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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    Water Two Ways

    by , 04-10-2012 at 06:29 PM (709 Views)
    Some lucids!

    I woke up in my bed, and felt lucid, like I had just had a DILD. So I sat up in bed, about to do an RC when I saw this giant gemstone ring in the bed that I knew didn't really exist. So I got up out of the bed to go have a fun LD. But the blanket stuck to me really bad, and I pulled the whole thing off the bed. Danny groaned, "What are you dooooing?" I was worried that maybe I was really getting up in real life too, because the dream felt so real. I just said "I'm getting up, go back to sleep." But he got up and followed me, and i was worried that Dream Danny was going to ruin my LD, when he suddenly shrunk down to midget size. All he did was walk me to the bedroom door, opened it for me, then went back to bed. Yay! So I went to the kitchen, and things started to get a little blurry, so I looked at my reflection in the glass microwave door. This time, I was a guy with big green bug eyes. I looked 3 times, and each time it changed, but I was always a guy with bug eyes. The last time I looked really close and as always, I got those sparkly, gel-like green irises, with the tiniest black dot for pupils. I decided to go out and have some fun, when my left eye gave out again. I looked at my hands and it helped a bit, but whenever I winked my right eye, I was nearly blind. So I yelled MORE LIGHT which helped a little more. Then I looked at the door and said "Ok, when i open that door, it's going to be bright outside, and I'm going to be able to see clearly, and some cool stuff will happen!" I opened the door and looked outside:

    The entire block was flooded! The sidewalks were about an inch underwater, and all the driveways and streets were an ocean, rolling with waves. I started splashing my feet on the sidewalk, and singing and having a jolly old time. The water felt so real, and cool on my feet. I remarked on some pretty flowers (marigolds and dianthus). I got to the curb and looked at the impossibly deep water that made up the oceans. It wasn't clear, rather murky and blueish-green. I had an urge to jump in, but I was too scared. Even in a lucid dream, I can get pretty frightened by what I might find in deep, murky water. So I turned toward the house. Now the yard was flooded too, but I could see through it a little bit. Then Bella, my chihuahua, came out the front door, wanting to play in the water. When she did that, I could see a couple HUGE fish in the water in the yard, heading toward Bella as if she were a snack. I yelled "Go back inside Bella!" and one of the fish turned and looked at me with a pissed off expression. It was about 5 feet long with an orange body and the head of a tiger. An angry tiger. See this is PRECISELY why I don't go into the water.

    I woke up in my bed, and went right back to sleep and was immediately lucid. I was laying on my stomach and I immediately felt the Demon get on my back. No drama this time, he just got on top of me, held my arms down, stuck it in, and went to town. I got off in about 4 seconds. Then he vanished. Thatta boy I turned over to lie down on my back. I was still kinda horny and I felt down there and I had a big boner. So I decided to play with it. It was all big and red. I remembered something Danny had told me just yesterday about how when he jerks off, if he wants it to feel like a virgin, he keeps his hand dry and squeezes harder. But when he wants to feel like he's with a whore, he gets his hands wet and loosens his grip. So I licked my hand and started stroking it. It DID feel different. After a while I reached down and felt my balls. Never did that before, but this time I just wanted to feel them. They were small in proportion to my dick, but hey, they're MY balls. And a little hairy. I just love the details. After a while I got a little bored so I found a chick and started banging her. It was a bit cumbersome and I was getting tired so I let myself wake up.

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    lucid , memorable


    1. GoldenLight's Avatar
      I had a non-lucid dream once where I walked around a corner in a medieval looking town and was hit with a wall of water as the town from the corner and onward was flooded. It swept me out and enveloped me. I was caught in this wall of water and had to work my way back to this village. Never dreamed of being something or someone other than 'me'. Have had demons in my dream but one was my husband! ACK!
      Alyzarin and Dreamprofesser like this.
    2. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      OUCH demon husband

      Destroy it?
    3. GoldenLight's Avatar
      Ha! No, I just wimped out and woke up! Should thought of that...
      Dreamprofesser likes this.
    4. Dreamprofesser's Avatar
      WOW! 4 seconds it took for that demon to nut? Atleast yours was quick. When i was sexually raped by a female sex demon, it seemed like it took hours for her to finish!
    5. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      I meant that it took me only 4 seconds. I don't even know if the demon got off or not. Don't care, he's just a subcreature anyway