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    Leaving the matrix

    1. 1/23/14 - zombie life story

      by , 01-23-2014 at 06:52 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm not in this dream, just zooming around spectating from different angles. There is three people and their clothes are torn up slightly, and they have blood and dirt all over them and their faces and arms. They're in this grass field that is meant to lead people somewhere, like the home stretch of a marathon race. There's booths, and plastic flagged string leading the grass field one way. One of the guys just sit in the middle of the field and then the other two a man and a woman go sit of to the side by a booth. This place is completely empty, but then I see a mass crowd of bloody zombies groaning and walking towards them. I look to them and wonder why they aren't running away. Then some zombies get up to them and the zombies seem to inspect them, then I come to the conclusion that the people must've put some sort of scent that blocked out their human scent and made them smell dead, so then the zombies start to pass them and continue down the race path, but then the guy who was off to himself gets up and starts walking against the crowd towards the other two and is talking. I cringe because surely the zombies don't talk and will recognize that as a human trait and attack them, but the the other two get up and walk all normally and begin to talk. I am stunned, and then this blueish zombie guy in a torn business suit walks up to my visual and gives me the deepest look and it expresses sorrow, I am shocked, and I am feeling empathy, then the zombie begins to speak, a bit slurred at first, he begins to tell me his life story and he seems saddened by it, I notice it's only his life story since being a zombie, it's as if he doesn't remember from before when he was a human.
    2. 8/11/13 - foodline

      by , 08-11-2013 at 08:53 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I kept flying into the conscious of different DC's and they're modeling shit for some stuck up bitch, when I get to the woman each time she's not impressed so she says to look more whatever and I do it and each time it impresses her, Then we all run into a line, I thought it was the line to receive our critiques or something of that nature but as the line moved up, we were in a food line, at the buffet there is lunch breakfast and dinner food. I walk past the plates and try to go back to grab one but the girls are to crowded up behind me, but I see a girl get a plate from a stack in front of me and I'm relieved to grab one. Then I pass all the lunch and dinner stuff, and go up to the pancakes, I grab like 10 pancakes and stack them, their are other types of pancakes like mini ones but i wanted these ones. Then the line moves up and I want to put the berry syrup with chunks of fruit, and the food lady is talking to me about how she's a condiment person too, because I'm getting a shit ton of the berry stuff out, she tells me it's yogurt with berry's, but even though I keep piling it on, hardly anything is on my pancakes, as I keep doing this, the beginning of the front of the line has made it to the other side of this and are coming the opposite way towards us, (I see the girl I'm in love with irl), some little boy is rushing me so I choose to ignore his dumb ass, then he starts calling me names , so after I'm done instead of giving the ladle to him I give it to the girl behind me, then he talks more shit and I smile at him and give him the bird, and he gets pissed and calls me more names and I still stand there not blinking and smiling while giving him the bird, then I see my grandma standing there so I stop even though she didn't see me, then I get out of line because that's all I wanted, I go to the booths and try to find a place, most of the booths are filthy or don't even have a table, I see this girl thinking it's someone I know, when she turns to looks at me its someone else so I walk on to the back, the lights are dim here, I see a girl I know sitting by herself so I walk up to her and ask her if I can sit with her and she says yes. When I sit down I tell her I want to tell her something, I want to say sorry for something to her.