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    My Robotic imagination

    This dream journal will contain alot of mecha, Gundams, zords and transformers. I have been lucid dreaming for 10 plus years and look forwards to reviving my journal. Look forwards to reading your journals. Pleasant dreams!

    1. Chips and apples

      by , 03-05-2024 at 01:40 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      I'm at the apartments and I'm wlking down towards them as I do so I see little kids playing in the yard one has a bag of

      chips and is running with itIf Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-a_candid_snapshot_of_a_person_walking_towards_a_.jpg. He somehow dorps the bag but not the chipIf Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-the_kid_somehow_drops_the_bag_but_not_the_chip_.jpg. It was orange in color and I began to taste it

      Just frome looking at it! It tasted like sour cream chedder. then I'm near the park and I'm walking through foot high apple

      slices.If Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-hen_im_near_the_park_and_im_walking_through_fo.jpg There are green apples and are wet to the touch. My feet are buried in them and I'm wonerin how this managed to

      happenIf Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-i_pick_an_apple_up_and_take_a_bite_tasted_like_.jpg. I pick one up and take a bite. Tasted like juicy natural apples with no over aggzagerarted flavor. The meat of the

      apple looked natural, white and somewhat transparent.If Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-a_very_thin_slice_of_apple_that_is_being_held_i.jpg

      Updated 03-05-2024 at 01:42 AM by 13650

    2. My robotic imagination Revival

      by , 03-04-2024 at 10:55 PM (My Robotic imagination)
      Hello My fella dreamers, It has been a wile since I have last posted. I am gonna be reviving my dream journal and updating them with imagery and new entries.

      Regular dreams will be in black (Everyday non-lucid/normal dreams)
      Nightmares in red (fear inducing)
      lucid in blue (knowning I'm in a dream)
      interpeted in gray (something simular happens in real life)
      fragmented in brown (can remember only a small part or bits and peices)
      reocurring in pink(Things, characters or people that have appeared in dreams more then once)
      Dream goal in orange (Attempt to do a dream task from the DV forums)
      Reacurring places in dark green (places that appear in dreams)
      HI Hypnogogic Imagery (Images that occur while entering sleep)
      HI Hypnopompic Images (Images that occur while waking up)

      I start off standing in a living room. The lights are on and there are DCs in it. One's a shadow and the other one was the

      same except it had some detailing. If Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-a_captivating_cinematic_scene_of_the_furnace_ma.jpg The shadowy DC has committed a dream sin and is being punished for whatever it was he has done. The Punisher is talking to the committee about his actions and demands that he comes with him. He refuses and a fight.

      breaks out. If Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-a_captivating_cinematic_scene_of_the_furnace_ma-2-.jpgThey grab at each other and then the punisher opens a pair of doors that was on his chest, grabs the committee.

      and presses his head up against the inner part of the left door and he yells out in pain as the hot metal burns his face.

      He pulls away and the furnace man grabs his arm and they fight yet again, punching and kicking at each other. This goes on.

      for some time with me witnessing them fighting, punching, kicking and burning each other. If Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-a_captivating_cinematic_scene_of_the_furnace_ma-1-.jpg At some point in time, they fall

      on to the ground and roll around. The furnace man gets the committees head into the doors and stands up with only the head.

      sticking out. They are still yelling and arguing and the furnace guy burns him with the hot doors again and the committee

      screams again. This happens a few times and then the committee dose something dumb. He turns his head sideways and his chin.

      that was keeping his head out came off the edge of the furnace and he is pushed down into his chest and the doors closed.

      up. I can hear him really start to yell and scream as the furnace guy took him off, into another room. If Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-a_well_lit_living_room_with_a_dreamer_there_in_.jpgAfter that it got

      quiet. From seeing all of this even though it didn't bother me I went down a hall and into a back room and collapsed on the

      floor in front of a doorless way. I heard the furnace guy call me, but I didn't respond. Soon he came out and gently held me.

      up.If Bush wins I'll *BLEEP* myself :P-a_striking_and_cinematic_scene_featuring_the_fu.jpg "Are you ok?" I nodded yes and stood up. I said something about being Lucid and hoped that this was a dream! Me and him

      talked about dream stuff until I woke up.

      Updated 03-04-2024 at 11:06 PM by 13650
