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    The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy

    This Needs to Become a Thing

    by , 04-19-2018 at 03:59 AM (227 Views)
    The dream started when I was late to art class several days in a row. In the dream, once people got their first assignment, everyone and I mean EVERYONE was loud and obnoxious. I then saw a movie sequel to courage the cowardly dog on the TV that we have in the room. It showed what looked like courage and some other dog as anthropomorphic dogs reaching onto the table. I decided I wanted to see this and so I did. I present to you: COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG 2: WHATEVER THE HELL THIS IS.
    It starts off at their house in the suburbs/city where I'm assuming two distant relatives of courage were living in a small home with terrible owners. They heard about how someone was going to steal a celebrities' donut, and so they were off. One problem: they were in trouble. They had to stop time to get away from their owners and go to the bakery down the street. Next, they went up to the cashier and told them they wanted a donut. The guy was an idiot, so they had to explain specifically that they were trying to save the most important donut ever from being stolen. He said no, and after that they went off far away from the city into Acid land, where the one that looked the most like courage turned into this white capsule like thing with two legs and spooky hair. This is where the soundtrack of the movie came in. They were in Acid land, a place filled with near transparent waters and bright, neon and black mountains. The sky was also green, so there was that. They did all kinds of things in acid land, forgetting entirely their original goal. In one occasion, they had an Arab fight to other guys and the Arab one. They asked him his name, and he said "Mohammed Ali *insert like three other names here*" I then woke up.

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    non-lucid , memorable
