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    Choi's Journey of the Conscious Mind

    Learning From A 20 Years Experienced Pracctioner!

    by , 03-03-2012 at 07:23 PM (457 Views)
    This post is about a guy named Frank Kepple and I just read a compilation of all his posts in a PDF document.
    I thought instead of me redoing all trials and erors I could learn from his 20 years pracctise and forum activity!

    He sais that he have been able to "Project" in 30 seconds and have had experienced that have last for some minutes to some hours.

    Well his posts speak for themself so I will just quote him here:

    "No, I'm not saying that at all. You do not "need" anything to project. Any physically and
    mentally normal person already has everything they need in order to project.
    You see, these days people are suffering Astral Information Overload. Problem is,
    commercialism is taking over; books need to be sold, pages of information need to be created,
    and so forth. Marketing works because, in essence, it fools you into thinking you "need" some
    "thing" in order to be a better person, say, or to make your life more secure, or whatever.
    Advertisements play on fear and greed and all kinds of circumstances and emotions so you'll
    keep buying and buying and buying......
    But don't get me wrong, I do realise where you are coming from. I just want to make clear the
    big mistake I see people making, time and again, is they think they need some "technique" in
    order to project. No, the act of projection is a totally NATURAL event.
    However, what you DO need (or at least what most of us seem to need) is relaxation coupled
    with a little meta-physical imagery. So as to kick-start the process of bringing ourselves to the
    mental point where projection WILL happen (NOTE: The key word to remember here is "little").
    Have you ever noticed that the sexiest pictures of women, the pictures that really stimulate the
    most, tend to be the ones where they are NOT fully naked? That's because they tantalise the
    mind and stimulate it into developing elements of creative fantasy in order to "fill the gaps".
    Which, in turn, can very quickly stimulate an erection.
    So the million-dollar question is: How can we "tantalise the mind" into stimulating projection?
    Okay, the first thing we need to do is to simply relax. Not relax in any particular way necessarily.
    No, all you need is to simply do nothing more than just lie down on your back and relax... what
    could be more natural than that?
    But what has happened is, the marketing-boys have latched onto this and have provided us with
    an amazing plethora of so-called "techniques"... "Buy my latest Power Technique... No, buy my
    Super-Power Technique... Hey, over hear, I've got a Super-Power Technique that doubles as a
    10-Minute blah, blah, blah, Technique all rolled into one... No, listen to me, I've got the latest
    Advanced Super-Duper Power Two-Minute Projection Blaster... and if that fails, next week
    comes the very latest Projection BlasterII that's guaranteed to relax & project more than any
    other, or your money back!"
    And so it goes on, ad nauseum.
    I was flipping through Astral Dynamics yesterday when I came across a section where problems
    had occured from using the Rope Technique. One person ended up with a pile of rope on the
    floor; another kept hitting the ceiling, and so forth. What these people have done is to develop
    (or perhaps they already did have) brilliant powers of creative visualisation. But that is all they
    have done.
    Alright, maybe having such an attuned creative power will come in handy in their physical life.
    Especially if they are a designer of some kind. But it is not at all necessary for Astral Projection.
    In fact, I maintain that it can quite possibly interfere with the entire projection process.
    Projection occurs when you shift your focal point of awarenes from behind your physical eyes
    and move it upwards to the point I described in a previous post to this thread. That is really all
    you need to do.
    Your focal point of awareness is simply the part of your brain that gives you the five physical
    senses of smell, touch, taste, hearing and eyesight. Plus, it allows you to think about things and to
    remember events.
    Right, so inside the front part of your brain, about where I told you to imagine the red dot, is a
    portion of the brain that has the ability to see the Astral region(s). Imagine that the Astral regions
    are the VHF FM waveband (in the UK it's 88 to 108 megahertz) and that the portion of the brain
    I'm telling you about is an FM radio. But also imagine that this radio has no loudspeaker - just a
    headphone outlet.
    So now imagine a situation where the radio is switched-on and tuned to a station; and you are
    standing next to the radio wearing a pair of headphones. But the headphones are not plugged in.
    In other words, the radio is receiving and playing a signal; and you are standing there with
    everything you need to hear it; but you can't actually hear anything... until... you do the simple
    act of plugging in the headphones and bingo! Instantly you hear the station.
    In the physical body, your focal point of awareness are the headphones. The part of the brain that
    connects to the Astral is the switched-on radio. When you shift your focal point of awareness
    upwards... you plug in the headphones.
    It really is that simple.
    So just lie back, relax, and imagine making that connection by using a little meta-physical
    imagery. You can climb an imaginary rope, or imagine putting your sense of physical awareness
    in an elevator, or anything like that will do. The simpler and the plainer it is the better.
    Also, and this is HIGHLY EFFECTIVE, let your eyes roll back so they are looking upwards.
    You see, this is SO HIGHLY EFFECTIVE because your focal point of awareness, when you are
    awake, tends to follow the eyes. Point the eyes up, and your focal point of awareness goes...
    At first, you may experience stress in the eye muscles. So relax them until the strained feeling
    goes away and try again. Try to concentrate on not physically holding the eyes up. Just let them
    roll back naturally. Which they WILL do after just a little practise.
    You know when you are doing it right, because there will come an instant when suddenly you
    thought you heard something; or maybe you thought you detected some kind of shadow or
    movement. At which point the eyes will try to look. Which will have the effect of immediately
    halting the process. So you will have to start again. This may happen quite a number of times at
    first, but at least you will know you are on the right track!
    So please, as a little experiment, put aside all thoughts of using any kind of technique. Simply lie
    back, gently relax, and let your eyes roll back and imagine your awareness drifting upwards. It is
    important that you take things very slowly, and handle your mind very gently. It is rather like if
    you were physically handling a new-born baby. Think of the protective gentleness you would
    feel towards that tiny new-born soul. Now imagine the same thing, but in mental terms.
    Please always bear in mind: YOU CANNOT "MAKE" PROJECTION HAPPEN!!!
    Successful projection is all about creating the right circumstances where you simply let it
    happen. Understand that conscious-exit projection is a gentle and graceful process. The slightest
    hint of any kind of mental harshness totally scuppers the whole thing!


