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    feeling trapped

    by , 12-11-2016 at 03:33 PM (466 Views)
    On holiday, a man has been trying to do something that makes me feel trapped. He has a longcoat even though it is summer time. Is he a detective? idk some kind of official maybe.
    So sitting at a table with him in a large cafeteria with glass doors opening onto a grassed area, bathed in sun.
    I pull out a large knife as big as a machete, and plunge it into his neck. Strange orangey blood starts to pool as I push it further in. Fairly sure he is dead., I exit. Escaping from the resort my main feeling is sadness that I did not get a chance to spend time there, on the beach or anything LOL It is now early evening an the sun is setting.

    In a classroom, large teenagers are sitting in with my class, the older kids are getting the younger ones to misbehave. They are chewing gum and making noises in class. I'm really annoyed with them.
    Finally I look down at the work we are supposed to be doing, it is in latin! and I cannot even understand it.
    I tell them to make sure to do their sentences properly with capital letters and full stops.

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    1. Serene's Avatar
      Damn! That guy ruined your chance to get to the beach! No fair lol it is YOUR holiday and he ruined it...naaaa you can go to the beach tonight! Orange blood? Eeeewwwww
    2. DawnEye11's Avatar
      O.o oh man. big as a machete? Rip suspicious dream figure.
      Elaineylane and Nebulus like this.
    3. Nebulus's Avatar
      Hahahaaa thanks people for funny comments xD
      Elaineylane and DreamCafe11 like this.
    4. Elaineylane's Avatar
      You kill a guy & your guilty thought was you didn't spend more time at the beach, rotflmao! The second one should be called, "Fake it till you make it" lol I really enjoyed this one a whole lot!
      Nebulus likes this.