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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    Nekkid!!!! (advanced TOTM - WILD)

    by , 06-18-2013 at 06:53 PM (715 Views)
    Looooooong dream, beware:

    I hate that my LDs lately seem dependent on my days off since I work so much more now, but at least if the LD is really epic, then it's a pay off for me. The like one I just woke up from. It's also in part to the sweet podcast that CL and I recorded last night.

    I didn't think I was going to have one at all, because I kept sleeping in and waking up, and nothing. I was hot, and uncomfortable. Finally Danny got up and I rolled over to sleep again. Then the bed suddenly felt cylindrical, and I began to feel like I was slowly rolling off, but never did. I get funny sensations like that sometimes when I'm about to have a WILD. So I just relaxed and remained still, and a wave of vibrations washed over me. I very patiently waited a few moments before slowly getting out of bed. Everything was realistic, but I noticed that the fan was missing from our ceiling fan, but then appeared suddenly (like as OOPS forgot). Also the pillows had fringes that don't exist irl, so I knew for sure I was dreaming.

    I went to leave the room, but I had blankets attached to me. I left the room and there was still one wrapped around my legs. I cursed it in my mind, then continued to the livingroom. I remembered the naked task, and was happy to see the livingroom was full of people. Mostly kids, and a lady on the couch. I knew it would be ok since it's just a dream anyway. I said "Hey guys, I'm about to get nekkid!!" They totally ignored me, while watching TV. Then I remembered that piece of paper from an old TOTM still in the kitchen. I had a personal goal of wanting to check it out again. It was in the right place, but it was covered with nonsensical words that changed everytime I looked at it. At one point, I saw that it said "turn over" and when I did, it was blank. I turned it back over, and it had changed again. Anyway, I went back into the livingroom and started taking my clothes off. The blanket had vanished at some point during all this (the power of ignoring annoying crap in dreams). I said "HEY! I'm naked!" One kid looked at me and said, "Oh look, once Ophelia's done with this, I'm going to teach everyone how to smoke pot!" Then I lost it, I laughed so hard at that boy. I looked at the lady on the couch, who glanced at me for a moment, then looked away like she wished I hadn't done this. SO I said "Bye, I'm going outside to fly in the buff!"

    I went outside and hit the air, but I either flew too low and bounced, or I went to high and would lose my vision. Oh yeah, I had my glasses on, and I remember seeing if I could still see without them, but I needed them, oh well. Keep them on for now. After the flying, things got really blurry, and sketchy, and I couldn't make anything out. So I relaxed, and said "Imagine a barn. A red and brown barn.." and one appeared in front of me. It was still all a little sketchy, but I decided to go to the barn and look for a mirror transport. I noticed a big black bear walk on its hind legs into the barn, just before I did. I walked down a hall toward what appeared to be a bathroom, when the bear came at me, mouth wide open and bared teeth. I rolled my eyes and stuck out my hand, and he bit it, and locked on. It hurt but it was bearable. I just kept walking toward the bathroom, then I went inside and shut to door, which made the bear let go. Ha! I looked in the mirror over the sink, still not great vision. I kinda absent-mindedly turned on the bathroom light, and then BOOM! It was like someone had turned on the sun! I was about to go in the mirror, when I noticed Kim and Nicole from work outside the window. I yelled their names and told them I was LDing. They ran over to the barn, but by the time they got there, they were 2 Kims instead. They looked kinda angsty and said something I forget. I just ignored them and went back to the mirror while I could feel them watching. I poked my head and torso through, but it was a really large room that was kinda dark. I didn't really want to go there, but I couldn't pop back out of the mirror for some reason. It felt like this new room was sucking me through, so I went with it.

