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    Take a fun trip inside the enigma that is my mind. This is where I usually post my most vivid/lucid/favorite dreams.

    Recurring Characters:

    Me - What's a story without a main character? Let's just say if I had to describe myself in one word, it would be "derp". My dream form is about the same, with maybe a little less body fat and a little more self-confidence/courage. In my normal, non-lucid dreams, I tend to be fairly timid, much like my normal personality. In my lucids, however, I have a lot more courage, often speaking out and even fighting against those that hurt others or me. My dream control still sometimes needs work, but practice makes perfect.

    Vi - (Image) My brown-haired, green-eyed dream guide. She first appeared in a lucid a long time ago, but she's been appearing more often as of late. She was originally very soft-spoken, and often somewhat judgmental when I confronted her. However, as I've continued to interact with and get to know her, she's become more open and talkative (sometimes a little too much). She's still fairly new to me, so I there's still a lot I don't know about her, but I'm looking forward to seeing her more often and finding out as much as I can.

    1. LUCID: Partying, Stealing a Bus, and Convincing a Cop

      by , 07-24-2014 at 04:57 PM
      I went to bed at 2ish, and then WBTB at like 7.

      I am at some party with my friends. I'm really uncomfortable, since I'm kind of a wallflower. Someone brings out the beer and drugs. I really shouldn't be here. What if my parents find out? I leave with my friends M and B. We walk out, but M says that we should steal a car. I immediately protest, but somehow, we find a bus, we break into it, and with B in the driver's seat, we drive off. I'm kind of freaking out, but I go along with it anyway.

      We pull up next to a party bus at a red light. We exchange glances, and somehow mutually decide to drag race. The light turns green, and B floors it. We're losing the race, but then a cop pulls out and pulls over the other bus. That was close. We speed off, but then another cop comes to pull us over. I try to play it cool, hoping they don't know the bus is stolen. B gets out of the car to talk to the cops. Without saying a word, M jumps into the driver's seat and floors it.

      "M, what the heck are you doing? You're going to get us killed!"
      "I don't know man."
      "Dude, I can't go to jail, pull over!

      The bus continues to gain speed. I better turn myself in, maybe they'll be merciful. I open the side door and look out. From the side, it doesn't look like we're going very fast. I look behind us to see a single red car with police lights on top. I motion for them to move out of the way, but they don't. I just decide to make a move. I kind of step down from the car onto the pavement. I stay on my feet, which is good, but then the red cop car is heading straight for me. In some kind of slow-motion sequence, I determine which way is the best to jump, and barely dive out of the way before the car hits me. I roll into the grass on the side of the road.

      I stand up, take a minute to collect myself, and walk over to where the cops and B are. One cop that looks like Carl Winslow from Family Matters sees me.

      "Did you just jump out of a bus going 35 mph?"
      "No, I think it was more like 15."

      I kind of rest with my hands on my knees for a while, trying to catch my breath and soak in what just happened. The scene kind of shifts, and I'm under this patio at some kind of park. I see a clock that says it's 2:09 am. I see the cops taking M away in handcuffs. A female cop walks over to me. She says she'll let me go if I can tell her what time it is and what all happened that night. I tell her it's about 2:15 in the morning, and then try to remember what happened. I try to think back, but I have two overlapping memories - one of the car chase, and one of me going to bed.Wait a minute, I went to bed a while ago. I must be dreaming. I turn back to the cop.

      "Do you want me to tell you what actually happened, or what happened in this dream?"
      "Excuse me?"
      "That's right, this is a dream. None of this is real."
      She shines a light in my face. "Sir, have you been drinking this evening?"
      "No, really, I'll prove it to you!"

      I try to float up above her, but I can't get off the ground."Wait, hold on, I got this." She begins to look a little perturbed, and I see her reach for her handcuffs. Maybe this isn't a dream after all. But I can't go to jail. I gotta come up with something fast. I plug my nose and breathe loudly through it. It really isn't all that impressive, but she seems to be amazed. "You think that's cool, check this out." I squat down, and jump with all my might. I leap above the buildings about 50 feet in the air. I then slowly float down in front of her. She has a puzzled look on her face, like she is questioning everything that's happening. I'll show her one more thing. I pick up this heavy table next to me and try to balance it on my finger. I hold it for a while, but then it falls. "Meh, that one's still a work in progress."

      We walk around to the side of the building.
      "I can still answer your question if you want."
      "No, I don't think that's necessary anymore. I think I just need some time to think stuff out."
      I turn around to see a large group of my friends. I hear some rock song playing, kind of like a song at the end of a movie right before the credits. Well, let's put on a show. I take off with a running start and fly off. I fly over to a nearby billboard, do kind of a wall run on it, and keep flying. I get a ways off the ground, and I decide to just float off, like a balloon released in the wind. I rise up to the clouds. To make sure the dream doesn't destabilize, I rub my hands together. Unfortunately, doing that makes the dream instantly destabilize, and I wake up.