Side Notes
.../It's twilight time. No lights outside. I went out home but must get back, I forgot something. 3 guys are walking close in a suspicious attitude. I keep my distance, they don't look too friendly. I don't want to walk in front of them. I see them changing direction in a crossroad. I get to the door, open it and get in. In the corridor, there are 2 doors to get into the apartment. My cousin's wife opens the door which connects to the kitchen, I prefer to use the other one that leads to the living room. I have a bag in my hand, I let it on the floor. There's something about their daughter/... * That apartment is an old recurrent dreamscape .../I see a friend of mine from my elementary school times. He's older now and takes part in a sport event with other students from his new school. They are formed in lines wearing sport uniforms in white and light blue. I remember he had a little sister. I remember he was the only one who could help me stop crying when I squeezed my finger with a tree trunk when we were little kids. I think I should say he acted like an angel/... * From time to time I tend to remember in dreams, people who I don't see since a very long time. I don't know if I'm going to see them again but in dreams. .../I'm at the bottom of some long stairs. I'm wearing my folk dance custom of a devil. It's the second day of the party. I'm with a DC who is a mixture of my wife and an ex-girlfriend. She helps me to push a mountain bike I'm riding to go up. In the middle of the stairs we meet a friend of mine who greets her with a kiss in each cheek and one in the lips. I pretend to ignore it. He asks me if there was something wrong. I say him I just didn't like that. There's nobody else from the group at the top of the stairs. Apparently we are the first people to get there. We walk around. It's twilight time... * Alarm clock went off. * The DC mixture appears from time to time, she didn't like it when I told her it was a dream once. * I'm still trying to find a proper timing and a structure to fit my daily activity.
Updated 05-13-2014 at 10:44 AM by 18736
* Not much time to spend on writing, like running behind a train in motion... .../I've received part of my custom. I look it with interest, the pants are black with gold lines. There's something new that I like. I'm thinking about the new method I'm gonna take the pictures this year/... .../I'm wondering why a friend of mine didn't come to visit us. His mother say something about me, using it as an example/... .../I have an almost empty bottle of ketchup in my hand. I realize my hands are dirty. I want to clean them but I have to wait until I get home. It's Saturday on a recurrent dream scape, the informal market. I see a lot of native people from this town. .../Something about a VHS/...
.../There's a beautiful woman in front of a class explaining on a map, something about human migration. I add something I know about mongoloid people and the settlement of the Americas. Although it doesn't fit in the map, it looks distorted. I end saying that this is not confirmed yet. We have still 20 minutes, then we are going to draw some on a paper/... .../I'm lying on a bed I realize my wife is on a bed close to mine sleeping together with our older daughter. I want to have some fun with my wife. I wake up and go to her side and kiss her. Things get a little bit warm... * Alarm goes off * Nap after work: .../I'm wearing a black necktie with white spots/... .../I little aggressive dog and his owner, a huge woman. The dog tries to bite me, she's scared, I don't care/... .../We are on a car and I want to send an envelope into the erotic postbox. I ask a native guy to help me but we miss the corner where the postbox is. He doesn't have idea and I don't want him to send the letter in the wrong postbox/...
