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    1. The Cabin on the Hill

      by , 09-27-2016 at 06:30 PM
      This dream was really something else.

      It all begins at a house party. I've come with my friend Wil, but in the middle of the thing we got split off. I met these other dudes who were having a great time partying and I did something that gained me serious respect from them, what it is I cannot recall. At the party I met these two girls. The were clearly Nesbitt and Madison, but they acted like strangers. I realized that I was in some school of sorts, for mechanical engineering or the like. I went to a class in a shack on the hill, and all the dudes from the party were there. I was with Nesbitt and wanted to keep hitting on her so we sat together, and my new friend from the party, who was like Wil combined with a rednek bro, he sat at the table next to us. We started signalling that we just wanted to party, so I began figuring out how to drink in there instead of payaing attention to the lesson. Eventually the teacher left and we went into the city down the hill and got a bunch of beer, then went back up to the cabin. We started drinking and singing and being fools.

      Skip forward several days and we've become regulars at this. The ditch next to the cabin is littered with beer cans and the like and the girls always come with us. One night I go up there alone, and I find a godlike figure training his powers for some reason. This distracts me and I miss out on meeting up with the kids. I returned the next night and nobody was there. I went into the cabin and became extremely present, really analyzing the place. Small room with a sink, candle or gas lamps for lighting. There was a little staircase/ladder that lead up, and at the top there was just a tiny sleeping bag and a bedside table. I wondered how many kids had snuck off to this place and made love right there.

      As I descended the mountain I realized how much I missed my friends. I saw Madison walking along the bottom of the hill, and I wanted to call out to her but it didn't feel right. I let her

      The last night. I'm wandering the city alone, when I hear a distressed voice. Madison is with her girlfriends who are all dressed up. She's in a black dress with Mascara running down her cheeks, and is expressing sadness over a boy who left her. "Why did he do that? Am I too ugly? I thought he liked me."
      I walked right up to her, locking eyes as I did so and kissed her. Everything melted away and this moment stretched on for a long time, seemingly in all different places as if a montage of the next few months of our love.

      I'm in the cabin again. I'm with Nesbitt and the guys, and I realize the lesson is the same. Everything is the same. I understand that there is nothing else but this cabin and this hill and this town. This is not reality. I try to stand on my desk, defying the laws of this space. I'm met with a celing, soft and make of the literal fabric of spacetime.

      I get angry. I get real mad. I tell Lily I'm done living in this universe. I grab a handful of the stuff in each hand, and arms raised above my head I just start ripping. Layer after layer after layer, they could go on forever but so can I. My head slowly moves up more and more, no longer hunched over but nearly fully standing up on the desk as the layers rip away. I can hear birds, something I realize do not exist here on this hill. I can see a faint shade of blue trickling through the material.

      In one final tear and raging push with my head, I break through. I broke through. It's beautiful. The sky is a wildly vivid shade of blue, the trees impossibly green. Birds fly, children laugh and smells of the city are wafting by. This is reality. I walk down the road to a corner store and look at the TV in the display. It's an ad for some snack food, and it's the first thing I've seen that wasn't about that damn closed in universe. My eyes gaze past it, glancing up from my current position, and suddenly I see it. A wave of nervous and curious energy crashes over me. There, down the long road I'm on is the hill. It's different now, lined with bushes and with a paved path going up, and the cabin is in better repair. I go up.

      In the cabin I find friends from previous dreams. Patrick Stewart is there, getting a tattoo on his body from R2D2, who is programming a set of computer chips in the Patriks shoulder with conductive ink so he may be smarter. The men up here give me lectures on the past, and reality, and tattoos, and then all of a sudden I am gone.

      I'm in my bed sleeping, but I'm very tired of this dream. I want it to end, so I think that i'll just go set my alarm off manually and wake up.
      My alarm goes off and I wake up. 10:00.

      non-lucid , memorable