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    1. Ikenkokku Palace, Whale Support Group, In-Class RPG, Renovations

      by , 03-11-2012 at 05:21 PM
      #1 - Ikenkokku Palace [Non-Lucid]

      There were a couple different plots going on in this dream, but I only remember one of them. Though I do remember that C was in the other one.... I was in high school, and D and I were in some fight but I wasn't sure what about. He was being really mean though, and I spent the whole dream mad at him but also sad and confused. In the end I learned that he had messed up while playing some game called "Ikenkokku Palace" at my house and that made him mad, but he wasn't actually mad at me or anything and he was just kidding around. I felt so relieved and apologized for being so emotional. In the end it switched to me being on a computer and listening to some playlist that Erii made online and thinking that it was really cool. (I sure have been dreaming about Erii a lot. )

      #2 - Whale Support Group [Non-Lucid]

      I'm in some marine biology class and I join a small group of students starting a secret organization with some ridiculously long name that's some womens' whale support group, though guys can join too. (In fact one of the founders was a guy, and I pretty sure long name it had ended with "and we play with our penises". ) I'm pretty sure the stated purpose of the group was to support "women, African Americans, and whales." Eventually the group is revealed to the teacher as a way of taking her off guard because they thought she'd be against it, but she actually loved the idea and wanted to join. We were all happy, and I remember jotting down a sentence or two in a book about Dr. Who (which I don't even watch) thinking that I was going to write my own book, but I don't remember about what.... Class ended and I got up to walk out, but then I woke up.

      #3 - In-Class RPG [Non-Lucid]

      I remember forming a bond with some girl in a class and I felt like maybe there was something deeper there, but that part of the dream is very blurry. I went to my next class after that, and I'm taking classes with D and C (but C eventually turns into M) and we're playing some confusing role-playing game as an assignment and they're super into it. I don't really remember how the game works, but D is close to winning but then M activates some instant win thing no one knew about (not even him) and claims leadership of whatever their RP was about. I watch them go through some REALLY long and totally ridiculous in-character dialogue (they're so into it ) and it skips forward to us in a bedroom with D's little brother S also there. I say "You guys are INSANE. >w<" and grab some clothes I happen to have there - green velour pants, a white undershirt, and something else I can't quite remember - and start walking around the school which is gigantic. I'm looking for my dorm room and starting to feel really tripped out and scared for some reason until I wake up.... I walked into someone's room and there was some stoner guy on the bed who was clearly high, and I was embarrassed and apologized saying I was high too and just lost, and walked out. I heard him saying as I was walking through the halls that he was afraid I was some undercover FBI agent or something. >.>;;

      #4 - Renovations [Non-Lucid]

      I found some anime DVDs to watch in my room, and a garbage truck parked right out in front of my house as part of renovating it. (??) My dad was painting the outside wall of the house by the deck, and my mom was swimming in the pool. That's all there really was to that.