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    June 30th to August 5th 2015

    by , 08-12-2015 at 06:27 PM (702 Views)
    Continuing to enjoy reliving my adventures through a quick glance at pictures. This time, more so than in the past, I am just picturing my favorite LD moments or sometimes the moments where transitions occurred.

    8/5/15 Unplanned WBTB after game but saw potential car burglar outside and woke up substantially. Some issues going back to sleep for maybe 15 minutes and at some point I decided to set an intention by about 530am knowing I only have about an hour and a half to get to sleep and slip an LD in. I started with saying the next thing I see I will look at my hands and realize I'm dreaming but quickly changed it to as soon as I enter the dream I will look at my hand and realize. I'm in some apartments like courtyard running out of an apartment. Like I'm rushing somewhere but maybe somebody was chasing me and the edge of the swimming pool I was planning on running on but the edge was less than 1 foot wide for me to run on and the water has flooded over or crested over that side of the pool but I run across it and then I see a strange light skin black guy older man just standing on the other side of the pool...

    and immediately realized that I'm dreaming and start flying. I peek into a nearby apartment to see what's going on inside

    and I can kind of see a family sitting there on their couch and blinds are mostly closed and at first they can't see me but then one of the females says someone is out there so I go and knock on the door after thinking about phasing through the window but not wanting to lose the scene. They answer the door and I go in and see a good looking daughter

    and I think well I'm going to keep this all very good in the schema. I'm here to ask your daughter for her hand in marriage. The mother looks happy and the daughter looks happy I kneel down

    and strangely she also kneels down also on one knee and I pronounce ourself married. I say but we have to
    (consummate the marriage) have sex right now and after some balking from the mom I said no that's what we have to do for this to work and they agree and
    Spoiler for sexual content:
    in front of the family (no father seen) this goes on for quite a while and eventually someone else knocks on the door and of course they are aghast at what's going on and I keep going I might have said something to the people that came in it was a black family a black woman and a son and daughter. The kitchen is now fairly crowded.

    after a little more sex
    I wake up smiling ear to ear and noticeably affected. #359

    8/2/15 First lucidity recalled in a Las Vegas dream.

    We leave from a parking garage, guys in one car and ladies in another. I realize I should have waited for wife so we don't get separated and lost. I turn right and the road quickly turns to a gravel road and I think that's weird...we're are just minutes from a Vegas parking garage and I am hitting a dark gravel road.

    I turn around driving back to the garage to see if I can find the car with my wife and at some point we are suddenly walking.
    Wait a minute, we were just driving...I'm dreaming. We see a police officer and I pat his shoulder and back like we're old pals after considering other actions but I decide I don't want any drama. I fly off and after void I come to a series of scenes in a wide hallway full of girls of all ages. In and out of void and so many sexual experiences! DILD Long, maybe 10 different partners.

    At the end of all the sexual encounters I hear a knock, I'm curious but decide not to open it. After some seconds and anticipation the door opens slowly anyway and creepily with light peeking out through the darkness. I either fear a disruption to my lucid dream or maybe I got too creeped out. I use blasts from my hands then a scene destroying 360 sphere of destruction. I somewhat regret not seeing who was coming!

    Void. Stay patient and scene forms. I am approaching a futuristic skyscraper.

    Huge endless skyscraper flying up, up up and down it. Amazing visual and experience.

    #357 & 358

    7/31 Searching through an outdoor nighttime scene I recognize the "finding my way" dream sign and realize that I am dreaming and start to fly. Void. Try Dolphin movement to transition from void. Seem to enter next dream non-lucid. SSILD after unplanned WBTB. #356 (no pics used)

    7/26/15 See visuals form then darkness. Try to stay patient. Some floating attempts and decide to roll in bed. Some eye squint vibrations to propel myself into full dreamworld. Get view of recliner in room and some difficulty climbing over. Realize I don't have to have trouble and float over and around but heading to door goes black. Stay patient waiting for scene to reform around me deciding to just find Girl Friday wherever I am and not having to leave to search for her. I am calling out for her while looking through the house and find her. I take her into a bedroom and
    Spoiler for sexual content:
    Just laying in bed and kissing. I end up with a shirt on and avoid taking off my shirt when to avoid visual issues (happened before when pulling shirt off over my head - just rip it off or will it to be gone). Visual issues came up a few times during kissing but were resolved until the last time when I felt myself back in bed. Before that as the time was going and going I started to get sounds of various people outside of the dream room pulling on my lucidity. I told Girl Friday that this is all a dream, mostly to remind myself to not get pulled away by someone "discovering" us but also to keep her DC cooperative and with me.

