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    Visions in the Dark

    Lucid Dreams in red.
    Non-Lucid Dreams in blue.
    Dream Conversations in purple.
    Comments in black.

    My spelling and grammar are terrible. Expect mistakes.
    Thank you for reading!

    1. The City in the Sea

      by , 01-20-2011 at 08:49 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      The dream starts off with me standing at the edge of a river. On the other side there is a fight going on between a team of strong looking men riding big cats (lead by someone who looks like Heman) fighting some other dudes on horses and chariots. I cannot see any of their faces because they are wearing animal masks, but there is a man with long black riding a Siberian tiger that I keep looking at. For some reason he seems familiar to me.

      Suddenly I am in a stone built circular city that is an island of itself and in the middle of a turmoltuous sea. There are many waterways on the lowest level of the city to allow water to flow through, but occassionally there are mini tsunamis that rush through the tunnels and often flood the lowest level of the city, which sometimes even sweeps people not quick enough to move away. There are only two to four levels of the city, depending on what area you are in. The center and the east areas of the city are wealthy and technologically advanced while the west and south edges of the city are downtrodden and poor. The north edge of the city is a huge wall and many breakers to protect the city from the turbulent water and to lessen the inpact of the many tsunamis that hit.

      I am at the northern edge of the central part of the city (the "downtown" if you will) looking up at this glass box cars that move along rails in the air, like elevators that move horizonally instead of vertically. I am wandering around looking into shop windows because I am too poor to buy much and I meet a man with long black hair outside of a small museum. He is handsome and really nice and I do know it in the dream but he is the young man I saw the other day riding the tiger. There is an instant connection between us and we spend all day wandering the streets and talking and he asks me out to which I respond positively.

      We go on a few dates and I learn that the is the son of a wealthy bookseller in the eastern part of town but I am too embarassed about where I live and always arrange to meet him downtown so he doesn't know I am poor. We develop a quircky way of expressing our feelings but saying "I have a confession to make..." and then revealing something deep and personal. I am able to tell him everything I feel except that I am poor and live in the western edge of the city.

      I am totally crazy in love with him and even travel to his father's bookstore in the east (where he works) to visit him one day. When I first enter the bookstore the entrance hall is stacked with old war books and the such and I see one book cover that says "Sexual Trauma for Police Regarding..." I cannot see the last work but I think it is "Women." There is an old man milling about just outside the store. He looks like a scruffy Gordon Pincette and he eyes me warily. As I leave the store a mini tidal wave hits and floods the lowest level of the city.

      Inside the store I meet my boyfriend and ask when he is getting off work, to which he says 2:30pm. He then asks me if I would like to go out with him for the weekend to the only hotel on the island city to which I say yes. I visit the resturant beforehand to determine how nice of a place it is and find that it is so posh that I will have to go out and buy a new dress, which will not be easy because I do not have a lot of money. On the weekend my boyfriend treats me to a wonderful meal and then we return to our lavish hotel room and drink wine and make love all night.

      The next day my boyfriend is called away unexpectedly and we have to cut our weekend date short. He has been called away because the heman crew needs him, but since his identity is supposed to be a secret I do not know this. He makes up an excuse about his father being ill. Later in the week I drop by his father's bookstore to see him but he is out and I am confronted by his father, the Gordon Pincette character, who is unhappy about his son's relationship with me and tells me that I have to stay away from him because I am a distraction. When I ask what that means the father threatens me and says that if I see his son again, or tell him about the threats, that he will have me killed. I am scared and heartbroken and run home. I do believe that the father could kill me because he is very rich and has a lot of political power in the city

      That night I am working on a soapstone turtle by candlelight (it is how I make money) when I hear two men fighting outside. There is a terrible scream and I open my window and look out to see the two men, both whom I do not know; one man running away and the other man laying on the ground badly bleeding. I run outside and try to stop the bleeding but the man dies just as the police show up. They see me covered in blood and try to arrest me, but some of my neighbours come out and tell them that I was just trying to help. The police take me downtown anyway and after questioning me all night they release me in the morning.

      While I am walking home I run into my boyfriend and he asks why I have been avoided him. I say that I cannot tell him and start crying which caused him to insist more. He tells me how much he loves me and misses me and I turn away from him, saying that I just cannot see him anymore. I run away from there and to the northern point of the city where the breakers are and contemplate throwing myself into the sea. The two police men who questioned me earlier suddenly show up just stand there and watch me from the highest platform.

