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    Keitorin's Dream Log



    Dream Palace:

    Welcome to my Dream Journal! ヾ(´¬`)ノ



    I discovered lucid dreaming June 10th, 2008. I was actually reading the Wikipedia entry on Sleep to find out what the average amount of sleep needed for my age was. From there, I followed the link to Dream because I suddenly realized I hadn't remembered my dreams in years. I'd forgotten about dreaming entirely. Once I got to Lucid Dreaming, I didn't look back... especially since I remembered for the first time in a long time a couple of special dreams I'd had in the past.

    Old forum DJ.


    DILDs = 9~

    (I need to go through my old journal and current one and get the exact number.)

    My Dream Signs:

    Vehicles (particularly accidents)
    School/old class-mates
    Fandom-related stuff
    Immorality (stealing mainly)
    Old places or people (school, residences, family I don't see often)
    Dirty bathrooms
    Wandering around (buildings and such)

    Past Dream Signs:

    Disasters (most often tornadoes or something I can't remember)


    Apparently I can't settle on what to call the people I know in my dreams from WL, but here's a tentative list (I'll probably go back and edit past entries later):

    Sister = Rane
    Sister's ex-boyfriend = Matthew
    Aunt (older) = Sarah
    Aunt (younger) = Melly
    My best friend = Pillywiggin, though I think I use her real name (Nicole) more often...
    Old school friend #1 = Ella
    Old school friend #2 = Liz
    Old male classmate (crush) #1 = Jake
    My cat = Jazzy
    Our grey cat = Smoke
    Our white/orange cat = Spice

    1. Daytime Haunting

      by , 08-26-2013 at 11:05 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      9:29 A.M.

      I’m looking for something on the porch (at an old residence), it turns out to be a green cord hanging down from the roof - I can just see the end of it and I need it. Mom tells me not to try and get it but I imply that I have before. She climbs up on the wood railing. I stabilize her waist and end up lifting her as she grabs the cord. She’s impressed as I help her down. (She’s nearly double my weight IWL.)

      I’m moving with a group around an empty house. We stop here and there to fight monsters. It’s like a haunted house only in the daytime. A few times one of the team, a girl, offers blood by cutting her palm and dripping it onto the wooden floor to make the monsters come. I keep talking about what some of the places are/their story, because apparently I used to live in this house. I think there was a guy or two involved in the story. There’s a hushed feeling and sense of expectation.

      The last scene is on a small porch in the back. I remember seeing grass outside of it grown a few inches, and there was another porch to the left. It looks too small to be what I remember it as.

      The girl asks me what I’m doing, and I say I want more monsters. More bloodletting here?

      Inspirations: The last porch comes from the previous dream, I think I remember that it was supposed to be used as a room (possibly the fancy wooded one). Climbing the first porch railing probably comes from me climbing the kitchen counter to get something out of the cabinet. The green cord must come from the Christmas lights mom showed me yesterday. Monsters come from gaming. Wonder if I should add ‘old residences’ back to my dream signs list.


      Woke up happy that I remembered more than the day before, and felt like I had gotten better sleep. (Of course, now I feel like crud. XP)

      Emotions: Hushed and expectant atmosphere.
    2. “Get off my case”

      by , 03-13-2013 at 06:25 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Notes: I had the worst time getting getting to sleep (again), even though I'd taken some sleeping pills. I ended up remembering some fragments anyway (enough to put them in my dream palace at least), so I thought I'd go ahead and type them up today (unlike yesterday when I couldn't even put my dreams into words, much less imagery - ugh).

      By now I already know I can hold a lot of information in my memory palace (I'm at 121+) and I have three dream "clusters" stored (I link all the dreams into one chunk each, so that's three days worth of dreams), so I'm thinking of removing dreams as I type them up here at DV, unless they are particularly memorable.

      These are all muddled so I'm just going to type them as one - but they may be separate dreams. When I woke up, there was already no order to them.

      I'm looking at Alistair and Zevran from Dragon Age: Origins on my computer, and dad comes up behind me. I flip through an image of one of their abs. We have a conversation about them that leads to dad calling one of them a 'she' (I think there was a picture of them together?), and I hesitate and start to let him think that, because he's against homosexuality, but in the end I stand firm and say "they're both guys". I think he says that it's fine.

      Side-note: In one of my loci, for remembering dad's phone number, I have my dad coming up to me and commenting on a porn scene on my screen - I wonder if that caused this dream? :O

      A little later, I'm doing something and I hear mom yell at dad, "Your religion is so sexist!". I hate when they fight in real life, but I was pretty into what I was doing and didn't seem to care in the dream.

      I have this man watching over a website of mine apparently, and I am in the room with him (maybe checking in). I look at one of the pages, and see that it's full of inaccurate Japanese. I express my dismay and exasperation.

      I believe the scene changes here a bit - me and a/the man are talking amiably, but at the same time we both know that we're just pretending for the sake of 'my sister' (I can't remember if she's in the room at the beginning, but she isn't in this next bit).

      We give up the pretense and talk about the task I have to go do, because the man is a demon who was put with my sister to have a hostage. I'm not worried that when I leave, he'll hurt her, but still a thought comes up from somewhere above my dream character - "Won't he hurt her while I'm gone anyway?"

      My aunt is leaving the house with a black camera, and I'm like, "oh, is that to get a better reading on the Japanese?". Mom, standing somewhere to the right, gets a mischievous look on her face. There's a few bits I couldn't remember.

      A trans* char (FTM I think?) was talking to someone in a room about what if someone they liked found out. Later, they're talking to that person and it turns out that he heard the conversation through the vents and knew, and was fine with it. He had blond hair. It's possible that DC!me from the demon part was trans* too and the demon had an inkling?