    *In some rural home with a neighbor across the way. Wife or someone is pulling out and I move my soda(cup lid and straw) out of way in driveway. Maybe not far enough so I just move it further then just onto an outside table? Thoughts of ants getting to it. As the car pulls away I hear Girl Friday's voice call out "help" twice

    and I realize I'm dreaming again as I get the urge to fly after her. I find real joy in flying here and I realize the beautiful landscape reminds me of parts of (redacted)! Mostly green and lots of wildflowers! I catch up to the car but then it disappears so I fly swiftly over a barbed wire fence and up this beautiful hill. It is so much fun...a lot of my flying of late has been more utilitarian.

    Very nice LD after repositioning several times in bed after longer LD and setting intention for Girl Friday to find me whether it is calling for me...pulling me out if bed...just find me again! And she called out for me!! #354-355

    Slacking/lazy on vacation

    7/14/15 SSILD, FA caught by looking at hands after suspecting. Had trouble focusing on hands but eventually saw 6 fingers but didn't get very far. #353 (no pictures used)

    7/5/15 First lucid moment recalled was WILD style with dream forming amongst dreamlet like visuals. I eventually see a version of bedroom and am at the somewhat rare groggy molasses stage where I have to crawl out of bed and down the hall. I'm able to float up over the loft and as I head towards the front door there's a picture frame window that I figure I will phase through but the floating took me just a little too high towards a wall so I decided just to drop down and walk out through the door. There are four doors opening one after the other and the last one has a big foreboding lock on it so I decide instead of messing with it I will just turn the knob now and it will open up and it does. Not long after I get outside the dream fades to void but stay patient and I survived multiple dream fades and just keep on keeping on! Had several scenes with multiple female DC's several times walking up to a pair of youngish females and checking them out and choosing one after first reminding them that they are very much interested in me. (sexual)

    Later that morning, got lucid again: I was in a car with a couple of other people and realized I was dreaming and wanted to get the DC's reactions and also to experience what I've done before (making the car fly up into the air). At first it was hard to tell if the car was lifting off the ground but then it started going higher and higher! #350-352

    7/2/15 18 year old ghost twin blonde girls. I say "embrace the opportunity to communicate, not fear…how much I've missed them since passing." Someone else in house is causing a disruption and I get the idea to float up and away and when I do I fully realize that I am dreaming. The landscape I am flying over is somewhat cartoonish. I come across a cartoonish devil character, not scary at all, mostly human looking with short horns and in ordinary human clothes. I rub my hands together and remind myself I am dreaming. At some point I drift into a non-lucid scene. (Oh well...no induction at all this night). #349

    6/30/15 I catch the nude in public dream sign (myself nude in college leaving class)
    (yes it's blurred)
    I have "interactions" with all kinds of sexy women, send a boy toy my wife's way and end up with a hot one in a net top. #348

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    Updated 08-13-2015 at 07:33 PM by 61674

    lucid , memorable


    1. JadeGreen's Avatar
      Where did you find the picture of the tall future building, the square one. I really like it. Also, very curious to hear the full story of these dreams. Particularly the end...
      fogelbise likes this.
      Updated 08-12-2015 at 07:13 PM by JadeGreen
    2. fogelbise's Avatar
      Thanks Jade. The second futuristic building I think I searched for "tall futuristic building" and clicked on a picture that was closer to what I was looking for and in google images it gives "view more" (like this) option and I believe that is how I found this one. It actually had some sky at the top of the image so I cropped the top of the image since I never reached a top to this structure in my LD. Sorry the dream that you were particularly curious about at the end didn't have a lot more meat to it. I remember the boy toy for my wife was slender in slacks, shirt and narrow tie. I realized I had no clothes on after leaving a fairly mundane classroom scene and knew I was dreaming. Looking at my notes I also laughed when sending the boy toy my wife's way. The lady with the net top had a small child with her when I first saw her but the child disappeared. There was some scene fading while kissing her but staying patient the visuals came back.