Updated 05-11-2014 at 02:37 PM by 18736
* Not much time to think about it... ...I see a 3D animation of a cross-section of the body of a bull, and what happens with it during bullfighting... ...some aluminum cans and bottles are set on a little mound, ready for shooting... .../I'm in my grandparents house and realize the gas valve was not closed in the kitchen. I hold my breathing to getn in and close it. I hope nobody turns a light on. It looks like it was open the whole night. I open the windows to clean the air... .../Multimillionaire people in the news that controlled what happened to be said on the other side of the hemisphere... .../I'm with the musician who composes folk songs and we worked together for the carnivals on the year 2011. There's a kid who cannot play some piece of music. Now they are working on a new project. I bring my acoustic guitar that is broken. I want to participate too. I hear the melody and start to figuring out how does it goes on the guitar. I get to play the melody. It's interesting but the kid doesn't want to play it because of he thinks it will mark him for life. I know there's something wrong in his statement although I don't realize what is it, then I try to explain that it's a matter of the carnivals and of course he will remember that as a good experience. It would be worse to remember that he lost that opportunity! The song is a sort of tribute to a guy who exceptionally played the quena. I see and hear him playing that "r" sound in a quena. I remember a fake artist who refused to collaborate in a project and lost his opportunity because of his vanity, then I use his example to explain the kid that he shouldn't be afraid of participating in the project/... * I woke up with the melody in my head and write it down... ...a beggar's bed on the stairs of the house... .../I'm in my school bathrooms. The kids have made a nasty mess up around. I let the water flow to clean some of it/... .../My glasses are broken and I give them to somebody who wants to explain something in front of a class. I see there's dirt on one of the lenses. I pick them back to clean it. We talk about something and she says: Does it still work? * Alarm clock goes off ...Let's go walking, let them go...
* We had a lot to do at home, went late to bed... .../3rd person view. I see myself with dragon wings. There's something about feeding a dragon/... .../I'm talking a walk inside an informal market. I see different things on sale, until I get to a jacket patches stand. I see some deconstructive ideas, some 3D art and stuff, but nothing really interesting to me. I get out of the market and find somebody is selling 2nd hand guitars on the street, I take a look if there's something worthwhile, nothing. Then I look up to a hill which is mixed with a tower. It's all covered in concrete. I find that interesting, and want to take a picture of that. My camera doesn't work, it's night and I cannot see any on the LCD. I try using the flash option. It flashes but apparently not enough. I try to figure out how could I take a picture of that. The more I look, the weirder it becomes. Now I try to illuminate the landscape by pointing the LCD screen of the camera. It gets better but I don't know how to take the picture now/... .../I have to write an e-mail, announcing some bad news about one of my kids, she's no more with us. I have to face the fact, it gets hard to write down/... * From time to time, this feeling of nostalgia spreads around and takes over all over the dream.
Updated 05-09-2014 at 11:12 AM by 18736
*Our guest left us early in the morning, no more wine and some more sleep... .../We're in a variant of my cousin's former neighborhood. It looks bigger than usual. My kids are playing running and going to different inner parks of the neighborhood. My wife asks for the little one and starts going nervous. We don't see where she went to play. We start looking for her. I see the older one running on a balcony. I'm still quiet because of there's a couple of parks left to look for. I think she must be there. I see two weird animals standing in front of a house. They move threatening us. They look like big porcupines. We get to the last park and find her, playing with a young girl around a pond. Once we are all together, I want to save some pictures. There's some confusion because of the machine starts to scan the pictures before printing them. I don't get it. The first one is very blurry. One of my daughters shows me she has printed some other pictures first. I think it's a great idea, just print them in stead of scanning first and then printing them! I mess around with the machine... .../There's a talk in my grandparents town. It's about two diseases which spread very quick. They show the whole region is affected with it. There's a pause between the talk. I take advantage of the free time to clarify to my wife, they are exaggerating the situation, due to those diseases, "Uta and Ata" are spread only in the region near the jungle because of the bite of a mosquito. I draw some lines in a map, and show to her, where the jungle zone is, which start to appear in green while I draw the limit lines. It's not too big but once again, some people tend to exaggerate about those kind of stuff I say... .../My cousin's brother got drunk and talks a lot. My aunt serves the food, I'm hungry but we have to wait until he goes to sleep or something. I don't see he's tired at all, and looks like he could talk the whole day. He gets in my aunt-mom room, sits on the floor, and goes on with the drunk chat. The other one of my cousins is in his room with some friends preparing a robot-hand for a science congress. He shows me he will use a rubber glove to cover the electronics. I go to his room which is connected to our university. I see some other friends, although from my school times, preparing another project. It's about an automatic sprinkler. Although it's not working good and a couple of them get severely soaked. They start to play with it in stead of trying to fix it. Another guy, who I don't know, shows a