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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    Basic TOTM - Walk Through Mirrors

    by , 06-14-2012 at 05:49 PM (665 Views)
    This one's going to be a doozy, mainly because I had long DEILD chain, and I can't remember everything in perfect order, but I'll do my best. First I want to admit, that I took a 5-HTP last night before bed, around 1am. This is after not taking it for about 2 weeks I think? I woke up the first time at about 7:15am when Danny got home from his night shift. He had to take his daughter to her mom's, and they left the house at about 8:30am, which woke me up again for a moment and I think that's when I went pee. I woke up again around 9 or 9:30, and that's when the crazy vibrations started.

    These were so odd. First, the vibrations were all over my body, and had a really strong electrical feeling.. not to the point of uncomfortable, but almost. And they came in waves. At the height of the waves the first few times, it was accompanied by the most horrific screaming.. like a man who was a combination of psychotic, homicidal, and in maximum pain. It was horrible. But I knew it wasn't real, and it would fade eventually. After a few seconds, the waves were just vibrations, but I could control them with just my thumbs. Kind of hard to explain, but when ever the vibrations would subside, I could intensify them by curling my thumbs in. I've been able to do this in the past with just my mind, but this is the first time I could with bodyparts. Kinda cool. I was getting a little frustrated though, because the last 3 times I've had the vibrations, no Julio and no DEILD. just vibrations then oblivion. So I just kept curling my thumbs and hoping for the best.

    Finally I felt like some time had suddenly passed, and I was just lying in bed thinking of nothing, but I felt weird, like it could be a dream. I looked at my thumbs, which still had the tingly feeling form being connected to those vibrations. They looked all mangled and contorted, so I knew it was a dream! First thing I did was get out of bed, and TOTM immediately popped into my mind. Mirror time (I was so excited). I went to the hall bathroom, pitch black and the light switch didn't work (ffffuuuuuuu). Neither did clapping, shouting, gnawing hacking biting breaking burning (/LOTR). So I crawled up on the sink, opened the glass cover of the lights, beat the shit out of the lights until they came on, replaced the cover, and got back down. Nothing like a little lucid brute force . I looked in the mirror.. it looked like me but the hair was wrong. Anyway, I just pushed my head through the glass, and there was quick moment of feeling like I was sticking my head through a membrane of water, then I could see. My head and torso pushed through the membrane and appeared on the 2nd story balcony of a loft apartment, overlooking a restaurant by the ocean. I remember the rails on the balcony were unusual, they were the first thing I saw and noted. Anyway, there were 4 people sitting at the outside table of the restaurant. I yelled at them "Hey, where am I?" One lady yelled back at bit rudely "This is the FLORIDA KEYS!" I thought it was pretty cool, but kinda uninteresting. It was a cloudy day, and looked more like a dirtyish city than some tropical islands. So I popped back out of the mirror (I never went fully through).

    I saw my reflection again, and was excited because I succeeded AND because I was still lucid and hadn't woken up yet! I went back through the mirror again, only partially again, half expecting to see the same scene, half hoping it would be different. The front half of my body passed through the mirror again, and this time appeared inside a building. It was some kind of animal rescue or vet for exotic birds. There were no cages, just giant glass rooms. The place looked like it was funded pretty well, all clean and spacious. There were parrots and cockatiels and cockatoos, and birds of every color of the rainbow. And it sounded like I was in a rainforest with all the bird sounds. Some didn't fly, and just kinda walked around. I guess they were rescues who'd had their wings clipped. I'm not much of a bird person, so I left again.

    I think this is where I woke up and went back to sleep. Hard to remember, I may have in between the other 2 experiences too. I know I woke up and went back to sleep at least 2 more times, because I remember getting out of bed and thinking "YES I'm still DEILDing" a couple more times. I'm just fuzzy on the order, sorry about that. I had more luck with bathroom lights from here on though. I remember walking down the hall, and the bathroom door was closed. But I could see light peeking under the door. Thank you subconscious. I opened the door, plenty of light, and looked in the mirror. I noticed 2 cats I used to have were sitting on the bathroom sink, Henunu and Gepiepe. I gave them a few pats, then returned to the mirror. I pushed my head through and saw a really pretty creek that reminded me of the Guadalupe River, with lots of Cypress trees. And it was a beautiful, cool sunny day. I wanted to go all the way through and explore, but then I noticed the water. It was all green and murky, and looked too deep for the creek size. I said "HELL no" and popped back out. Then I thought, "Chicken." So I went back in, only partially (I have to remark at how easy it was to pass through the glass each time.. I had expected some resistance, but it was just like liquid. More thick than water, kind of like a gel), and I saw the same scene. I looked down, and I was right over the bank, and there were rocks below. So I picked up some rocks and threw them at the water to see if anything creepy would stir. I didn't notice anything, so I went completely through for the first time. I picked up the largest rock and carried it with me, just in case hehe. I just walked along the bank, and looked at the ground and the remarkable cypress roots, avoiding the water. Then I woke up.

    Again, hard to remember the exact order, but I remember going through 3 more times. I peeked through the mirror and found myself looking at the back of some chairs in a restaurant. It looked like teatime... oooo fancy! So I went through and sat at a table with 3 other women. They were passing around a menu and ordering tea sandwiches. I was the last one to get the menu, and before I could place my order, the first lady grabbed it out of my hands! Obnoxious looking rich blonde bitch. She said "Oh I'd like to go ahead and place my order for tomorrow as well." I yanked it right back out of her hands and said "Give me that back!" Then I just kinda looked at her for a minute, and she looked down. I said "This is stupid." And I got up and went to the bathroom, specifically with looking for a mirror in mind. There were several mirrors in the pretty little restaurant bathroom. I took the smallest one off the wall, it was just a thin rectangular mirror, trying to figure out how I was going to get through it. Then I heard a voice on the other side of the bathroom.. it was a lady sitting in a chair. She said "That bigger mirror would probably be better." Haha. So right. So I went through that one and found myself back on that 2nd story loft again, overlooking that restaurant again. The same rude lady was at the same table with her same friends, and she saw me and said "Yes, it's still the Florida Keys." And I screamed back at her "YEHAAAW!! THE FLORIDA FUCKING KEYS, HELL YEAHHHH!!" and came back out of the mirror.

    I went in one last time, from that same mirror I think, and came out in the most boring looking residential area I had ever seen. I thought, meh, why not. I walked around but the place seemed deserted. I went inside one house and didn't' see anyone. I started getting randy of course.. tis a side effect of lucidity for me I'm afraid. But since I was alone, I decided that I wanted to really see what my anatomy looked like when it changed to male parts. I won't go into detail, but I was looking in a full length mirror in one of the bedrooms, and I saw an awful lot. Finally a guy showed up a bit later and we had sex but I woke up half way through.

    The End, shit.
    CaptainCrounche likes this.

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    1. Xanous's Avatar

      I laugh peed at this.
    2. Wurlman's Avatar
      I was going to quote the same thing as xanous!!!! Beat me to it. But yea that's funny shit!
    3. isthisit's Avatar
      Just read about your TOTM and seeing exotic birds... how strange!
      Also, I didn't think to go into the mirror again, I just presumed that's what was inside and that was it!