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    Flying Above a Crowd

    by , 08-06-2016 at 11:32 AM (551 Views)
    August 6, 2016: I am one of many people in a large open field. Scott and many of his friends such as Costa, Brandan, Kelly are there. I recognize them from his wedding and invitations to their homes to celebrate various events in their lives such as baby showers and house warming parties, but I don't know/remember many of their names, even in real life. In front of me is a sandy patch of soil. For some inexplicable reason I decide to jump onto that particular patch of soil. I am launched softly into the air and immediately go lucid.

    The view from above the crowd is SUCH a unique perspective and highly detailed. I think to myself it's remarkable how few people even notice me in the air because of the infrequency with which people tend to look up. Yet here I am marveling at the idea that I can look down upon them and see them all and every detail of their heads, hair, hats and clothing. I circle the field and the crowd below several times inspecting the grounds, their clothes and taking in other details of the meadow scene from a stable altitude of about 100 feet. I spot Scott and his friends (all guys) towards the periphery of the crowd and gracefully descend, making a rather skilled landing. For some reason I rarely have trouble flying or landing. I am completely aware that this is a dream. I pick out one of his friends (Costa) and start patting him playfully about the waist, practically dancing with joy at being lucid in their company. I ask Costa “what does it feel like to be a dream character?” He responds cryptically by saying “how does a piece of meat feel about being a piece of meat?”

    I start explaining to the group that this is a dream and I am dreaming. I tell them I don't want to think about it too hard because I'm afraid I'm going to wake up - but I'm asleep in my bed or taking a nap somewhere in my house and I can do anything I want without consequence..so let's find me a girl. This declaration is met with a substantial amount of hilarity from this younger group of men, and we collectively break into a trot and begin to gradually spread out in an effort to reach the objective of finding me a woman with whom to have sex.

    I myself, in my search, enter someone's (strange to me) home cautiously through a screen door. I enter in the "conventional way" not by phasing, which didn't even occur to me to try. Inside I encounter my wife's entire family - sister-in-law, brother-in-law, late father-in-law and mother-in-law. Although I don't see them, I suspect my two nephews are somewhere in the house as well. I realize straight away that's the last place I want to meet a woman and have sex is in the home occupied by my wife's entire family!!! On the way out, I noticed that the sliding latch to secure the screen door has been installed on the same side as the hinges. I laugh to myself that their "Dream House" isn't so perfect after all.

    Shortly after stepping back outside I realize that I am mostly alone. The crowd in the field is gone and Scott and his friends have dispersed. There is little to focus on and I wake. The time is 5:53am, a mere seven minutes before my alarm was set to go off. Whew!

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    Updated 08-06-2016 at 05:48 PM by 68799

    lucid , memorable
