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    Two fragments: following child driver, teen scared of pervert

    by , 04-29-2017 at 09:20 PM (641 Views)
    Fragment 1: My mom and I were walking, following a car which we thought my 11 year old was driving home ahead of us, and we were following on foot to kind of ensure he was ok. Had a moment of panic when the car we were following turned onto the highway, but then we realized that this was not the right car and the driver was a grownup. We had been following the wrong car! So where was my son? We thought most probably he had driven home like he was supposed to. But we started running toward home just in case.

    Fragment 2: There was this teenaged girl who was creeped out by this older man who was following her around and snooping around her. I explained to him that he should stop doing that because she had been molested by someone as a child and this was really creeping her out. He said he would not be following her around surreptitiously if she went out with him for lunch. I thought either he does not get it, or he really is a pervert.

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