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    skating job interview & reality show survivor w/ 5yr old girls

    by , 02-10-2017 at 08:17 PM (672 Views)
    Sunday: I was in my home town I lived in when I was a kid but I was there for a job interview where I had to wear roller skates & work w/ this male friend I know IRL but he also reminded me of (JJ) someone else that I won't mention. I had others there to lean on & to give me good references. But I now had a boss who was flirty when other ppl weren't around. Mostly it was good though as the dream progressed. It was about how I'm okay now & have moved on. Reminding me that I'm a very different person now.

    Wednesday: On some weird reality tv show w/ 5 yr olds. We take a train on the way to a store & I see a familiar scene & mention it. It was a moment of lucidity but it fled after that. We had to go to a toy store & the girls were to pick out things to use to survive but they had to be in this weird Christmas section that only had toys. I remember this same scene from around Christmas time. We went back to these stables & each girl was in a stall. It was pouring rain. They had to make a fire & were using doll legs for logs. This dream was just weird as shit.
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    1. Nebulus's Avatar
      hahahaaa glad your back
      Elaineylane likes this.