    By reading Frank's post I realise that my friend Fredrik was very accurate in his explanation and I am shocked over how he managed to figure this out all by himself. I understand now that there is no "TECHNQUE" that is bullet proof and all you have to do is actually to just hit a switch or shift your awareness. The problem is to find that switch...

    I hope that you find his and this post inspiring. Now I just have to find my way to flick the switch!
    Linkzelda41 likes this.

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    Updated 03-03-2012 at 08:32 PM by 49122



    1. Linkzelda's Avatar
      This is an amazing read, I loved this! I also find that just doing things naturally and finding that switch is the best thing for me to do. Thanks for posting this, this really gives me a little boost with projection!
      Choi likes this.
      Updated 03-03-2012 at 08:27 PM by Linkzelda41
    2. Choi's Avatar
      He sais that there are different zones, planes or focus when it comes to astral projection, although Frank use the term zones.
      And he describes lucid dreaming as one of these zones, so this is not just how to lucid dream, this is how to expand your consciousnes.
      I am really happy that I found this PDF it was like reading about your own attempts, but in the future :)

      Here it is, if anybody is interested: [url]http://www3.sympatico.ca/xanth18/FranksPosts.pdf[/url] written by Xanth from the Astral Pulse forum.
      Linkzelda41 likes this.
      Updated 03-03-2012 at 08:35 PM by Choi
    3. Linkzelda's Avatar
      Oooh okay then, in a way, I feel this can be a useful asset for dream stabilization, since like you said that it's for expanding your consciousness.

      Thanks for the link as well, going to read on it later on.