    I plopped out into this really large room, where all the walls were bookshelves, and there were kids toys here and there. Also alot of unfinished paintwork. A woman was putting books away on the shelves, when she suddenly was aware of my presence. She whipped around, then came at me with a small axe! I just stood there, and when the axe came down, I caught it by the handle and pulled it out of her hand. I said "Ma'am, I'm just traveling, you don't have to be scared of me." Then I heard it: an inhuman scream. It sounded like it was coming from a man, but it was so loud, and crazed. The woman looked even me scared at that then she was of me. I left the room to go toward the sound, when I ended up in a hallway where I noticed 3 men putting together an elaborate story book. They came up to me, pretending like they didn't hear this screaming. They walked me through the story, telling me all about it. I couldn't believe they were ignoring this sound. Finally I saw the source: A man walked toward us, carrying a small boy. I knew at that moment that he was the woman's wife, and this was their child. The dad was completely 100% INSANE. I knew he was rich though, because this was a really big house. I had assumed that he hired those men to make a really great book for the child. The dad was still screaming unintelligibly, at the wife I believe. Just pure anger and insanity. The child in his arms looked just, sad and yet resigned to it. I said to the guys writing the book, "He must pay you guys a lot of money to be able to ignore that shit!" One of them nodded at me. I thought, oh hell no. I still knew I was dreaming, and the axe was still in my hand. So I ran at him, ready to chop him to bits, while hopefully saving the child. The wife stopped me, crying something about not killing the father of their children. So I flew above the man, who finally shut his mouth and just stared at me in disbelief. And I said, "Mr. Dead Man? Yes, I call you DeadMan because this so called son of yours it not your son, because you don't deserve him. You are now dead to him." Then he just rolled over on the floor, and lay there in a vegetative state.

    I ended up DEILDing 2 times after that, one where I was a man and hooked up with that woman to take care of the family, but when I stripped down I had boobs, whoops.

    Then another where Danny came in wanting to have sex, and I accused him of being a DC and I'd rather have the real thing. And he said maybe we're both LDing right now, you can ask the real me in the morning. I said ok I'll tell you a code word now, that I'll ask the real you tomorrow. THen he gave up haha.
    Creepily, the real Danny came in after I woke up this morning, and he was dressed JUST like the DC one, the room was the same amount of light, and he sat on my bed and was talking a bunch of weird crazy shit to me. I had to RC, but nope that was the real Danny.

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    1. gab's Avatar
      Very nice!
      I very patiently waited a few moments before slowly getting out of bed
      Things like these make me pause every time. So friggin trippy.
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Awesome!! I was hoping we'd both get lucid after all of that podcasting! No luck with lucidity over here but I'm super glad that you were representing for the both of us.

      You handled those sticking blankets like a pro. I'm glad you remembered to stay cool. All too often I forget to follow the advice I give other people. =P You defended our credibility well. And nice job summoning that barn! That's how you teleport.

      Great memory, too, reaching all the way back to the note you'd left yourself as well as more recent stuff like TotM. (Congratulations, BTW!)

      he sat on my bed and was talking a bunch of weird crazy shit to me. I had to RC, but nope that was the real Danny.
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    3. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      Thanks for reading. I have to tell you what Danny said this morning that really made me question reality. He sat on the edge of the bed, and I told him about the dream. Then I mentioned how I felt like I was getting a wax buildup in one ear. And he said "Oh I wish we had those wax candles that you burn in your ear and it pulls out the wax." (this exists) I said "Nah it's ok, I'll just take a hot shower then use q-tips, that usually works." Then he said "You know, I bet you don't even need the wax candle, I bet you could just roll up a piece of wax paper, stick it in your ear and light it." He was DEAD serious too. Me: Then he said "I bet it's not even wax, you could just use regular paper." And I said "Ok STOP. Are you kidding me? I gotta still be dreaming." And I RCed.

      Unless I'm still dreaming now (and all that happened 4 hours ago), then my Danny actually had this conversation with me. Stick paper in your ear and light it?!?! So nuts.
      CanisLucidus, NyxCC and Micael like this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      LOL. So he's the cautious sort.

      It's hilarious how much of a DC he was acting like there.
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    5. NyxCC's Avatar
      Very cool and long dream! Congrats on getting naked and blanket free.

      Oh look, once Ophelia's done with this, I'm going to teach everyone how to smoke pot!"
      Lol! Your subcon comes up with very funny stuff. And you went through the mirror too? This passing through things stuff is so exciting!

      Talk about RCs - bf left the window open few days ago and half the room got rain flooded, including the bed, lots of mags, thankfully my retro journal from 2004 got spared, but this was so much like a FA, I had to RC several times.
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    6. Sibyline's Avatar
      Those ear candles are a hoax anyway. But funny conversation! I can see why you doubted your reality.

      There seems to be a trend of DCs just not being too impressed with stripping DV'ers. Ungrateful bastards!
      OpheliaBlue likes this.