Evil Robot
, 01-18-2015 at 02:52 AM (703 Views)
I completely forgot to post this yesterday as I was quite busy with different things. I have another dream coming after this as I had another one last night as well.
I was lost in a dark forest in the middle of the night. I wasn't too worried about being lost as I was just looking around. The forest itself was made up completely of pine trees and the ground was really muddy where I was walking. I made my way ot of the forest when I saw the headlights of a small truck. I saw a DC standing near the truck and I asked him if he could help me get home. He shrugged at me before saying something and driving away. There was a house nearby with a light on the front porch and I saw a robot which looked like a crash test dunmy walking towards me. It told me that it would assist me to find my way home. The scene then changed to a constrcution site/quarry and I was getting really annoyed with the robot for not helping me at all. The robot was immediatley hostile and told me it would slit my stomach open . I started running and the scene changed again to my dad's study where I slammed the door shut and held it. He didn't seem to mind much and told me to hold the door shut otherwise the robot would get me, I suddenly lost my grib on the door and scrambled to get it back before the robot burst in with a knife and started slashing at my stomach. I felt the cuts but was slightly confused when they didn't hurt in the slightest. I continued to wonder about this before I woke up.
Pretty weird one, it was creepy but didn't scare me as much as I thought it would so I'm not going to class this as a nightmare. A real change of pace to the beautiful scenes that I've had for the past few nights but that doesn't really bother me, at least I'm dreaming.
- Have my2nd Lucid Dream.
- Have a converstation with a DC.
- Fly.