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    I'm marrying a celebrity!

    by , 04-18-2016 at 07:34 PM (480 Views)
    I had what felt like a long dream. I was secretly dating a guy who was a public figure, like in the pop industry or something. People definitely knew exactly who he was & didn't approach him for the most part. He seemed obviously younger than me. He was very handsome & mature for his age. At first I thought he was Justin Beiber, lol but he wasn't, he was older than that & didn't look like him after all. He was very calm & seemed to be in deep thought when he looked at me & when he looked around at all the people. He was very sure of himself & projected this but not in a cocky way. More of a very calm confident person. I've never before me someone who captivated other peoples attention but knew to not push them too far. Not like this anyway.. We were at an event where he was making an appearance. It looked like a benefit w/ many stages where there were competitions going on. For example there were big areas of water that looked green w/ lights in it & big rocks all around it. Like a stage set used for a movie. People were swimming in it & challenging each other to do this or that in the water. I don't know how to explain it. There were people all around us but he was extremely calm & cautious. Like he was trying to protect me from all of these people. I was telling him he didn't have to tell anyone about me & he calmly told me that he wanted people to know. So when someone asked him if he was dating me he said yes very calmly & confidently. His calm energy was very contagious I guess because my demeanor was suddenly very very unusually calm. In fact we were both unusually calm. We then were able to walk around holding hands & he still seemed very serious. As if he was calmly on alert to field any questions about this new romance that would now be scrutinized by the media. But I also felt an overwhelming deep connection w/ him. Not your typical DC experience. It was on the lines of love & a deep emotional connection where you feel like you don't question your relationship. You just know on a deeper level w/o question what you feel is real & true & strong. Like I was in a parallel universe & this was a duel reality of my own. (I have these kinds of dreams fairly regularly where they feel like real people in connection to me.)..... Like I said this dream went on for quite sometime w/ us just walking around & he never did anything to pinpoint exactly what he did for a living. It was like his presence there was enough for whatever reason.... Eventually he pulled me aside & told me that he wanted to marry me & that he wanted to tell people tonight. Of course I thought it would seem odd to people that he had just told them he was dating me & in the same night to propose marriage would seem rather hasty. But it didn't seem hasty to me because we had seemed like we had already been together for a very long time & that because of him being a public figure had wanted to keep this part of his life to himself. It was like he was tired of hiding the relationship. And sure enough he got up on this rock wall thing & addressed the people & stated that he & I were getting married, all with great confidence & a hint of "None of you will challenge this fact because it is what I say it is" tone in his voice. And no-one objected. We were free to roam about & he now had a demeanor of relief when he talked.... So we just walked around w/ each other in a state of bliss.. And then I woke up. Like on cue or something.

    This dream seemed to have a climax building throughout the dream & then when that part was over the calm set in & the dream just faded into the night & I woke up. Definitely a memorable dream. I can't categorize it as lucid because I never had that ah-ha moment & then tried to act upon it. But I did note that I was married in real life while I was dreaming & that this was definitely not an average dream so that it was okay to act this way w/ this particular man. This was something else altogether different in my mind. It was more of a dream that seemed to be rooted in a factual nature. Like this place & this person was part of another life & did not need to be put in a category. Yet, I wish there was a kind of category for things that seem like they are of an "alternate reality or dimension". I woke up feeling very calm & the dream is still there in my mind many hours later just a perfect & preserved as can be. I won't forget this dream because of the intimate nature & realness it possessed for whatever reason.

    Last night was very frustrating. My husband has a restless night & it interrupted my process... I tried to induce SP & I had even more sensations than ever before but was repeated interrupted. I had jerking, whooshing, seeing a light w/ my eyes closed & I had the sensation of weightlessness & the feeling of starting to float. But like I said my husband tossed & turned all night long & it made this process stop & start repeatedly. I was so frustrated. He is usually a pretty still sleeper but does snore & then so I may have to rethink when I try to do this or possibly even where. I may try to lay in our recliner at night & see if that works. I don't know. I guess I'll think on it.

    Explanation of details-Blue
    Side Notes-Purple
    Patience108 likes this.

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    1. Elaineylane's Avatar
      Side Notes: This would be considered a SYNC. I posted my dream on here in my dream journal & then I found this article on FB when I was just looking for LD Groups. It was crazy similar. Today has been a full day of these kind of events, but I felt I should post this for myself.

      Twin Flames and Past LIves | Twin Flame Secret
      Nebulus likes this.
    2. Nebulus's Avatar
      Your detail is truely awesome Elainey Oo !!! way to go
      Elaineylane likes this.