weird musical instrument, which at the beginning seems to fit on the shreds of a guitar. He folds it and starts playing some music that sounds Egyptian. I think it's nice. .../I'm walking on a known passage, when I notice something got broken in the sole of my shoes which doesn't let me freely walk. I find my brothers are doing something with their documents. I show to one of them what's going wrong with my shoe. Then I realize I didn't see him since a long time. I give him a hug, I'm happy I'm seeing him again. I notice he cleans something on his stomach, I think it's a wound or some. We start talking about the news. I ask his opinion about some recent news. We conclude they are exaggerating like the narrator of a football soccer game, then I try to explain those games wouldn't be the same without the narrative. I get confused, trying to explain those guys in front of the TV screen waiting to yell out their victory. He finishes my joke pointing a calm Sunday, we hear the sound of people in the stadium coming out of a TV, when somebody yells "GOOOAL!!". Then I think, they should better go to the stadium if they want to be unnoticed... * Without the fast notes right after waking up after each dream, I wouldn't be able to remember any but the last dream which I would forget along the day too. It was a little bit tedious to start writing down at the beginning once again, but it's getting easier while it turns into a habit again.
Updated 05-09-2014 at 11:09 AM by 18736
* Like yesterday, there were some extra cups of wine before going to bed... .../It's a celebration day on the town I'm visiting from a long time. I see an aunt and ask her for her son, my fellow cousin to salute him. She tells me where he is, but I notice "his parents" are sitting in the same table and they're not too friendly. Anyway, I don't care and go to give him a hug. I try to make a joke about me getting drunk at the airport and sitting next to the airplane wheel just before the airplane starts to move. He doesn't get it. I think because of it has been a long time since we don't make jokes together/... .../I'm walking on a road, getting in a town where its welcome sign literally states: "Welcome to the state of California. Our little DOF things" (DOF is written in overlapped capitals). Then I get into a bar where a DC-mix of some drunk people I know, invites me to have some beers. I accept although I don't feel motivated to drink. He gets angry with me, and throws the whole content of a bottle on a wooden wagon. Then he asks me to leave and threats me to throw a rock on my head if I don't go because of I'm being a killjoy. I got confused and decide to better go out. In the street, I see the DC going out turned into my dad. I'm walking on the streets, feeling sad. It's cold out here and I'm wearing just a t-shirt. I want to go to the apartment we rented with a friend of mine/... * Apparently we rented that apartment in another dream and we live there with some other friends and family. .../change one letter game could be bravest from breast... .../I have to deliver something in the 14th floor of a house. The elevator door gets closed when I'm about to step into it. The door opens while the elevator goes up. Now it's just a platform and I can see the stairs and all the stuff around. I must stay standing in the middle. I see an old woman going upstairs. The elevator stops in the 15th floor. I get out of the platform. It's just a sort of stairs with huge steps that I have to go down. There's a big empty space in the middle. The woman stands in the opposite side where I am. I ask her to be careful, she says something and makes a wrong move, then she falls. I run to take a look down. She's sitting on a table talking with a girl friend. She mocks about something pointing at me. She's not dead. There's something going on here. I want to go downstairs very quick and think I could take a shortcut by jumping if it's what I'm starting to think. This place doesn't make sense, I know what it means! This time I don't want to jump due to the vertigo. I go on with the plot, I still have her delivery in my hands. I throw it close to her. She doesn't like it, I don't care. I look around to see how can I go out. I see some escalators on my side leading to a wall with a hole above it. I command them to stop. They stop and I have to climb to get on the roof of a building. I hear she is quite upset following me. I command the escalators to move again to squeeze her against the wall, but she gets out before getting trapped in the motion. Now she looks very young but angry, she wears like a witch from the middle age. She stands in front of me yelling something. I feel scared but I have to control myself. Using my mind, I throw her against some sharp spikes I see in front of the house. She gets impaled uttering some spell on me. Her mouth looks like a Venus flytrap and it opens to the sides. I command with my mind the spikes to open up. It finishes her. Now I see the dream in 3rd person view. I see a DC who looks like Harry Potter, getting out from my point of view, he gets close to a door that I previously saw stating it was level 13. Now it's time for another level, the number on the door changes to a lower one, and it opens to show a wall. There's a couple of brown werewolves getting out from a window. The female one has two bats flying like flies around her head. The traffic in the streets is weird. Most of the cars move backwards. The authority car has a toilette in stead of a seat, and the driver seems to be taking a shit while driving. He speaks with somebody with the radio. This place is weird and I'm wondering what have the werewolves to do here/... * I have to point out about this one, when I started to write down some fast notes (which is really tedious due to the fatigue) I barely remembered a couple of fragments of the final scene in the city where I wasn't lucid anymore. It was not until I wanted to go back to sleep, when I was able to remember the whole lucid sequence. Then my scratched writing turned into something more devoted.