      In the distance I can see a tsunami approaching rapidly and I make no effort to reach higher ground because I am so depressed that I do not care if the water takes me away. I can hear the policemen shouting too me to get off the breakers and back onto the safe platform but I ignore them. There is a pole nearby and when the water hits I wrap my arms around it at the last moment and avoid being washed away. Afterwards the policemen make their way over to me and asked how I survived because they say that they have seen many people try to grab the pole and get washed away anyway. I remember saying something about crossing my arms around the poll rather then just hugging it or something but the dream changes and the policemen suddenly disappear.

      My boyfriend is there instead and he puts his arm around me in comfort and says "I have a confession to make..." and than proceeds to tell me about his secret identity as the tiger riding man. I also say the confession line and than tell him that I am poor and live in the western end of the city. He tells me that he doesn't care where I am from and wonders why I ran away from him earlier. I tell him about his father threatening me and he doesn't seem surprised at all. My boyfriend tells me that his father knows about his secret crime fighting life and told me to stay away from his son because he was afraid that his son would forget about being a crimefighter.

      I am relieved and happy, but still feel unsettled about something I cannot describe when the dream ends.

      Updated 01-20-2011 at 08:52 PM by 6048

    2. Saving Cats

      by , 09-21-2009 at 06:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      This is the first of three dreams I had on September 21st, 2009.

      Dream starts off with me walking along a country road just outside of my home town of London, Ontario. It is pitch black night and I cannot see anything yet in the dream I am familliar with the area and can find my way in the dark. About half a mile from the city limits is a no-kill cat shelter which sets out live traps to capture stray cats along the highway. It is to these traps that I am heading because in the dream I saw one of them with a cat in it during the daytime and I am going to rescue the cat. It is a Saturday and because the shelter is closed on the weekends the cat will have to stay in the trap until Monday - which I think is cruel and I already have a cat at home so I am confident, and more than happy, to have another cat. And because the traps are so close to the edge of the city, where I live, I can walk to them in a short amount of time. Because it is not too cold of a night I set out wearing only my pajamas and running shoes.

      When I get to the no-kill shelter (which sits on a small incline next to the hightway) there is a single porch light on the outside which offers a little illumination but otherwise I spend a lot of time having to feel around with my hands because it is so dark. I eventually find the trap I am looking for and rescue the cat. I put the cat into my sleeved t-shirt and tuck it into my pajama bottoms so the cat will not fall out. (I have a cat carrier at home and I do not know why I did not bring it with me). The cat is fairly complacent as it does not fight or scratch me and only wants to stick its head out of the t-shirt neck hole to breathe or look around. I start walking back towards the city but I soon here a car coming and I scramble up the ridge and hide by laying down in a ditch at the top of the ridge. I am afraid that if someone saw me outside along the country road at night that they would call the police and I would get in trouble.

      The car passes and I continue on my way again. I come across another of the live traps near an overpass and realize that there is another cat in it. I rescue the cat and put it in my shirt and start on my way. Again I can hear a car coming and I hind under the overpass to avoid being seen, though I am eager to get home becuase it has become ackward to carry two cats in my shirt, not because they are fighting me or themselves, but because they both want to stick their heads out of the shirt hole and there is only space for my own neck and one of the cats. I am worried that the cat stuck at the bottom of the shirt will be hurt by the other cat ontop or will suffocate. I hurry on my way and reach the city limits in no time. Unlike in real life, the city urbanized immediately past the city limits sign and there is a small park that covers one block, a gas station and convienience store on the next block, followed by town houses and three storey apartment buildings. After some houses on the fourth block are some more three storet apartments on the fifth block and it is there that I live.

      Unfortunately outside one of the houses on the fourth block are two guard dogs who live in cages that they can escape from when intruders are present - or to pester people walking along the sidewalk. The dogs, one large and on puppy pitbulls, start chasing me because they can smell the cats, which start to freak out inside my shirt, and I have to run. It starts raining quite hard. I am forced to run past my apartment and too a friend's place because I know they will be home and awake at this time of night and will be able to let me in quickly. It turns out that she is standing on the sidewalk outside of her apartment, in the rain. She quickly lets me inside. I don't know the young woman in real life but in the dream we are good friends. In her apartment I get to see the cats for the first time since being out of the dark and I discover that the bigger one is completely black with yellow eyes like my cat at home while the other is a a smaller, thinner spotted calico with brown eyes. I wait for a while to make sure the dogs are gone then head home. Some how I have acquired another cat which I have to hold in my arms because there is no more room in my shirt.

