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    Exploring My Mind

    My dream journal. I'll try to make things as interesting as possible, and try to recall as many dreams as I can.
    Anything in orange text is just part of a non-lucid. Anything in blue text is a lucid dream. Purple text is a dream sign, or possible dream sign. If the text isn't colored, it's not a dream and it's usually just me commenting on various things.
    I'm hoping to fill this journal with tons of dreams over the coming years, and ultimately, get better at lucid dreaming~

    1. Wild Pokemon Used 'Kill them all!'

      by , 05-23-2012 at 12:06 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      I was at a very plain looking house with a group of people I didn't know. Some giant, armadillo-looking Pokemon was stalking us outside the house, trying to get in so it could kill us. It eventually did get in, but I got an idea.
      "HEY! UGLY!"
      It turned towards me, and surprisingly, started speaking. "What do you want, human?"
      "Just come here," I said.
      "I'll come over alright..." and with that, the Pokemon rolled into a ball and sped straight towards me, planning to crush me underneath it. I jumped out of the way and it went flying off a cliff.

      This next part was an entirely different dream. A very hazy one too, as the Pokemon one was easier to remember.
      I was walking to my schoolbus and heard someone yelling my name. I turned and saw Nate, an old friend of mine who I haven't talked to in years IRL. He kept saying, "HEY!" "HI!" "HELLO!", so I responded in kind, then went on my bus.
      The scenery changed, and I was in a room with my friend Seth. We were eating cookies, and noticed some lady from the game No More Heroes 2 behind us, trying to zipline out of the building, only to get stuck. This caused Seth to say,
      "I enjoy playing games straight through so I can beat them."
      "PFF!" I scoffed, "That's no fun! You gotta play it slowly so you can enjoy the experience more!"

      And that's all I remember.
    2. The Immortality Olympics

      by , 05-20-2012 at 07:33 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Not one of my more interesting dreams, but I'll log it in here anyways.
      Me and and large group of friends I know from school headed to this big event that was comparable to real life Olympics. The prize for winning it was being granted immortality. We had to go and practice that day, in order to prepare. Our group leader was some bald man who looked very familar to me, but I can't quite place who he was. I think he's this guy from church I met, like, 6 years ago. Haven't seen the guy since, so that's probably why I had trouble figuring out who he was at first.
      The man (although I recognized him now, didn't know his name) ordered us to get dressed and ready. We all bought out this large hotel where we each got our own room, and I went in mine, the silence becoming almost creepy. I changed my clothes which were actually the same clothes I was wearing the previous day IRL and went outside to look at the city, feeling anxious about all these upcoming events. The city was large, and somewhat blurry in the distance. The sun wasn't out that day, it instead being very cloudy, so a gloomy hue colored the atmosphere, fitting my anxious emotions.
      We practiced that day
      though I can't recall what we actually did and we got to go home to our families. I went to my grandma's, and my friend Aaron came over so we could play a videogame together. As we were playing, I told him about the upcoming 'Olympics', and told him I had to run for a very long time, and that I was extremely nervous.
      That's all I remember. I do recall the dream continuing for a bit after I talked to Aaron, but I don't remember what happened.
    3. The Evil Cave

      by , 05-19-2012 at 02:11 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      This dream was actually quite creepy, yet it wasn't scary enough to the point where it was a nightmare. Just a tad creepy is all.
      It's the last day of school. Yeah, it was actually the last day like 4 days ago. :L I'm going through my classes, saying goodbye to all my friends who are either moving or graduating this year. We take photos together. As I'm leaving the school at the end of the day, I see a group of people standing outside in the parking lot. I vaguely acknowledged the fact that the school was actually my intermediate school back from like 5th grade, and not my high school. This could've been a good point to go lucid. Ah well. I walked over to the crowd of people, curious. My Japanese language teacher, Mr. Shun, was standing in the center of the crowd, trying to explain to everyone what was going on.
      "Just stay calm, everyone! Everyone, listen! There's a strange hole in the floor over at the end of the school."
      Strange hole? I thought. Kind of weird. What could he mean by that? What kind of hole?
      "I want all of you to go explore it. Team up with a partner and go down there."
      I didn't know who I'd wanna team up with. I didn't see anyone I liked. We all headed down to this control room in the school, and there, we paired up. I noticed my dad in the crowd, and quickly asked Mr. Shun if I could team up with him. "Of course. I'd think you'd WANT to team up with your own father." he commented.
      As dad and I stood waiting, I saw a few familiar faces in the crowd. Shun said we were all ready to go, so we headed to the end of the school, into this narrow hallway. The hallway opened up as we headed down it, and at the very end was none other than the giant hole Shun had mentioned. The hole was about 8 feet wide, and 8 feet high, if I had to guess. Staring at it made me feel extremely uneasy and creeped out. From the looks of it, the hole led down to a dank and ominous looking cave. Shun held a flashlight up to it, seeing how far the light would illuminate, but it didn't change the pitch blackness that was in the hole. Shun turned and gave us the go ahead to jump down.

