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    Weird Supernatural and Doctor Who Stuff that's Mostly Pretty Unpleasant When I Look Back On it

    by , 03-28-2013 at 02:53 PM (453 Views)
    So I as the Doctor's companion (Donna?) and some other people who used to be his companions are all in the TARDIS for some reason and he's giving us some sort of tour of rooms we haven't seen. One of them has a large pile of dead companions, but instead of coffins, they're in pizza boxes. The boxes on top don't hold any corpses but instead actually hold pizza, and I start eating the pizza but the doctor tells me to stop. I lose my bottom front teeth somehow and there's this giant set of a bottom jaw in the same room that is also missing it's bottom two front teeth, and I go over to that set and place my two front teeth in the spot where the big fake ones would go, to figure out how they're positioned in relation to the other teeth so that I can put them back in my mouth. They're dwarfed compared to the rest of the teeth.

    I'm Sam and I'm with Dean (from Supernatural) and we're hiding out in a remote cabin in the woods because something's after us. However, when we start seeing scary stuff, we ignore it because we'd like to think that we're safe here. Then we decide to do something about it, so I get a sword and start slashing these colorful, alien-like demons, but one of the demons has gotten ahold of Dean and he pulls him under the bed and Dean disappears. I run outside to the car because somehow I know that Dean has been transformed into our car (not the Impala, though, but a big (grey?) van). He tells me to hurry and go and I speed down the path until I get to a highway, where he tells me to go right. Then he says that we need to pick up our friends because they're in danger too. I pick up one of my friends from real life with ease. Then I go to pick up one of my other friends, but she doesn't understand the urgency of the situation, and she keeps trying to put too many things in the van, and then somehow we accidentally drive off with a lot of her stuff but without her, and then she catches up with us somehow and she gets in the van.

    Then, we stop off at some store for some reason, and I buy a tablet and a few other things that I don't remember. I come back to the van showing off my new stuff, but they're perturbed that I was so frivolous with my spending when I was supposed to just get the essentials.

    At some point I'm watching (as me) this special footage of Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki going through some lines for a future episode and deciding whether or not they should include them. I don't remember what they were, but some of them definitely supported Destiel, and I was very excited.

    At some point, I saw Sam and Dean like I was watching TV (maybe it was more of that special footage) and it seemed that they were under attack or were being played with by demons, but I wasn't really sure what was going on. They're in a dim room with many beds (it reminds me of the beds room in Yume Nikki in the numbers world, with the way the beds look). They're both shirtless and they're both lying on a separate bed (two beds that are next to each other). Then, one by one (Dean went first) , they kick off from the bed like you'd kick off from the ground if you're riding a broomstick, and then they rise slowly and writhe in the air.

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