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    1. 05/03/16 - 06/03/16: Party at the Panama, sleeping in the shower

      by , 03-06-2016 at 08:30 PM
      Even though I had a long night of potential sleep I couldn't really sleep well after 7 hours of sleep or so, which really messed up my recall a bit. Still, there are some vague dreams, fragments and conversations I half-remember.

      Went to bed: 23:00
      Fell asleep: 23:30
      Awakening 1: 06:00
      Fell asleep: ?
      Multiple awakenings at random
      Final awakening: 09:30

      1: Party at the Panama

      It was late at night and I was in Amsterdam. I was standing in front of a nightclub called Panama (which I have been to a few times in real life). I was waiting for my friends N, R, S and J to come but I had no idea where they were. I decide to go inside.
      There's a fragment of a dark staircase that I walk up.
      I am now sitting at a long table. M is sitting across from me. A girl walks over to our table on the right side (far side for me) and sits down. Another girl walks over to the left end to the table, to which I am sitting close. I introduce myself to her as M, my friend, for some reason. I start laughing and say: "Oh no shit that's not my name, I'm Eddie! (not gonna share my real name here) M is the name of my friend over there!" while pointing at him. M doesn't really respond.

      2: Sleeping in the shower

      I am lying on the floor in a changing room, halfway into the shower area, in my sleeping bag. Next to me lies R, a friend of mine, also in his sleeping bag. There are many people in the room, some of which I know and some of which are barely or not clothed (no details on the Internet about this ). A girl steps over me into the showers. I am just completely confused about everything in this dream, but I don't think about dreaming for a second.

      There are some more images and things I remember but they are too small and vague to put into words.