      At my apartment I discover that the third cat is another yellow eyed black cat and for some reason I believe that the two black cats I found are related to my cat (Zrinyi) and they are all brothers and sisters. I find some extra food dishes, put them out and fill them with food. I also find another bin to put some extra cat litter in and put that out also. To my surprise the four cats get along very well, even with Zrinyi, who has never been fond of other cats before. I leave my apartment and head back towards my friend's place. It is still raining but it has slowed down and become softer and I am still in my wet pajamas but it doesn't bother me. The sun begins the rise and the sky lightens a little.

      I walk past a small strip mall and in the parking lot I see the spotted calico cat I found before in the parking lot, but instead of having two brown eyes it seems to have one single green eye in the middle of it's face. Even though it looks like a cyclops I know it is the same cat as before and I wonder who the heck it got out of my apartment. When I first approatch it the cat runs away but all I have to do is crouch down and use soft words to coax it back to me. When I pick it up the cat blinks and its single green eye disappears and the two brown eyes return. I am perplexed for a bit but hurry home because I fear the other cats have escaped like this one did. Thankfully they have not and I put the spotted calico down and it goes over to one of the food dishes and begins munching away happily. I find the three black cats curled up on my bed contentedly sleeping together which adds further credence to my believe that they are all related.

      Even though it is still raining and not completely daylight yet I set back out with the intent to check the live cat traps again because for some reason I believe that I will find more cats there. This time I take the cat carrier with me but I am still in my pajamas. I try to sneak quickly past the houses with the pitbulls but no-joy. I can hear police car sirens in the backround as the little dog merely barks at me but the bigger on bites me on the hand. I run a bit and the dogs eventually turn back towards their home. It stops raining when I am at the intersection of the convienence store and the small park when I look down to my left and see two police cars parked down the street. I get spooked and turn back but hesitate because I don't want to run into the dogs again. I consider for a moment what to say to the police if they stop me before starting towards the country side again.

      Suddenly there is a lot of people in the streets as I walk past the small park. I am crossing one road when I city bus comes out of nowhere and nearly misses me. I see a large sign on the edge of the park with a bus schedual on it and go over to see if any buses go down the road where the cat traps are but because none do I start on my way again. I am at the last intersection before the countryside and can hear a car radio playing "We Will Rock You" by Queen and notice that a lot of people on the side walk are singing along. I am crossing the intersection when I see a moving van that has precariously stacked trailers, one on top of the other, seven high.

      The dream ends there.
    3. Avoide the cops

      by , 04-22-2008 at 05:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      The dream starts off at night time in a neighbourhood that I do not recognize. There are several houses situated around a circular dead end of the street and everything in the dream is fuzzy and has a dark blue-ish shade to it. There are a small group of adolescent youth gathered in an upstairs floor on one of the houses. Some of the people are unfarmiliar and others are former grade school classmates of mine. I can only recall the names of two of them though most of their faces are farmiliar. There is a commotion outside and we are looking out the upstairs windows to see what is going on. A police cruiser is slowly making it's way down the street with it's lights flashing. Though the siren is not on, the red and white lights of the police car's flashing lights created a stark and eeiry contrast to the dark blue shades of everything on the street.

      When the police cruiser reaches the dead end a spotlight is turned on and it begins searching the windows of the houses at the end of the street one by one. The group of youth's do not know what the spotlight is looking for, but we all duck and cover when the windows we are at are searched. Once all of the windows of all the houses at the end of the street have been searched, the police car turns off its flashing lights and slowly drives away. Without saying a word to each other, the group of youth quickly makes there way outside. Some go to their own homes, while the majority of us run into another single storey home just down the street. It is a house that was not searched by the police spotlight and we feel safe there.