      Oddly enough, I think this part could relate to me playing Silent Hill lately. In both SH2 and Shattered Memories, there are parts where you have to jump down pitch black, seemingly bottomless pits, just to see where they go.
      We all jumped down the hole, and it seemed to take nothing but a second for us to hit the bottom. We didn't get hurt by the fall either. The area we were in was lit by dim illumination coming from florescent rocks scattered around the area. It was a large, rocky place, and had the same creepy feeling as before, though not as bad.
      For some reason, I looked over and saw two fictional characters fighting. One was Edward Elric, from Full Metal Alchemist. I couldn't tell who the other guy was, but he was grabbing red hot coal and eating it to power himself up. Those two battled it out, in what seemed like a cutscene, as I had no control over my vision at this part.
      After the 'cutscene', I went off into a nearby corridor in the cave which led down to the basement of my own home. There, I saw my dog Brody attacking what looked to be a demon dog. I hid, scared for my life. I heard one of the dogs whimper, but I could tell which it was. I creeped out of my hiding place, and glanced at the laundry room in the basement where I saw the dogs. I didn't see either of them, but I heard panting. I grabbed a nearby blunt object, and slowly walked toward the laundry room, fearing the demon dog would be around the corner to greet me.
      I reached the laundry room, and ran around the corner, screaming and throwing the blunt object in front of me. It hit my dog, Brody, who was staring at the Demon Dog's dead body. I felt extremely bad for hitting him with the object, and profusely apologized. Brody turned his head toward me, a blank expression in his eyes.

      AND THEN I woke up.
      Really odd dream. So many things I could've used to go lucid, but didn't. That's okay though. It was entertaining nonetheless. That cave gave me an extremely bad feeling though, like I would be in danger if I explored it any. Considering I found a demon dog in it, that's not too surprising. Given the choice, I probably wouldn't wanna go back here.
    4. Titanic Basement

      by , 05-06-2012 at 03:33 AM (Exploring My Mind)
      This one goes from...odd to normal within the span of a second.
      I'm in my Grandma's basement. Looks like it always does; tv, computer, comfy carpeting, nice couch, piano, etc. A few other random people were standing around as well. I ignored these people because behind me was none other than Jack and Rose from the movie Titanic. I decided to hang out with them, and we all chatted about something I forget. Suddenly, the windows burst open, and water flooded in at a fast rate. The basement started tilting downwards, with the other side going up. Basically, the basement was the Titanic. As it flooded, I tried to stay near Jack and Rose, but lost my hold on a piece of furniture and fell farther through the quickly flooding basement. A young boy hanging onto a part of the ceiling caught me by the hand.
      "PLEASE! HELP ME!" I screamed, as the basement I once loved was being sunk around me. The boy shook his head. He murmured, "Make your choice." and with that, he let go of my hand, and I fell down to the bottom of the basement hallway, and into the depths of ocean water.
      SUDDENLY. I was in a courtyard. The location looked like my neighborhood.
      My previously freaked out demeanor about the Titanic basement quickly went away when, I noticed my dad walking up. He said, "Let's go home." with a big smile. I walked home with him, and on the way, stopped to talk to a friend who wanted to show me this stuffed animal she got.
    5. Flooding

      by , 04-22-2012 at 01:25 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      My parents and I were sitting in the room of a house that wasn't ours, or as far as I knew. I forget what mom did, but she hit something to make the house flip upside down. We were then dunked into the ocean, and the ocean water splashed about the room of the house, bringing a lot of fish in as well.
      a fragment. oh well.
    6. The Dusty Town

