looking at some website that made me nostalgic. A lot of people made pages dedicated to certain things like a series or character, and they’d post a bunch of stuff on them like fanart and they were really popular, but they started getting deleted (maybe even by the people themselves) and then it sort of fell into disuse.

      Inspiration: Gave me strong déjà vu, but I don’t recall a site like that. Maybe inspired by Tumblr+LJ, because I was thinking about it earlier.

      4. Something about mom telling me Jack was working.

      5. Grandma asks me about this cereal we have IWL, I answer back and she says that it’s going stale.

      Inspiration: Me wondering if people would finish the cereal in time.
    2. Death Note icons

      by , 01-27-2013 at 06:01 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Dream 1 (9 A.M.): Something about...a mafia-type family and a woman holding a baby? @_@ I think she was wearing some fancy dress.

      Dream 2 (10 A.M.): I was uploading a Death Note icon to Photobucket in a Icons > Death Note album. I saw some old icons I had made with fanart and considered whether or not to delete them because I had changed how I felt about reposting fanart, but decided not to because I had posted the icons elsewhere and it would break the links.

      The icons seemed to be fancier than ones I'd have been able to make in the past, and seemed to be face shots of Light and L.

      Notes: I haven't been in the Death Note fandom in a long time. I don't think I have DN icons in my Photobucket account? Especially not fanart icons. Also, I remembered more of the first dream when I woke up but I was once again too tired to write more down.

      Updated 08-23-2013 at 10:22 PM by 20026

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes