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    SpellBee Comp my 4th night

    by , 08-04-2016 at 05:08 AM (401 Views)

    3 pts - 3 non-lucids
    4 pts- interacting with dc's
    2 pts- Wbtb
    5 pts eat something (cherry icies)
    = 14 pts

    Goals: Three Step:
    1.Advanced Flying
    2.Element Manipulation
    3.Mass Telekinesis

    New Dream goal: Go to the moon
    Old Dream goal: Go to my dream house

    D1: partial Non-lucid- I was in Wal-Mart & I won a trip to somewhere but the dream didn't go much of anywhere else do to the WBTB method. I hate it when that interrupts a dream. So it was only a partial.

    D2: Non-lucid- WBTB method. I was in a game, kind of like Big Brother but different. Maybe if you cross bred that with American Ninja Warrior & had teams. It was a dream so I guess it doesn't matter, I just wish I could explain stuff better sometimes. Anyway. We were doing physical competitions in teams not as individuals. This was a little drawn out & boring in my opinion. Until I find out that someone had rigged the contest so no matter how hard we were all trying, in the end we couldn't possibly win. We were all really mad. Someone was lying in wait in a corn field & jumped out & got ahead of us. Hence the cheating rigged part.

    D3: Non=lucid- I was working at convenience store at night. So when I entered the dream it reminded me of when a zoom lens comes in for the shot from a high level, not like I walked into the store. I thought that was really weird. People were coming in & out a lot because of these amazing icies. Cherry icies to be more precise. I was trying to keep people from stealing them because it was just me & another guy working there. I eventually stole one for myself in resignation & drank it. It was weird also that there was another counter in there like a soda shop but also the help yourself stations for the drinks like a normal convenient store so I was running around that stupid counter a lot.

    Side Notes-Purple
    Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    Competition Notes-Teal
    DreamCafe11 likes this.

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    Updated 08-04-2016 at 05:12 AM by 90317 (to copy to repost for comp)

    non-lucid , side notes


    1. DoubleHelix's Avatar
      Cherry ice thief!!! Call out the National Guard!!!
      Elaineylane likes this.
    2. Elaineylane's Avatar
      It's funny because every summer except this one I go up to the local gas station & get cherry icies which they only have in the summer but I have yet to get one this year, lol