• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Last edited 10/02/2021

    These days I tend to write mostly on my phone's DJ initially but I tend to go through periods where I alternate where I'm DJing.

    I am writing the dreams almost as I would if I were writing only to myself. The only exception is that in this DJ I only name people by their initials at most or a nickname's initial, unless it's relevant to the dream context, since I still like the dreams to be understood/readable by anyone; even if you don't know who my friends are or people I know by name, I still want you to understand the immediate contexts as much as possible.

    Comments on the DJ are welcome. See my dream signs in the general notes under my profile avatar on the sidebar. Note, I don't update the dream signs section very much anymore. Over the last two or three years I've come to realise that some symbols are quite constant but many change too much or are just variations off a theme, so it has stopped making quite as much sense to keep a long-term list of what the signs are.

    Click to see all DJ entries with images that I made for them

    Click to see all DJ entries that may involve dream-like experiences but are not technically dreams

    I don't often make images for dreams because I've usually forgotten most of the details I wanted to depict.

    1. clxxvi. Leading ghouls and having base destroyed, Facing an ettin and dying; reincarnation

      by , 10-10-2020 at 12:25 PM
      5th October 2020


      Dream about Warcraft 3 and some special game mode where you would get cash injections every so often, instead of being able to mine gold. You also started out with a single worker.

      I think I was playing this with my siblings, but it was mixed in with reality and the locations were based on my old town?

      I was playing as Undead and got some groups of ghouls going after having made some basic buildings (a ziggurat or two and a necropolis?). I went out from the base, leading the ghouls, mix of myself and a hero unit. At some point while away from the base, another player showed up at the base and destroyed mostly everything. I remember trying to get the acolyte worker away.

      7th October 2020


      - Bit in a dark hallway. Expected Diablo to be at the end. Instead there was an ettin. There were other creatures on the way there. Died at the end.
      - Reincarnated? Somewhere else after that.
      - BL items with modified look.
      - Going around with a group of other people who were also reincarnates, I am surprised about having memories of my past life (direct memory of the previous dream sections). In the dream, I think of posting about this on DV.
      - At the end of the dream, something about a group masturbation event with the rest of the reincarnates? We were surrounding a naked black man who was in his room. He was posing for us.
    2. cxxii.

      by , 07-25-2020 at 12:30 AM
      18th May

      Last dream, in a place like Azeroth, Westfall.

      Something about Warcraft II and the Deadmines. Several passing thoughts about classic dungeons. Then a mix of STV and the dam at Dun Modr. But it had a lower tier which was ramped. There was a ship like the Juggernaut inside DM but it was more Alliance-like than Orcish. The front of it looked like an old 1800s steam boat or something. I remember having a view point from above the chimney and looking in and thinking that the model wasn't finished because it just looked like a tube with few shadows and straight cuts through into each deck of the ship.

      I then became aware of my body. I was sort of crouching but sitting on my bottom and became aware or made note of my genitals. I think H was present as a voice and we were talking. I said something about how "at normal size I'd barely be able to push my tip into the top of the chimney", which made me realise my scale in the dream a little bit. Even so, being giant didn't make question reality either as it should have. The dream ended soon after.

      - Although I often have passing thoughts that relate to this type of dream situation (being giant-sized and "playing" with things), it's rare for me to actually have dreams within these contexts and dreams involving some kind of sexual stimulation or play are not too common for me.
      - I used to mess around in private server versions of WoW that I'd run privately/on my own many years ago and would often change my character's scale to the maximum possible (usually 10 times or something). This dream may relate to that in some sense, and admittedly I'd sort of forgotten about that until re-typing this dream on this DJ.
      - I remember when I woke up I thought it was odd I could hear H as a voice but not be aware of H's presence physically within the dream. I remember it made me feel as though there was quite a deep level of immersion in physical terms.
    3. cx.

      by , 04-05-2020 at 02:43 AM
      A few dreams from this morning. On one of the earlier awakenings I decided to make notes and stay up to try and force myself back into more usual sleeping habits. Some in-line notes.


      I was in my old home's bedroom. H and mom were there. H had set up this pipe organ for me (though there were no pipes anywhere) and though I was actually playing poorly I was reading the notation extremely well which pleased me since I'm usually terrible at doing this. But in the dream it was assumed (by myself and the characters) that I was in fact playing well too. I remember walking into the kitchen after trying to play some pedal notes, and mom was there making some food. She was cooking some meats like beef chunks and black sausage type of thing in the big cast aluminium pan. It looked odd, and traditional, but seemed like it could be nice too.

      Mom was disappointed though, she said if I "can play the organ, then why can't you do the dishes?". In the dream I felt that there was no reason I couldn't do the dishes, but I felt the need to argue her statement because I had never had any piano lessons or any suchlike, which L and T did; I also presented the fact I was (apparently) doing really well with playing and the fact that I had never really understood music at all in the school, so this was a success or improvement over that. I felt some disappointment myself that mom couldn't just cherish this. In the dream I remember at some later point standing in the corridor and hearing L playing some DOTA game, and I think T was just in their own room, in the dark, which lead me to assume T was sleeping for some reason. It was night time through out the entire dream.


      Dreamed something a bit like the game I had played the last night (and this night) with H, in some watery and dark underground place. But then there were some fire enemies and I ran into a stairwell as I made distance from them; then the situation was a lot less game-like and more realistic and though I didn't feel afraid because of the fire, I made my way up the stairwell anyway, as did some other random people that appeared, some of which I apparently already knew on a personal level, classmates in the dream context or something.