Updated 05-07-2014 at 02:01 PM by 18736
* This day was more complicated. I went late to bed after some cups of wine... .../It's night and I'm running around a stadium. There's strange people around. I see a fake taxi getting too close. I decide to go back. In the way I find some wooden toy wagons. I want to try to finish the round riding one of those. It moves fine, although I go in another direction because of it's fun to turn it with my thought. I end inside a supermarket at the end of an irregular queue. I get to a better position in the queue, close to the cash register. The guy behind me doesn't like what I did and he's decided to tell the cashier to take me out of the queue. He points at me while asks the other people if they saw what I did. I'm feeling a little bit embarrassed, although I will try not to pay attention to him... * The importance about this dream is that I'm starting to make connections between the dreamscapes from other dreams which took place in the same "city". I didn't realize until now, that I could build some sort of map of the whole city which could help me to move better when I get lucid and don't know "where to go". * After waking up from that dream, I tried to WILD, lying on my side with my arms in front of me, due to some times the dream started when I was lying in the same position although looking at my arms very clear. .../I'm lying on the sofa when I feel one tooth moving out from its place. I wake up and go to the bathroom. I want to rinse my mouth out. I feel the blood starting to flow. When I get into the bathroom I see the window is open and an old friend of mine, a black cat who lived in the creepy lady's house, is there. I want to turn on the light, although I can't push the switch correctly due to the rush. I try it once more but this time I don't find the switch in the middle of the dark. I see the cat taking a walk inside the bath when I remember he used to do some nasty things to mark his territory. I don't want him to mark his territory on the laundry basket! So I gently tell him to go away, with some drops of water. He goes out through the window... * Nap after work... ...driving in a highway... ...residual porn advertisement on the screen when I close a window... ...drops of water falling on a light-green and pink leaf... .../my oldest daughter, climbs on the furniture, jumps and fall on her knees. It makes a loud noise. I want to draw her attention... .../I hear somebody getting into the house. I wake up and hear something on the floor has broken. I see one of its wooden planks is broken. I want to see how much is it broken. It's about to fall inside a hole beneath the floor. I hold it carefully and see how deep is the hole. It's not too deep. I'm interesting to explore there, but first I have to see who got in the house... * Sometimes I dream about this place where we moved a couple of years ago.
