• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Ctharlhie's Avatar
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      This sounds alot like Tibetan sleep yoga
    2. Ctharlhie's Avatar
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      Congrats on the bedtime WILD, but, 'as you all know it's impossible to have vivid REM dreams for more than 15 minutes'

      Otherwise this is pretty cool Interesting to think that your friend may be unintentionally accessing meditative states when he falls asleep, you really need to enlighten him to the possibilities of him controlling the dream
    3. Choi's Avatar
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      Oh right the pineal gland is located there how could I forget!
      Hehe good luck Alyzarin = ) .. and sinoblak :D
    4. sinoblak's Avatar
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      I will try it. At least this version fits my schedule better than just waiting for Sunday to come for a DILD. Thanks.
    5. <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Thanks for the info! I'd actually be willing to bet that the eye focusing thing helps a lot. It sounds like he's focusing on his pineal gland (the third eye) which is involved in sleep and relaxation, and that would cause it to activate. It's a technique used in lots of different meditation styles. I've been looking for a way to do this too so I may have to give this a shot. Just yesterday I read that if you do an intensive exercise before going to bed it's actually pretty easy, too.
    6. Choi's Avatar
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      Yeah, but it has it's price, if you fail the attempt, by (impatience) or movement, you will have trouble falling asleep. That's why it's recommended to pracctise with guided meditation mp3:s first. And the important thing is the mindset not the actual technique.

      I will do this when I go to bed tonight as well, so I will see if I can do better this time.
      Updated 02-20-2012 at 05:50 PM by Choi
    7. Ctharlhie's Avatar
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      This is pretty amazing, sounds a lot like Tibetan sleep yoga.
    8. Choi's Avatar
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      Thank you :) Dreamwarrior will explain what's happening in the brain while we dream and so on.
      And that will make it easier to understand why WBTB work and our behavior in dreams and much more! :D

      I wish you many lucid dreams as well ;)
    9. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      Cool! I have a good grasp of what WILDs are, but it's just the motivation that makes it harder for me. Thanks for the YouTube links...looking forward to seeing what dreamwarrior has to say on the matter.

      Especially the video on Astral Travel, good stuff! Hope you have many lucids!
    10. transient's Avatar
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      I have problems with RCs also, when you just wake up (or think you did) the logic section of your brain is still asleep. This makes logical thought processing an issue. Cool dream journal by the way.
    11. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      Haha no problem and good luck!
    12. Choi's Avatar
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      Thank you, I did the meme myself :) Yeah I am going to start using autosuggestion for this, it might give me some free lucid dreams.
    13. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      Hahaha, I like the meme you used!

      I have a habit of forgetting to do reality checks because I'm so groggy, and I just assume things are real. Your dream reminds me of the dream I had where these two dark figures were on my bed tickling me, I started to laugh, which woke me up
    14. Zoth's Avatar
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      Aw, you showed how important the need for reality checks after waking up are. You deserved that lucid, I'm sure it's coming, good luck!

      It's good to see that you're already semi-aware in your dreams, finding events weird and strange
    15. Pandabear's Avatar
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      Congrats on the lucid, good luck tonight.
    16. Choi's Avatar
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      Thank you Pandabear :) Good luck to you too ;)
    17. Pandabear's Avatar
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      I know how it is! I've tried that before, haha!
      Good luck with the DEILD tonight! =)
    18. Choi's Avatar
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      Thanks :D I don't usually dream fantasy stuff like this, but when I do have this dreams, it's fun to experience :)
    19. Pandabear's Avatar
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      Cool dream, I wish I had more fight-dreams. They sounds really awesome!
    20. Pandabear's Avatar
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      Yes, I'm glad I was able to go to the forrest. I found a place without so many trees.
      Streetlights are annoying. But I'm glad you saw one.

      I don't know about the next, but this meteor shower (the same) is coming in 19 years.

      Yes, lets hope that. =)
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