      by , 04-17-2012 at 06:33 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      I was with my friend, Aaron, and some other kid who I didn't know. We were at an odd warehouse, in the middle of a dusty, old looking town. Aaron said he had to go, and drove away in his car. I waved goodbye, and started to take a walk.
      Soon after, I ran into none other than Aaron himself. I wondered, I thought he was leaving...?
      "Hey, follow me," he said. Okay...? I followed him, curious as to what he'd want to show me.
      We ended up in another large warehouse, and this one had a large, rusty looking car in it. The car had a dusty, flame decal painted on the sides. Aaron said, "Behold!" and waved to the car. It was pretty cool looking.
      BUT THEN. For whatever reason, these small, strange, white crabs started crawling from the roof and down to us. They were snapping their pincers at us as a threat. Aaron grabbed a pipe and started hitting them.

      And then I woke up. Dun dun dunnn. That dream was really odd. I liked the environment of it though. It was like an abandoned city, all dusty and rusty. Gave off a cool feel. anyways.
      This dream was actually a lot longer than this, but I forgot a lot of it after waking. Oh well.
      Tags: car, crab, dust, friend, town
    7. A short lucid, and a vampire chase.

      by , 04-07-2012 at 08:37 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      These two dreams actually didn't happen the same night, the lucid happened the night before last, while the vampire one happened last night. Decided to record both.
      I don't remember how I went lucid, but somehow, I was. I was standing in the basement of my grandma's house, sort of shocked I was actually lucid. Then a swell of happiness swept over me, and I immediately rushed down the hallway that led to the stairs. An obstacle was in my way, so I performed a very stylish vault over it. Before I went upstairs, I briefly dwelled on the idea of going back and summoning the girl I like so I could talk to her, but I decided I probably wouldn't be able to, and went upstairs instead. That's all I remember. I do remember losing my lucidity after I went upstairs.
      My parents and I were at a mall. Seems like I have a lot of malls in my dreams? Hmm. We were trying to shop in peace, but some scary, pale looking man, dressed in a gothic looking suit, was chasing us around the mall. Seeing him really gave me a feeling of dread, and I decided that he's a vampire, since he resembled one. We ducked into a back area and tried to evade him. For some reason, I decided to leave my parents and took off running in the opposite direction of the vampire, making my way to the mall's exit. I stayed outside, panting, and hid behind a bush. I peeked out and saw the vampire leave the mall, looking around for me. He decided to give up the chase, and went to what was supposedly his car. I sighed a sigh of relief.
      That lucid was pretty interesting in the fact that I was able to pull off an athletic-like vault over that obstacle. I'm not that athletic in real life, so it was really cool experiencing that. Especially considering all of my lucids so far have been like 10 seconds with me just being excited and not doing anything. So far, I've flown, thrown something heavy, and performed a parkour-esque vault. Neat.
      That vampire dude from the dream was really creepy though. I could draw him right now on a piece of paper because his look and face were both really memorable, still in my memory right now. I woke up from that dream with my heart pounding.
    8. Philosophical Chat

      by , 04-01-2012 at 04:11 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      I had various dreams last night, but I forgot all of them except for this one, which I think I had right before I finally woke up.
      I was in my friend's house for some reason. I didn't know which friend it was, however. Apparently I was staying at this house for a sleepover. Suddenly, I wanted to go to my friend, Aaron's house instead. I looked up at my friend's parents, and asked, "Can I go to Aaron's house?"
      "But why?" they asked.
      "I figured I'd spend an equal amount of time here and there as well. We haven't visited each other in a while, so..."
      "What about Logan?" they asked.

      Ah. Okay. So this was Logan's house.
      "What about him?" I inquired.
      Logan's mom frowned. "Tell us about him."
      It's too bad my dream self didn't notice how odd this statement was.
      "Well, he's a great guy, I mean, he's pretty religious too. Does all this stuff for his church, the youth group, things like that."
      All of a sudden, Logan's sister walked in, hands on her hips. She looked angry.
      Something weird about this whole thing was that I've never actually met Logan's family up close in real life, I've only heard about them. So I'm assuming how they looked in the dream wasn't true.
      She glared. For the next 5 or so minutes, she lectured me on how people should act in the world, and how they could make their lives better. I took it all in, and it was actually quite useful advice. Afterwards, time seemed to fly, and Logan's sister and I were watching some anime. I then decided to finally go to Aaron's house, and got a glass of water before I did.
      Then the dream ended. I'm pretty dismayed I didn't remember the whole talk Logan's sister had with me, because I vaguely remember that what she said was actually pretty true and useful advice.
      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Creepy Yet Memorable Adventure