Updated 05-07-2014 at 12:41 PM by 18736
*It was a little bit stressful day, I was more tired than usual. I got to write some notes. It was what I got: - .../chimps, like porn actors who don't know how to think but how to reproduce... - .../a police officer in civil clothes tries to follow me. I let him to get confused and lost away... - .../I see some people gathered like in a TV show. It's something about a game of telling stories. They broke up the vessels. That way, there's no sequel, just 2 episodes... - .../It's once again the creepy lady's house where I rented a room, it's mixed with one side of the stairs of my school. I'm playing with some cards on a drawing table. then I'm talking with one of my new neighbors who is testing me. Then he dives into the water that appears around the table. I see him getting back dressed in a Fred Flintstone costume. It looks similar although the feet don't match, it's like an inflated rubber costume. He pretends to push the table-boat using his feet to propel the way the cartoons do to move their cars. I laugh because of his feet got stuck inside the costume, at the end it gets deflated on the table with a pair of scratches in the feet, when the real Fred Flintstone jumps out of the water yelling his classic "yabba dabba doo". Then he propels our boat and his boat with that funny movement of the feet. I end standing on the upper side of the stairs which is adjacent to a window. I see from above a couple going upstairs, to the room which is one level down from my point of view. He looks like Woody Allen and he's talking about a test I have to take by killing somebody. That idea disgusts me, I see them reach the door and get in, my Aunt-mom lets them in. Next to me, there's a woman speaking something about Architecture. I realize she forgot to mention something about the walls. I see her graphic floating on the air, then she splits it in two, explaining something about its design. It's like a tutorial or some... - .../I hit like in a post, then my wife asks me how could I do that if that's a racist post. I review it once again. It's on a newspaper which shows some pictures of a sad Batman comic. I scroll down the comment to read more. It shows a progression of pictures that lead to some UFO's flying on the pyramids. I couldn't like something like that! I should have read it all first, how stupid! Then I want to write an idea which should stand for something like "in order to dislike some facebook post, one must like it first". We are sitting on a table in a park. There are clothes racks with white sheets all around. I cannot write the idea on the paper. Then my wife tells me I have to hurry up because of the bus is coming. I try to write it down with no success. Then she stands up and goes to the bus station. I want to put all my things back in my bag, but it's all a mess on the table. I know I'm missing the bus and she told me she's leaving without me if I'm not ready. I see the bus, and realize it'll be impossible to put all the things inside the bag, I want to pick all things together up and arrange them in the bus, but my mp3 player and some other things are still on the table. I give up, I miss the bus, feeling horrible. I think I can reach the other station first but I don't know how. I leave the things fall on the floor, thinking for what should I do now. I think perhaps I should wait for her at home until she gets back, I'm confused...
Updated 05-06-2014 at 03:52 PM by 18736
* I go to bed, and as usual, play some Sudoku (hard level with diagonals) to fall asleep. I let an empty piece of paper next to my bed in order to write down my fast notes. I slowly fall asleep while holding the pen and Sudoku in front of me, I close my eyes... - I see a sinking ship, then I decide it would be a great idea to write down this sort of imagery I see at the beginning. I turn and start writing about the ship... * I realize I'm still holding the Sudoku and pen in front of me, then I turn and start writing some fast notes and go back to sleep. I leave the game and pen on a side, put my self comfortable and close my eyes thinking perhaps it's a good idea to start writing this fast notes since the very first moments... - .../then if my brothers have the same chip, I must have it too... - .../and it's because of they hit the like button just for the first seconds of the videos... - .../I'm hearing the fast riff part of the song "It is Done" from Mors Principium Est... - .../I see someone shows me a red thread cone to explain something I'm thinking. The cone is very sharp... - .../two carpets together. One green and the other gray. There's a polishing head that cleans one of them. I see the heads spinning exactly in the border without touching the other one... - .../long ago I want to update my DV signature with a spoiler with my dream goals. Perhaps I have found a way to remember these ideas that pop up from time to time just when I'm falling asleep and I don't remember during my WL... - .../Hey, I can use the orange color for HH to write this in the DJ!... - .../when you wake up and bring some dream fragment, which looks like a crispy piece of meat, the kids shouldn't touch it with their hands... * Both kids are sleeping now, I don't hear no more playing noises