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    The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy

    a JRPG and Two of my Friends

    by , 09-23-2017 at 04:05 PM (262 Views)
    I was playing what looked like a JRPG. I was in the process of making a ship in the game which had a TV that you could play another JRPG on. Meanwhile, N and another friend of mine who we'll call V were talking when N noticed what I was doing.
    "What are you doing?" She said, quickly stealing the WASD keys from me and moving my character off of the raised platform he was on. I responded with "i'm playing an RPG" and then moved my character to the right. This character's speed was so fast that I moved across the screen in less than a second. I then continued with what I was doing. I then woke up.

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