- Date of Birth
- October 12, 1989 (35)
About Kaizen
- Country Flag:
- SouthAfrica
- Location:
- Cosmic Hyperspace
- Interests:
- Dreaming,Travel,Yoga and Meditation,Alteredl States,Holistic Health,Surfing,Guitar,Fire POI
- Occupation:
- Holistic Physiotherapist
- Gender:
- Male
- How you found us:
- The Internet
"Once upon a time I dream't I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I am a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am a butterfly, dreaming I am a man."-Lao Tzu ॐ
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- 70
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- 0.02
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- Total Messages
- 1
- Most Recent Message
- 10-12-2014 05:26 PM
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- Last Activity
- 09-28-2015 09:13 PM
- Join Date
- 08-14-2014
- Referrals
- 1
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- 1,177
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- 9
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- 14%
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- 173
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- 525
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- 322
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View Kaizen's Dream Journal
Kaizen on 09-25-2015 at 08:07 AM
I directed the bodypainter girl toward the Art class, letting her know I was already late and she could go without me,actually wanting to be alone. This was after speaking to Nestor about comig past California and Yosemite, and him wanting to know how much i would be saving a month, to which I replied 6k.
The organisers where young etnical guys and didnt seemed to care much how we created the pool.
I even over-exaggeratted the proccess and told him that i was to do some damage, which he non-chalantly ignored.
I took the big bag of bentonite clay and threw it into the middle of the makeshift square pool along with boiling water.
It filled quicky and Mel, Justin and other friends where soon immeresed and muddy, feeling the benifits,
Kaizen on 09-25-2015 at 07:58 AM
I had somehow gotten away with stealing from work without my laidback boss knowing.
My girlfriend was also in on the plot and we planned to cash in on the affair at a later stage when things simmered down.
The prize was around 75k, and in order to procure the money I had to do some crazy things, namely:
- Jump off a high building with a parachute
-Betray a few co-workers that chased me down in the urban work setting
-Fly away from my problems using a plastic bag technique,putting them over my feet.
-D0 some solid espionage and hide the fact that I was the thief from co-workers and my boss.
The only problem was that in order to cash in I would have to leave and they would find a certain book behind(almost like a black bible) that would give me away. I toyed with the idea and eventually decide against it, and the money woud be void.
I the process of this decision a few memorable scenes where:
-Making my way over mountains to Silicon valley using my pump action leg flying skills
-Surfing and watching near perfect a frame with only one blue bottle in the water, and seeing it double up.
-Running away from civilization and getting stuck in 'the jelly cliff faces " that hung unbelievably on the side of the mountian
Kaizen on 05-03-2015 at 11:50 AM
3rd of May 2015
I found myself at a indoor trance party, where a brown bag was missing. The decor that was inside the bag was present, although the actual bag seemed to be gone. As the set crew looked a intoxicated friend and I danced like hooligans oblivious and fooled around, throwing coins at the crowed that sat at the back of the dancefloor.
I drank a Maca smoothie and offered some to a airy fairy chatty Sherri while Ryno watched and turned down the offer for the same.
Eventually I looked in my bag and found the brown bag which everyone was looking for. Many where angry at me,a few appeared to be teachers, but it seemed i didn't give a fuck.
Kaizen on 05-03-2015 at 11:41 AM
3rd May 2015
My girlfriend and I sat in a corner booth of a restaurant about to order a meal.The lighting was dim and sepia like, slightly romantic. Two guys,one being a Indian comedian, approached us and sat down. He then gave my girlfriend a flower and a pink box of dark chocolate with her name on it. I laughed inside thinking that he was about to get blown of while his white cronie stood and watched.To my surprise my girlfriend giggled and began to entertain his antics.
The green eyed monster,jealousy, immediately took hold but I somehow managed to control myself and walk away. Looking back at them made me nauseous, with him and here chatting and flirting.
Kaizen on 05-02-2015 at 10:00 AM
I looked down up a huge swell from Chapmans peak and tried to get into my wetsuit as fast as possible as the sun went down. We where on the corner above the road on a multi coloured conveyorbelt at "Imvumvu's" hang out, which was open to the elements.I thought it would be better not to put on booties to save time but then remembered the treacherous rock path below that could cut my feet up. A Cristiano Ronaldo look alike was also on his way down to enter the water. When I looked the sun had practically set,and i doubted we could go surf...also worrying about sharks.