      We are in the livingroom of this house (I think it was supposed to be my place in the dream) sitting with the lights out when a S.W.A.T truck suddenly appears and backs into the driveway of a house across the street. In the dream, this house belongs to one of the people who is a former classmate of mine named B.J. We all watch as the house is apparently raided and B.J wants to return home because he is worried about his family and though we all implore him to stay, he sneaks out of the house we are in and across the street. He disappears behind the S.W.A.T truck and is seen no more. I do not know what became of him but the other youth in the group become frightened because they do not know why the police seem to be out to get us.

      I cannot remember much more but there is something about one of my former classmates named Jen and a red brick fireplace.
    4. Investigation in the Schoolhouse Town

      by , 01-16-2008 at 06:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      The dream starts off with me somewhere in the southern United States. The prominant colours theme of this dream are blue and orange. The sky is clear and blue. It is dry and arid and there is lots of dusty orange back country and only small towns scattered here and there. I am a private investigator hired to look into the murders of several young women because people are frustrated with the lack of progress from the police. I have a list of suspects and narrow it down to a man working at a remote gas station. I drive there at about noon (in a cobalt blue pick-up truck) and find the man talking to a police officer in a brown uniform, dark sunglasses and tan colored coyboy hat. The police man eyes me suspiciously when I ask if the suspect would like to answer some questions, but does not interfere. When I am done with my inquiries, the man quickly retreats into the gas station's office and the police officer wants to ask me some questions of his own. I do not remember what the questions were but they were personal in nature and irrelevant to why I was doing the investigation, so I decined to answer. I get into my vehicle (which is now a light grey four door car) and drive away.

      I drive for some time and come across a school in the middle of nowhere that looks like an old wooded train station. There are a group of boys playing out front and I stop to ask them some questions. I notice as I get out of my car that a police SUV passes by and the officer of the gas station is behind the wheel. He stares at me as he slows down and drives by. The first boy I talk to is blond and about 10 years old. He wears a blue sweater hand knit sweater with white letters across the front that spells "CHRIS." I ask him if he has seen anyone suspicious around or if he has seen anything weird. Chris shakes his head no, but his avoidance of eye contact and his arms hugging himself make me believe otherwise. Since I do not want to force the boy to talk, I tell Chris that if he ever needs to talk to someone, he can come to me. I give him one of my office cards with my cell phone number on it.

      The rest of the boys do not know anything, but one of them reveals that his older sister is one of the missing young women. The sun begins to set and the boys are called back into the school. I don't really think about why they are going into the school and not onto a bus to home. I get back into my vehicle, which again looks like a blue pick-up truck and drive for some time. The sky is a blazing orange when I find myself at a dead end. The is a large deep blue lake, and though I can see the road continue on the far side, there is no bridge and the land around the water is too rough for vehicles. I turn my truck around and head back in the direction of the school. When I get there it is dark and while the school is still in the same place when I left, a whole town seems to have sprung up along the road and some sort of carnival or festival is going on. There are coloured lights and decorations strung between the buildings and across the the buildings on the otherside. All of the structures look old fashion, like a set from an old wild west film or something. I park my truck on the side of the road and walk into town. While there are many people around, talking, drinking, partying, etc. I notice that the only other vehicle in the area is the police SUV I saw before.

      I ask a few of the people who are sitting on the porches of the buildings if they know anything about the missing people, but no one seems to know anything, or at least, anything they want to share. I observe several people shoot nervous glances at each other when talking to me and some just refuse to say anything, even that they know nothing. My cell phone rings and a deep, gravelly voice tells me to 'get out of town, or there will be trouble.' I ignore the threat and decide to enter one of the buildings and find that it is a small one room school house when I go in. Except for the desks and chalkboard, it is empty. The building beside is exactly the same, even though it says 'saloon' on the outside and has several men drinking on the porch. Upon investigating the rest of the buildings they are all singular unit school rooms. The original school looks like a modern gymnaseum with many inflatable beds, upon which many children sleep. I go back outside and find that while the town is still there, the partiers have disappeared and most of the colour has been drained from the world. It appears to be daytime again, and it is very bright, but the sky is grey, the dust under my feet are grey, the wood on the buildings are no longer browns and dark oranges but grey. The only colour I can see is the blue in Chris's sweater, as the boy is standing on the middle of the street and seems to be waiting for me. An extra letter has appeared on his sweater and it now says "CHRIST." I walk up to him and he says that he knows something about the missing people. He starts to say something which I just know is going to be really significant, but...

      ...the telephone beside my bed rings and wakes me up! D'oh!