coming from their place... - .../I just want to make a sample of how it goes... - .../Share your dream from last night in <one sentence>. The sentence could be used as the link text to the DJ entry to make it simple... - .../when I woke up yesterday right after the dream from the "remotest memory", I remembered most of it but I didn't have something at hand to make a fast note or voice recording, of course! I must correct it... * Then, it came to my mind the first recurrent-never-remembered-until now-fragment of a sequence of dreams, which brought me back a recurrent dreamscape which is a composition of all the city downhills of the former town where I lived... It's amazing to remember all those dreams... a lot of scenes cross in front of my eyes... those dreams were so vivid and were almost left into Oblivion... - .../that's why it should be loaded the second section first. That way you don't lose the data when loading the first part in the second place... * That was the last note before falling asleep... .../I have one-wheel roller skates attached to my knees. I'm skating kneeling taking my little kid to the kindergarten. She has normal inline roller skates. I give her to her teacher (who's a woman I never saw in WL). There's something about Orange color... * Wake up and write some fast notes, then go back to sleep... .../I get to school at night, I'm wearing my school times clothing. I find a girl friend who I didn't remember long ago. I ask her about some twin brothers who studied with us because of I forgot which one of them was our classmate. One of them was in another class but I didn't remember who was who. She pointed who was with us. I see the other one at the basketball court, then I tell him: "Of course, you were in the other class because of the uglier from you was in our class". Then I follow the girl upstairs to our classroom. I see a couple of friends more. It's nice to remember them. Then I notice that my place is not free. I look for a free chair, put my bag on it and start singing "Set The World A Fire" from Megadeth. I realize my voice is a little bit creepy, it's funny, then I let it go... * Wake up and write some fast notes, then go back to sleep... .../I'm in a recurrent dreamscape enjoying the view, I'm getting to the peninsula which is called "island" by the locals. It's mixed with some ancient ruins. I hear somebody screaming there. I take a closer look and see a young man cutting some logs. I decide to go back when I see another man walking on the road. I prefer to keep my distance. When I turn I can see the roofs of the houses all tight together covering the hills in the sides of the road. The sight is very dreamy. Then I realize it! When I see a person getting closer, I decide to walk on the roofs to avoid him, the roofs are all connected with stairs. The man takes a short cut and climbs faster than me. He gets to the upper side of the labyrinth first, I just decide to go on climbing up since he doesn't seem to bother. I hear a local folk song, it's very sticky. It was the melody which long ago I was looking for, finally I hear something new! The lyrics are not what I expected, because of it's about the opposite team, although sounds really good and this time, I decide to let it go when I reach the roof of my grand parents' house. I sit for a moment to hear it clear. I climb down thinking about the different devil costumes I wore those three years. Then I put a bear dress on. I don't remember having pictures of this one, I have 2 kerchiefs in each hand, I notice I didn't do the blue one although it looks nice too. I see both my Dad and Aunt-mom (she took care of me when my biological mother passed away when I was around 2) getting in the old bakery to talk. I just don't want them to see me. I go downstairs while looking at the costume, I "remember" dancing with this. It was very fun, although perhaps I should take a couple of pictures now. Then I see my Dad absently walking, I evade him very easy...
Updated 05-05-2014 at 10:12 AM by 18736 (Corrected the first song name.)
- The most remote recall I have, there's a beautiful woman with me, I'm happy because of her presence. There was something about an animal, although I cannot exactly remember what it was. - The announced visit takes place, she's with us and we are having a nice conversation. I give her a couple of hello kisses. At the beginning we are in my present days house, then the place turns into my grand parents house. I make some jokes about taxi drivers that finally make her laugh out loud. We are making comparisons between two societies, making jokes about how stressed people live in a big city. It's warm and I take my rain jacket off. My Aunt-mom and my Old-Aunt who passed away a time ago, appear sometime in the scene. My kids are playing here and there. In the middle of the conversation, I have a red plastic laser-sword in my hand, I absently play with it. * She comes to visit us tomorrow. * I don't remember her DC getting in a dream before.
-I can barely remember I'm trying to put something into place but it's very evasive. I think there's something about a friend of mine and his cousin from my school days. *Today my kids have the day off and as usual, they woke up very early in the morning.