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    Lucid #2 - The street of hell 29/01/13

    by , 01-29-2013 at 05:53 PM (539 Views)

    So it's my 16th day of trying to Lucid dream and I've had my first one! I was woken up by my parent's alarm at 6.30, half way through a dream. I rolled over and went back to sleep, but I was thinking about the dream I had just had. So I guess you could say it was a DEILD because I went from a dream into another dream.

    I'm in Florida, going to sea world with my parents. we are getting out of the car, and my brother is complaining about having to put on sun cream. My mum points to some clothes in car and tells me I have to get changed to wear some more suitable clothes, which is weird because we were already there. We go on a water ride thing where you are in inflatable rings. My dad is convinced that the ride isn't safe. I then somehow fall over the edge, as my ring tips over, and I am hanging by my foot while still moving along. I then rise back up and get into the ring. We carry on on the ride until we get to the drop, which we go down.

    I suddenly teleport to a shaded area, which I think is near the exit of a ride, when my grandma texts me saying she wants to go on the walking dead ride. I am a bit unsure about this as my grandma hates any type of ride.

    I teleport again to a hotel, and I am in a waiting area which is near a reception. There is a boy there, about 13 or 14 years old, but the receptionist wont let him in or do anything. I am sat down with my dad, but this boy starts to really annoy us. I can't really see what he's doing, but it feels like he is clicking a pen, constantly. The dream seems to stay like this for a while, before the receptionist sends he away to the elevator and I move on again into the hotel room. This time we are packing clothes, and my mum is trying to get me to switch clothes again.

    This is when I'm awoken by my parent's alarm. Thinking about the dream, I go back to sleep.

    I am in the kitchen of my house and I immediately already know it's a dream as I enter it. I realize how thirsty I am (I was thirsty when I woke up, but I ignored it), so I say to myself that because this is a dream, I can use telekinesis. I then lift the bottle of orange with my mind, and start to make a drink. Hearing a noise from the hallway, I realize my mum is there.

    My mum is looking in the mirror, doing her make-up, and I realize she is completely evil. I don't know how, but I do. I then try to slap her, but because I'm not close enough, I try to slap her using telekinesis. After a few attempts, I realize it isn't going to work. By this point, my mum is glaring at me so much with her evil eyes. I try to run past her, but when I reach the doorway, my dad is there and he punches me in the face. The pain feels extremely real, and I stagger back in pain. They then shut me upstairs.

    I realize that this place is evil and that I need to escape, so I think of flying. I remember reading on DV that jumping off stairs can help, so I jump, fully believing that I can do it. I fall down the stairs and land at the bottom.

    I quickly undo the door with the key, but my dad grabs me and tries to drag me inside. Seeing people in the house opposite mine, I scream for help. My dad then lets me go, and I run outside, and past the people. I think to myself that the only way I can escape is by flying, so I try to fly over the house in front of me. I end up only being able to do a quick jump, so that I land on the small roof bit of their garage that attaches to their house. My dad begins to climb the wall, but I begin to notice the sky change. I hadn't really payed attention to it before, but it's dark, and I get the feeling of fire, like hell.

    Turning around, I see that some kids of dug up the road, to find lava underneath, and were jumping in it. I get the feeling that I've seen it happen before, and I see a close friend of mine trying to do it. I drag her away and try to tell her not to kill herself, but she just tells me that I'm taking away the fun. I find the kid that organized this, and who was making them do it. I order him to stop or I'll call the police. He points out that I can't do anything because I'm in a dream. I start to understand and agree with him, and the dream fades to black.

    Then I wake up and it's time for school.
    Xanous and Meiseki like this.

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    Updated 03-02-2013 at 12:55 PM by 60496



    1. Sensei's Avatar
      yeah, that lucid is a bit of a nightmare. When it comes to nightmare like stuff, I like to switch to the cusps form of dream control.

      Nothing can exist in a dream without you attention.

      So, you see something evil, just don't think about and walk away. Sivason's dream yoga class can help with this.

      I hope you enjoyed your first lucid even though it was crazy! Congratulations!
      Xanous likes this.
    2. MysticalDipshit's Avatar
      Yeah it was pretty cool. Plus I succeeded at telekinesis, sort of. The slap part was so funny when it happened, even though it was a bit creepy. And I really wanna fly now.
      Sensei likes this.