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    Surfing in the City(Pt 2)

    by , 08-29-2014 at 01:21 PM (584 Views)
    I arrive at home after the wave pool incident to find my cousin, Blake, levitating while in full lotus meditation in the entrance of my room.
    I try not to disturb him and tip-toe to the lounge. On the centre wooden table i see a collage made with all of my pictures from when i used to live in Portugal.
    "What a lovely surprise present"i think to myself..

    Blake soon enters the lounge and we begin to watch some intense big wave surf footage of Kelly Slater,who films using a go pro strapped to his board so you are able to see from his perspective as he is tube riding.

    It's almost as if i am right there with the surfers,hovering over them from a 3rd person helicopter perspective.
    "Kelly Slater is an amazing athlete,the sporting world completely underrates him.he's the Tiger Woods of surfing!"

    As the worlds leave my mouth I float in this "3rd person perspective over a exotic string of islands in a turquoise blue ocean.
    On the islands i see an immaculate golf course.

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