Doomsday Cult
, 02-10-2019 at 08:46 PM (318 Views)
I was trying to find a place to jerk off at school. I tried many places until I came to a downstairs area in the office. It was full of lockers and in the front of the room was a long meeting room table with a projector screen in front of it. To the back of the room was an office cubicle room thing that I thought I was going to jerk off in until I realized that there was no bathroom. There was a windows 10 computer to the side of the room using an old 90's monitor. The clock on the computer read 11:14 PM, even though it was in the middle of the day at school. When I left, I was caught. The entire time I was in the room, I was overhearing what sounded like two people discussing a world changing plan. One of them came up to me. He was wearing normal business attire, but he had long hair that he put into a ponytail. Occasionally, his face would change and do strange glitchy things for a brief period of time, only to then go back to normal. He had a very unusual way of speaking. He was very calm, almost like he had nothing to lose. He asked for some basic information about me. I gave him what he asked for and he responded with "your friends will enjoy this too," or something like that. I left, but after that, the entire building started to shake and a behemoth-like song started playing. I ran to my house, which for some reason was part of the school, only to find that the school had disappeared. Everything was still shaking. I ran to my back yard and saw my sprinkler going nuts. I was going to go to the front yard through the back gate, but I saw what looked like a miniature 1910's era plane firing bullets in rapid succession coming towards me at a sluggish pace. I tried to run back, but then I woke up.