• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    by , 11-20-2013 at 06:31 PM (785 Views)
    Date: 08 Nov

    Wbtb: latte (1/3), 34 mg

    LD: I suddenly find myself in our living room and it is dark. My initial thought is that this is quite a bad location for any TOTY tasks. I take some time to fit in instead of rushing like crazy. There are creepy noises coming from somewhere and I don't feel very comfortable with that, so decide to stay where I am. My hands find the tablet and I use it to light around. I think I am also seeing the HI lights swirling around the room at some point.

    I open the browser and decide to type dreamviews, but as soon as I type "dre" the keyboard changes and I give up. Then think that it will be really cool to play some music. I tap a couple of buttons like the music app and a song starts playing, there's also something on the screen like album picture. I expected to hear some cool dream techno but it's a nice rock song. The only problem is the sound is not loud enough for my preferences. I want the sound to blast all around me or at least to be a bit louder. My tech instinct is to increase the volume on the tablet and I keep on pressing the button but no result.

    I decide to check out how the other rooms look, carrying the tablet to light the way. There are 4 plastic and paper shopping bags in front of the entrance door. I also take a peek in the bedroom and see bf asleep. I concentrate and see a sleeping body where I should be. This feels a bit creepy and I quickly walk away, trying not to wake myself up (also flashing with the tablet in my own face).

    I go back to the living room, now contemplating an exit. The most efficient way seems the window. I face the it, wondering whether to directly phase though it or try to open it, being a bit concerned that phasing might make me end up in the void, like a few days ago. I do a mix of both, half phase, half open the window which is somewhat stuck.

    The outside world is someplace unknown to me, but I don't pay attention to that. I end up on a balcony and try to figure out how to get down from here. There are kids playing on the street, and if I correctly remember the trees' leave are already yellow? I shout something at the kids about them helping me out, more to feel confident that asking for help, then I do the swing forward and end up on the street. Not sure if I used a tree branch or just the habitual move.

    Before I go anywhere, I take a last look at our place. The window is now open, and we are dangerously close to the ground, making it possible for someone to climb back there. I briefly wonder if it is possible that the dream body actually has opened a real window, then dismiss the idea. There are three kids running around, one wears a strange purple clay-like mask on his face. I tell him to behave, there was something that he did. Then, I think I asked them where the wall of China is, but no reply. The kids were pretty independent and lively DCs though.

    I decide to walk around and look for the wall of China. Everything is extremely vivid and stable. It is midday, feels like early fall too. There's so much detail. I see a street name on one of the nearby buildings and try to read it but then change my mind. This time, I decide that I will allow the dream to gently lead me to any desired TOTY objects, rather than me forcing things to appear. As I am scanning the surroundings for something appropriate to use, I notice this church on one of the streets. It's made of pink sandstone, very beautiful. The whole building is absolutely perfect and so elaborate that I just can't believe my mind can create so much and correct detail. Still checking out what's around me, I make sure to also look for any tall buildings that can fit another TOTY. Nothing too tall though.

    I turn right and explore the other street, looking for the wall of china or any elements that might help get there. There are rail tracks in front of what I think is near our place and also a pretty large and quite beautiful train station, its facade is made of bricks with the same pinkish color. I decide to go back, looking for greenery in the other direction. Instead of greenery or the street where I came from, I now find myself facing rail tracks again and a number of heavy trains are passing by. As I wait for them to go away and evaluate the terrain and how hard it will be to cross all these rails, I think it might be a good idea to rub my hands and remind myself that this is a dream. I am casually walking around, rubbing my hands, but the dream already seems out of fuel and I gradually wake up.

    I am supposed to journal, but fall back to non-ld sleep instead.

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    Updated 11-20-2013 at 06:33 PM by 61764

    lucid , memorable


    1. PennyRoyal's Avatar
      This sounds like an awesome one, you remember a ton of details. I can never seem to get music to play when I want in an LD. The one time I was able to get audio, it was some garbled talk radio station instead of music lol.
      NyxCC likes this.
    2. Highlander's Avatar
      It sounds like a really cool and stable long ld; plus it was a great idea to use the tablet for illumination.

      I also take a peek in the bedroom and see bf asleep. I concentrate and see a sleeping body where I should be. This feels a bit creepy and I quickly walk away, trying not to wake myself up (also flashing with the tablet in my own face).
      It is unnerving when you do look - I had the same thought that I might wake up too.
      NyxCC likes this.
    3. NyxCC's Avatar
      @ PennyRoyal

      Thanks Penny! Good to see you around.

      With the exception of this ld, I find that a lot of my ld music also is coupled with lots of euphoria on my part. That seems to make it come out easier. I wish I had remembered this when trying to turn the volume on, lol.

      @ Highlander

      Thanks! Yeah, I always thought how cool it would be to see myself sleeping, but it feels kind of weird. It seems I feel much more at ease seeing others in that position.
      Highlander likes this.
    4. Xanous's Avatar
      A nice loooong LD! Way to keep rocking the latte.

      I enjoyed reading this one. I like how you explore the dream world and stay open to whatever comes your way even-though you had definite goals in mind. I've really been appreciating the little surprises more than hard core dream control lately. It's one thing to "make" something cool happen but it's another thing altogether for something interesting and unexpected to seemingly come to fruition on it's own. Sometimes I think it's that free, yet controlled, flow that allows dreams to last just a bit longer.
      NyxCC likes this.
    5. NyxCC's Avatar
      Thanks Xanous!

      Yes, I think that if one is in an exploratory good mood, one just has to run into something amazing! Also, very good point about the free, uncontrolled flow of dreams. I find that overexerting control can sometimes mess up dream stability, while gently walking around allows you to spend more time in the dream. And I have to put an extra emphasis on the act of walking as well, because that has helped prolong a few dreams recently.
      Xanous likes this.
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Beautiful!! So much detail in this one... it sounds like it was incredibly vivid! Do you think that it was partly down to you taking those first few moments to focus your mind on the dream before moving out? Just reading this I could sense how vivid and immersive this dream was. I'm really happy to hear that you got to have one that drew you in this much!

      Playing with your gizmos as well as the encounter with your sleeping body were both very cool! Isn't the sleeping body thing so strange? I know that instinct you mean where you feel kind of weird looking back and seeing yourself there, particularly with the sort of realism you had going on in this dream.

      I liked how you took the time to try to blast some lucid tunes out of your tablet as well. It's too bad that "dre" didn't work to take you to DreamViews! It's funny because "dre" is what I type before the autocomplete kicks in and gets me to DV. If only your autocomplete had been functioning properly in this lucid!

      NyxCC likes this.
    7. NyxCC's Avatar
      Thanks! I was really happy to hit a long and vivid ld after having some shorter ones the previous couple of weeks. Oh, why can't all lds be like this? I hope that with some training they can!

      I think taking some time to get in, immerse with the dream really helps and the more one allows the dream to follow its natural course (especially if it is a non-scary one lol) also has a positive impact.

      Yeah, the sleeping body thing is so strange! It's good I have by chance completed this task to see it, now my curiosity is fully satisfied.
      CanisLucidus likes this.