      by , 03-11-2012 at 02:11 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Recalled a good amount of this one compared to my other dreams. Remembered 3 different dreams last night.
      I was in a park for some reason or another, as I had to explore it and look for anything strange. The park was big, and it was nighttime, so it was honestly sort of creepy.
      I ended up finding this girl, no older than 15, who told me her name was Melissa. Right after I met her, it started snowing like crazy and Melissa started to literally freeze. I panicked and tried to warm her up, but it didn't work, and she ended up freezing to death. I had a bad feeling someone did this to her.
      I went back to some house afterwards only to be greeted by dozens of monsters from the game Killer7. I pulled out a gun and started shooting them, making my way through the random house, thinking that these things killed Melissa.

      I was at a weird, condo looking place. My cousins and aunt and uncle were in this one too. They said they came to go swimming at the beach. I was going to swim after my little cousin Kaci suggested, but I realized I didn't have any trunks. However, I looked down and saw I DID have trunks on. And it had these weird sticks of gum in the pockets. I pulled them out and showed them to Kaci, asking what they were.

      This next one's a fragment.
      My dad and I went to some canyon with a huge water slide on it. These odd, cavemen-esque people were with us, urging us to jump down the waterslide. I jumped down and wooped, excited by the speed at which I went.

      Happy I could remember 3 different dreams, even if one was a fragment. (:
    10. Friends and Family

      by , 03-10-2012 at 02:45 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Couldn't remember much. But here's what I got from last night.
      I was in my house, lying on the couch where I fell asleep the night before (though of course, I didn't realize I was asleep). I sat up and looked around. Everything looked the same, except for a random dresser sitting over by the couch. I crawled over and peered over the side of the couch to the floor, only to see my friend Haley laying down there, mumbling something about her cousin knowing French. I said hello, and she murmured a hello back, only to continue rambling on about her cousin knowing French. I heard a noise and looked over towards the living room to see my uncle, aunt, and cousins all walk in. I didn't question why they were there. I just said, "Oh. Okay."
      I got up and went to talk to them.

      And sadly, I don't remember the rest, but I woke up shortly after. I'm really happy Spring Break will be here soon, as it'll give me plenty of days to improve my dream recall and lucidity.
    11. Lucidity in the Hotel

      by , 03-08-2012 at 12:27 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Sadly, I could only remember a very short bit of this dream. But on the plus side, it was the part where I went lucid. (:
      I thought, "Wait... this is a dream." The clarity was crazy. I was in a very ritzy hotel looking lobby, at a small table with lots of expensive looking food on it. Across the table was a woman in her 20s, who stared at me wide eyed. I didn't recognize her. I was giddy with excitement that I was lucid (which would end up getting the better of me). I floated in the air, and decided to fly out the window to see what was outside. I was in a city of some sort, and it was in the middle of the day, the sun blaring down from the sky. I floated in the air and took it all in, amazed.
      Then I woke up. :L
      Next time I go lucid, I should try sitting still and stabilizing the dream before I go nuts and fly. Oh well. Happy I was able to go lucid. I need better recall though, so I can remember more of this.
      Tags: city, flying, hotel, lucid
    12. Sunsets, Games, and Alarms

