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    1. Strange Nightmare

      by , 09-28-2016 at 05:58 PM
      This is a nightmare that is really just an extremely complex dream. It all began at Tommy's house. We were hanging out in his kitchen when Tracy said to come check something out that they wanted me to see. Next to the breadbox was a picture of a little kid in a frame.

      Tracy walked up to it and said, "Hey, how are you doing today?"
      It responded. Not with clear words at first, but with the slightest mumbling, as if the noise came not from a speaker built into the frame but from the child himself, weak due to his tiny size and having to speak through the glass. We took the picture out of the frame and he started talking, his body animated like a Harry Potter painting. The photo was clearly not printed on paper but was in some old 90s media card. Tracy took the media card from the frame and inserted it into a 90s black PDA. It had a camera and an LCD screen and the kid popped up on that. It was not a normal program however, it made no sense. Sometimes it looked like me as a kid, sometimes it would be someone else.

      Later on my momand I were talking to him when suddenly the image changed. The child was now a baby. The baby was walking with a cane in a church, extremely slowly. The church was full of old people, and there was something extremely off about them. Suddenly as the boy walked up to a new pew there was a man with his organs spilling out, and the people in the church all looked up right at us and stared. My mom burned the thing immediately. We feared for a long time if we had released this kid into the world not to haunt us, but slowly Tom and I debunked it and figured out the technology behind it. By the end it was no longer a nightmare, but a study in self treachery.