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    Short Stories with Tragic Endings

    Lucid Dreams: 6
    ---- WILD: 0
    ---- MILD: 2
    ---- EILD: 0
    ---- DILD: 4
    ---- DEILD: 0

    False Awakening

    Dream Goals:
    - Have a lucid dream
    - Successfully try each induction method - ( WILD MILD EILD DILD DEILD WBTB CAT )
    - Reach full-blown Sleep Paralysis
    - Have a frightening Sleep Paralysis experience
    - Successfully WILD ( STB WBTB Nap)
    - Go on a date with my crush
    - Dance with my crush
    - Test my tuning fork as a totem
    - "The Fantasy Game" From "Ender's Game"
    - The war game from "Ender's Game"
    - Play in a rock band
    - Kill Freddy Kruger
    - Dilate dream time
    - Summon a familiar
    - Okami
    - Nightshade / Shinobi
    - Test the validity of shared dreaming
    - Fight a 1vs100
    - Dogfight in an F/A-18
    - Kingdom Hearts
    - Final Fantasy X
    - Inception
    - Hack a major system
    - Go on a rescue mission
    - Design a city

    1. 2011-03-02 | nonlucid

      by , 03-03-2011 at 12:35 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am Picard again and my subconscious tells me he is dreaming, but I am not aware myself. I start
      out with more of a 3rd person view of him. His senior staff is around him, Jordi, Deanna, Warf, Riker,
      Data, the whole crew. It's almost like an inception thing, as if extractors are trying to get inside Picard's
      mind. He is dreaming but he is not aware of it, but I know he is dreaming. As for myself, I am not quite
      aware of it. There is a red alert and Picard is rushing through a hectic scene. I think about how its a
      dream and how he doesn't know. At this point I sort of merge into his perspective. I go into a room very
      similar to my high school's auditorium which is packed with people. I am Picard and I know Picard is
      dreaming so I know I am dreaming, but I am not aware. I get the feeling that the people in the auditorium
      are unfriendly in some way like Nazi's or something. A friend from college is playing the piano and I ask
      him to play something in C Minor. I've asked him to play certain keys before in waking life. He starts playing
      the right hand part for "To Zanarkand" from Final Fantasy X. I listen for a little bit then decide I want to
      hear the arpeggios in the left hand. I sort of think about guiding his hand to the piano to play the part and
      his left hand starts playing runs. I listen for a bit more then the dream cuts to a band room. There are a
      bunch of band students and I am giving them a piece to play. I realize I don't have an instrument so I make
      a ring with my hand, move it down, and try to pull a soprano saxophone out of thin air. It doesn't work but
      for a while I try to pretend that it did thinking maybe that will work but it doesn't. I play an entire song on an
      imaginary saxophone, humming the part. I then try again. This time slowly. I hold my hand there and
      concentrate on the mouthpiece being behind my fingers. I slowly move my hand down until I see the tip of
      the mouthpiece. After that, it is easy. I slowly move my hand down to reveal a beautiful saxophone. I get
      to the bottom and flick my hand off then "paint in" the unfinished part of the bell. I take the saxophone that
      is now floating there. I go to play but it feels like there is no reed. I look at the mouthpiece and there is a
      reed so I need to solidify it. I put my finger on the reed but it goes through. I focus on the reed being hard
      and finally it becomes solid. I play the piece
      then the dream ends.

      My first lesson in dream control

      Updated 03-03-2011 at 09:02 PM by 41067

    2. 2011-02-21 | nonlucid

      by , 02-24-2011 at 02:40 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am in some dark room with my best friend and I am playing a piano. He
      is giving me different keys and I am improvising in each. Later, I am sitting
      in a chair and he is also in the room, but it is not him. He looks more like a
      friend from college. He talks about how he is sad that he never gets any
      phone calls
      and the dream ends.