      by , 03-04-2012 at 03:51 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Finally getting back into the swing of things. It took me a bit to pull my recall out of the murk, but it seems it payed off.
      I ended up going to a factory with my Aunt, Grandparents, and parents. Apparently my aunt had discovered this mysterious factory and was going to own it for herself (but at the time, I couldn't think of a reason why). The factory was placed right by a large lake, which I spent most of my time at. The lake was drawing me away from the factory. I think it was because of how pretty it was. The water was dark, but out in the distance, the sun was setting, giving off a beautiful pattern of light on the surface of the lake. It filled me with feelings of sadness, longing, and hope. This lake was something special.
      I decided to swim in it, and stayed swimming till we had to leave. Once back home, I apparently got the new Kingdom Hearts game (KH3D) in the mail, and started playing it right away. My mother was watching me play, but didn't say anything. When I looked at her, she seemed kind of sleepy.
      I decided to go into my room and take a nap. I walked in and plopped down on the bed, passing into sleep almost right away.
      Before I continue, I should explain; The night before this dream, I set my iPhone's alarm so it would go off at about 8:30 in the morning. The alarm went off, but I didn't wake up. Instead:
      All of a sudden, I heard an alarm going off. It was bugging the crap out of me, because it wouldn't stop. I got up out of bed and searched around for it, till eventually finding my iPhone on the floor a ways away, the screen turned on and blasting the alarm. I walked over and tried to turn it off, but it kept making the noise. All of a sudden, a picture appeared on my screen. It was this girl from school who I barely talk to, and apparently she was in my room to give me an interview for some kind of newspaper. I freaked out and turned around.
      And that's when I woke up. It was kind of amusing to wake up from that and still hear that alarm going off. I turned over and picked up my iPhone and turned the alarm off. It was pretty amusing to think that my dream self was having all this trouble turning off an alarm that was actually going off in real life. Haha.
      Happy to see I could remember this much, because I haven't been into this in a while. Look out for more soon.
      Where I was: At a strange factory with a beautiful lake beside it. Afterwards, I was at my house. If I had gone lucid, I probably would've explored the inside of the factory to see what I would find.
      What I was doing: Originally going to see the factory with my family, but I ended up swimming in the lake instead. Afterwards, I was playing that KH game, then I tried to go to sleep, but couldn't because of the alarm, which I then tried to find and stop.
      Who was there: My parents, grandparents, and aunt during the factory part. Just my mom at my house. Supposedly that girl from school was in my room, but I only saw that in a picture. When I turned around, the dream ended, so I never found out.

      Updated 03-04-2012 at 07:40 PM by 33438

    13. Source Codeish Dream

      by , 11-13-2011 at 03:14 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Getting back into the swing of things. There was a second dream from last night that's on the tip of my tounge that I just can't remember. Ah well. This dream is the one I could remember.
      I had a wrestling match with some person and when we were done, a random criminal came out to shoot this other person. The shooter ran away after killing the other person, and I gave chase, grabbing whatever I could and trying to throw it at him. I failed though, and funnily enough, I was transported back to the start of the event where I was wrestling. I realized this was like the movie Source Code, and because of this, I tried even harder to go after the killer when he shot the person again. This time, I caught him. I destroyed his gun, and after doing so, was about to restrain him, until he swung his fist at me. Before his blow connected, the dream ended.
      non-lucid , memorable
    14. Being lazy is becoming a bad habit.

      by , 05-15-2011 at 03:46 AM (Exploring My Mind)
      So I had to put off a few days on the belief method, but I'm going back to it again. The reason was because of school. Finals are right around the corner, which means more studying and focusing on school for me. I dunno why, but even with BILD, school keeps my concentration just slightly away from lucid dreaming. I was too lazy to write down my dream this morning, so I only recollet a fragment of it. I need to get back in gear. ;P
      Spent a day out with my girlfriend, but something fatal happened to a family member, and our day was ruined.
      Aaagh. Time to concentrate on this again. Since summer break starts June 2nd, I'll have plenty of time to work on LD'ing then
      dream fragment
    15. Wonderful Recall

      by , 05-10-2011 at 09:43 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      I finally broke my dry spell and had a lucid last night. Not only that, I remembered 4 dreams in the morning, which is the most I've been able to remember yet. Here they are in as best an order as I could remember~
      Was in a very warped version of my math class. And by warped, I really just mean the length of the room was huge. A bunch of my classmates were there, and we were getting ready to leave class.
      This part was a fragment. I was at a pool for whatever reason. It was inside an unknown building, and no one else was there.
      In the next dream, I was in a very dim version of my school's library. I had my mind fixated on finding some book that I can't remember the title of.
      This next one was lucid.
      I went lucid instantly, thanks to the BILD method I assume. Maybe not instantly, but it probably dawned on me after a few seconds that I was dreaming. I was in a laboratory, with a computer in front of me flashing a warning message: DISARM THE BOMB. Under these words was a timer that was counting down from 30 seconds. I panicked and started frantically messing with the computer, tapping keys fruitlessly. I wasn't able to disarm it in time, and the whole lab started to blow up, but out of no where, a very pretty DC ran in from somewhere and told me that she was going to save me. She picked me up and ran me out of the lab as it was exploding. The dream then ended.

      Yay for progress <3
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