      I took my time going up the steps for whatever reason, sort of fooling around by doing a full step by actually stepping on every bit of each step with my feet as smoke would start from each place I had just stepped on. This went on for a short while, after which I continued going on up the stairs. I walked into a room from one of the stair landings, with some random girl my age or so? I opened a window to the fire escape for the building. I do remember a girl (Sol) I knew from school a long time ago, who seemed to be in the dream as filler. As I looked out the window and opened a latch on its left side, I could see a fireman on a ladder approaching (and emergency lights?) and as he got closer and came in through the window we told him it was nothing to worry about really.

      I remember there was some antagonistic element to the dream from when I was climbing the stairs earlier; there was this group of angry radicals from downstairs who insisted on something about the fire and basically made a big deal out of nothing. The firemen that came through the window shrugged and sincerely said it would be fine since there was nothing to worry about and they told us that they'd switch the main power on in a second. Weird, since it hadn't seemed to be off at all. There was some side or sub-plot, involving a Gollum from China or something, who was being tortured. (Probably from recently playing Fallout)


      Super cheesy 80s programme intro, of a show apparently called "Rexxar : Star Trek". I was watching it on Youtube or something like it, with quite a focus "tunnel vision".

      There was a vividly clear music with a leading electric guitar and other typical sounds from the 80s and some generic synth sounds. The visual elements of the montage were defined by the fact that they were little square "cuts" of other scenes, presumably from the programme itself, presenting the whole thing in a certain cheesy feel. Those square cuts mostly featured head shots of sexy and almost half naked women and some of the cuts had stills of Rexxar from Warcraft, as well as mini montage being featured in one of these square cuts showing a cartoony/kids-style but real cake of Rexxar being made or put together.

      Everything in the video montages had a very pure white backdrop thing going on. Despite the cheesy aspect, the dream video was amazingly vivid, just as the music.

      The characters, the women, were nobody that I recognise(d) and just felt like generic constructs appropriate for the context, but there was some underlying feeling of them being famous within the context.

      The dream ended shortly after this intro video, when the show "started" by showing some sort of big teddy bear thing on a swivel chair in a very fancy post modern designer house. Vividness was much lower as soon as the intro cut to this sequence. I remember thinking in the dream that the whole thing was somewhat stupid, and that it had nothing to do with Rexxar (despite the featured cuts).
    4. lviii. lix.

      by , 10-26-2018 at 11:40 AM
      lviii. 25th of October

      Non-lucid fragment:
      Some guy wanting me to have sex with him, I told him I didn't want to, and he insisted about it, and I told him I'd made that mistake before and I wasn't going to treat my partner (H) that way again. I remember telling him to ask H if he'd wanted to have sex with him and then at some other point in the dream I remember meeting up with H.

      The dream took place in some unknown dream-generated location. It was day, the light and the sky were yellow/orange and there were rock cliffs and wide ravines. The rock was warm colours too.

      lix. 26th of October (date of this post)

      Non-lucid fragment:
      Something about being flexible enough to inspect my bottom; Was trying to identify the cause of some pain. For context, in waking life I've been having pain in that area for quite some time but it comes and goes, likely part of my condition.

      Non-lucid dream:
      I remember driving a truck from outside its cabin, around a roundabout some several times trying to figure out where I was supposed to be going. There was some halloween party at some castle and the truck had supplies I was going to deliver. Busy traffic at this roundabout, was constantly worried about causing an accident, but not so worried because I was on the truck and not in a car.


      In a fancy hotel/penthouse-like place. Me and H were walking toward a door, carrying some stuff. We were expected. This was the personal penthouse of some old Pioneer Corp executive. We were bringing some gear to demo to this guy and I think he was curious about us bringing in stuff this old.

      I was carrying one of the very heavy power-amps but it seemed exceptionally light and maybe a bit too small; still, I was very careful putting it down on a glass table and H was bringing in some not-too-big speakers that would go on top of a table too. We got it all set up after a bit of faffing around but the Japanese executive didn't seem to mind. There was another man, a fat white guy with some beard and long-ish hair, who looked a bit like a hippie and maybe had a Hawaiian shirt.

      Then they asked us what we were going to play on the sound system and I can't remember what were our first thoughts, something classical? Then someone or H said the Matrix soundtrack, and I said "yeah that'll work". The Japanese man seemed satisfied enough with that choice and he had given us a choice after all.

      I remember the furniture all being wood, in a light-ish stain; sort of orange but very highly waxed or varnished.

      Some sort of transition, all of a sudden watching some version of the World of Warcraft film (which I haven't watched in waking life), and I remember thinking and commenting how bad some details looked. The story was all over the place, with King Terenas and his son Arthas being underwater and Arthas trying to murder his father with a long blade and laughing underwater. Arthas' hair was black, rather than blonde in the dream.

      Then there was some sort of Alliance siege on an underground naval barricade.

      I don't remember enough details to describe the scene and it was all a bit messy to be honest; for most of it my perspective was directly within the "film".

      I will do some scoring a bit later. Not adding any notes. I'm really tired and was almost not motivated enough to even write this entry.

      + Previous score: 58.5

      + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 2.0
      ++ Recall a non-lucid fragment * 2: 1.0
      ++ Recall a non-lucid dream: 1.0

      = Total score thus far: 60.5

      Updated 10-28-2018 at 01:48 AM by 95293

      non-lucid , dream fragment