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    Freeman Elevator and Lucid Fail

    by , 02-20-2011 at 01:28 AM (457 Views)
    I shouldn't even categorize this as lucid. But technically it was an LD.

    I'm standing in the Freeman Hall elevator and something seems a little off. I do my RC and realize I'm dreaming, so I rub my hands together because thats supposed to "stabilize the dream." I immediately wake up. FML.

    However, I had a pretty funny dream later on last night. I was eating lunch in the dining hall with some people and decide I have to get to class. I go to the elevator, push the up button and look at what floor the elevator is on. Here's the thing about the elevators in Freeman Hall. If you value your life you do not go anywhere near those things. They are a death trap and you should only be on one if A. Your water just broke. or B. You have to shit and the turtle is already poking its head out. With that said, I'm watching the floor number go down and finally it gets to 1. Instead of stopping, it keeps going into the basement. I wonder whats going on and my question is answered when the floor number is replaced by a depth reading of how far the elevator is plummeting into the earth. Eventually it comes back up, except when the door opens, the elevator is literally ON ITS FUCKING SIDE and bouncing all over the place. I decide to take the stairs.

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    lucid , non-lucid


    1. The Sandman's Avatar
      Sounds like a wild ride. Sorry about the "LD."
    2. PetraArkanian's Avatar
      That is awesome and hilarious!
      That is exactly how I feel about he elevators at my college, I have been trapped in one for over half an hour.
      I totally understand!
    3. bennettb6's Avatar
      You'd think with all that tuition money they'd be able to put in a half decent elevator.

      And wow, that sounds like a nightmare in itself. I've heard of that happening to lots of people here, but somehow I've managed to avoid it all this time.

      Hope you didn't have anywhere "important" to be.
    4. PetraArkanian's Avatar
      Nah! I was actually working (student worker) so I got payed to be in there ^_^
      I wished for a second to sit down and not have to do anything...be careful what you wish for.

      I totally agree about the tuition though! Where does the money go?