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    Turquoise Dreams

    Nov. TOTM fail; Progress in awareness; DCs don't know who will win the elections

    , 11-01-2016 at 08:24 PM (575 Views)
    Last night bed at 10pm. I adjusted my waking time for supplements accordingly.

    2:30am 2x300 Alpha GPC

    Here I remembered a DREAM:
    I'm moving a huge low wooden table and I think I somehow move it too fast because it kinda levitates and I don't stop it on time. It bumps into a wall. Or at least that's how I explain to myself the loud bump. Someone walks in from another room wondering what the heck I'm doing.

    We look out the window. The darkness of the night is illuminated by bright explosions over the silhuetts of distant tall trees. I have a feeling doomsday war just broke out and those are missiles exploding. (watched a tv show about doomsday with intent to have an intense dream about it and promptly I did have a dream that night, and looks like last night as well)

    After Alpha GPC I went back to sleep.

    3:30am - got up for a WBTB.
    4:05am - 2x4mg pure galantamine and going straight on a sofa. I was so sleepy. Btw, I took a bite of bread because I was getting hungry and didn't want that to bother me while WILDing.

    Woke up at 6:07 from continuous dreaming.

    I fell asleep rather quickly and wa lucid from the getgo.

    About 20 min into a lucid, I noticed a brief change in the setting and I thought to myself "whoa, that's about 20 min of some very aware and detailed lucid".

    I believe I kept lucid for the whole 2 hrs, from falling asleep till 6am. It was getting less aware towards the end, but I was still making decisions.

    Since my style of LDing had changed and I don't have chains of lucids with brief breaks between dreams, I'm having hard time remembering details. Before, during these breaks between dreams when I was just laying there in gray emptiness, I had time to retell to myself any previous lucids and even count them before realizing I'm still there and dreaming, all I have to do is stand up and be in a dream again.

    Now it's just one long contunuous dream with changes of scenery. Last 2 times I had only 2 major sceneries. First part of lucid was outdoors and second was indoors. I don't know why or how, but it seems like a theme now.

    In last night's lucid, again, half of the dream I was outside. Flying over places. One of them was a scary fast water in a deep channel. Was so turbulent as if it was rushing out of a dam. Someone I was flying with asked me if I want to go in a water and I said no. So we just flew by the wall, turning away from there, looking for a landing spot. All spots were stone steps carved into a stone, making a narrow staircase going upwards into darkness. Each starcase was creepier than the other.

    Next I'm flying over a futuristic city. It's very modern, I'm flying slowly taking my time, making a conscious decision to take in as many details as I can so I remember at least some of it, knowing that I will have hard time remembering. I'm looking at each item trying to memorize it.

    (I think this is from me practicing awareness last night and also last week before that lucid. I have noticed already last week that part of my lucid was a bit different. It was more aware and detailed. Same thing happened last night.

    Also, last week after my lucid, I felt this strange surge of passion for lucid dreams. I do love them, but this was like I newly discovered them again. New possibilities have opened. Not sure what it is, but I still feel it. )

    I walk up the stairs coming from underground. Like from a metro. I notice the air smells different. It smells real and the world is real and the houses and weather are real. I think to myself briefly without having time to ponder on what it means. I cant figure out the difference between the 2 worlds. Until I walked out, I felt that where I was till then WAS real.

    Something like when you walk out to sunny afternoon from a dark theater after you saw a movie. You are still in the "movie world" being immersed in the story, you forgot about the world outside and stepping outside it's a bit of a shock.

    Ok, so second part of the dream was me walking through endless corridors, rooms, halls, such as in a huge department store. Only different. Some of the corridors are curved, rooms are smaller and bigger with all kinds of items. All very busy. All full of other people.

    I go with the theme of me finally seeing DCs that had been absent in most of my prior lucids. And I actully talk to them. I ask a group of DCs who will be the president. I hear myself pronounce their full names clearly and I'm pleasantly surprised and proud of myself. I ask them if it's gonna be Trump or Hillary Clinton. They don't really answer, except one guy who says "25". Haha. I move on and later I ask another group, but they don't know either.

    While still in the outdoors part of a dream, I remember the TOTM - dig a hole and see what's there. Although now I think the TOTM is "stick your head in the ground and see what's there".

    Anyway, I start to dig a hole in the dirt when I get some not so good vibes and I decide I don't want to go what's on the other side of it. So I stop.

    Oh yeah, last part was not very lucid. I spent it on... you guessed it... sex. Any which way I could. At least 20 min of it. Not complaining.

    After the lucid, I went back to sleep still feeling the GM and choline in my head, hoping for another LD. But didn't get any more. Got up at 9:12, not remembering any dreams from that part.

    Reading an article about differences between OBEs and LDs, I just remembered that I was getting some gentle vibrations just before I fell asleep.

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    Updated 11-01-2016 at 10:55 PM by 50242

    Tags: dcs, flying, sex, totm, water


    1. woblybil's Avatar
      Reading an article about differences between OBEs and LDs, I just remembered that I was getting some gentle vibrations just before I fell asleep.
      They are quite different, Like I know what's down the hole from AP's long ago. The dark places is what's down there in an OBE or AP!
      and if you continue down enough you may start to see the red glow of hell below and hear the screams of the demons fighting and instinct for survival alone is enough to turn you around..
      In lucid dreaming that's not maybe the case but I had so much AP training that it stuck. Of course if I dig a nice, fresh hole it's a different story, Whatever I expect is what will be in it.. Even Candy!
    2. gab's Avatar
      Noooooo! Don't tell me thaaaaat! Underground is full of beer and beef jerky... Underground is full of beer and beef jerky... Underground is full of beer and beef jerky...
      woblybil likes this.
    3. woblybil's Avatar

      Underground is full of beer and beef jerky... Underground is full of beer and beef jerky... Underground is full of beer and beef jerky...
      I like that way better
      gab likes this.