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    Dream - A Crazy Sly Game

    by , 06-22-2018 at 07:26 AM (307 Views)
    Date of Dream: FRI 22 JUN - 2018

    Dream No. 358 - A Crazy Sly Game

    I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at my house and my parents and I were preparing for guests to arrive for my birthday party. I see the clock and as it said 7:30 PM, no one had turned up. 15 minutes later, guests do show up but there weren't as many as I initially expected. One person I do clearly remember being there was YW but I forgot what we did.

    The dream was still in the same layout of the house but the events changed, so I classify this as a new scene. My mum was chopping up fruit and veggies into a diced shape to make some sort of salad. I asked mum “where did all the cherries go?”... I had no choice of what to eat except for the veggies. I soon discovered that it was my dad who came and took all the fruit for himself. My mum took more of these so called cherries out of a packet but they looked more like little yellow tomatoes to me. She ended up adding them to the bowl with the rest of the salad. I hurried and took a few before my dad could get to them again.

    The scene then showed me in the shower and I had the bowl of supposed fruit salad next to me on the shower floor, taking one piece every now and then. The scene changed again and I was at my high school, repeating a simulation of Year 7 LOTE Indonesian. The teacher, like in real life, was Ms C but the dream gave her a bit of a nasty vibe. The work I was doing also seemed ridiculous but I forgot in what way.

    The next scene took place in the kitchen of my old house. I was standing in front of the sink and singing a German song that I did in real life for my last high school exam recital. My mum appeared and was standing at the other side of the bench. She suggested that I translate the German version into English and then the English version into French.

    I then discovered myself to be in the Sly 2 Paris environment but the map was so much bigger than in the real game and some buildings contained features from other Sly 2 episodes, especially Prague. The scene turned into a slideshow and Bentley was was discussing what had to be done in the Paris episode. Apparently there was not one, not two, not three, but nine villains to defeat! And each mission was going to be focusing on one villain; pictures of all of them were displayed on a 3x3 collage photo.

    The first villain for the Cooper Gang to face was actually Carmelita. As she was the first villain to deal with, she was the most simple... All Sly had to do was keep whacking her with his cane until she ended up in the water. The next villain I can remember is the Evil Wolf Priestess in which Sly had to light some metal explosive bombs and the shortening fuse would eventually direct the metal TNT barrels to blow up the crypt.

    The missions for each subsequent villain would get harder and harder and the villains got more and more ridiculous sounding, so much so that I eventually entered the dream scene. Note that before this, I actually wasn't a part of my own dream since the start of the Paris scene. At first, it was just a projection of my thoughts without me actually being there. I said to myself, something like, “These villains just keep getting worse and worse! Villains like them (I have forgotten their names)... Sly doesn't know how to deal with them. I'd better do something and take these guys out myself”. Then I appeared in the dream and started to locate some of the villains.

    When I got to a certain area, I was expecting to face Cortex but to my surprise, young Cortex was there as well. Firstly, I started off by speaking to them. I was questioning their appearances and why their hair was in an odd shape; their hair had two tall spikes at the top rather than one tall spike and hair shooting from the side of their heads. They were also wearing red chequered shirts, dark jeans and white shoes. The dream didn't show how I defeated them though.

    The scene shifted back to where the gang was. After I had gotten rid of Cortex and Young Cortex, Bentley started to realise what was going on. When discussing missions, the dream used Sly's binocucom, Bentley's voice, and Murray's text colour. In Bentley's next mission description, he included something like, “We need to meet up with her”.

    For the next scene, it was Sly's mission and I was now with them. Bentley would travel at the front, leading the group, Sly in the middle, and Murray at the back. Throughout the whole remainder of the dream, Murray was responsible for me. As it was Sly's mission the camera focused mainly on Sly with Bentley running ahead but sometimes inched back to show Murray, revealing a little snippet of my hands holding onto him... He was carrying me. I discovered myself to be wearing a white night-dress in this dream.

    It was then Murray's mission and he was attempting to sneakily approach a flashlight guard. He soon realised that his arms were occupied and so to take out the flashlight guard, he had to put me down. So as Sly and Bentley were watching from the distance, I was only running a millimetre behind Murray as he wrestled with the flashlight guard and eventually, threw the flashlight guard to the ground, killing him on impact. Murray then quietly turned his attention back to me and became aware of the fact that he needed to devise a solution to keep me on him at all times. He held a look of pondering concern on his face like he knew it was dangerous to have me on the ground.

    The next time the dream showed him, his belt was of a massive length like it would have no problem falling off his waist. The belt then morphed into one big belt, fitting Murray properly again, and one small belt, being connected by either an elongated clip or a rope. I was slotted into the smaller belt, now riding on his upper back. At this point, I couldn't see my legs and so I realised that from the same type of fabric as Murray's shirt, he made it into a sack and attached the top of the sack to the belt... The bottom half of me was in that sack.

    So now the dream showed the gang walking in their assigned order with me bouncing up and down on Murray's back. On some occasions, I would slightly stretch in order to get a view of the current surroundings, peeping out at times from over the top of his head or the side of it. He then approached one of the frog guards and started having a punch-up with it. This time I wasn't effected in any way, the dream proving that I was staying secure and actually quite still on his back despite how much he was moving around.

    Bentley announced that all the villains had been defeated, though there was a “but!”... There was a surprise villain. Bentley lead the group, giving us commentary about where this mysterious tenth villain would supposedly be. As we went further and further down the street, the windows on the buildings resembled the stained glass features like in Prague and the building that we ended up at was a very close resemblance to Neyla's Headquarters in Episode 5 in the real life game. The dream was giving me all these subtle cues that this would be a villain for me to face.

    So with the feeling in mind, Sly and Bentley waited outside and Murray took me inside the building. We both catch sight of this villain and it's the Contessa! By the way, all characters in the Paris scene appeared exactly as they would in Sly 2, including the Contessa. Murray isn't saying anything but I end up perceiving this energy that tells me deep down, he wants to curse her as hard as his tongue can manage it. I feel that the Contessa has come supposedly for an attempt at a second kidnapping.

    I look up at her as she walks to the end of the ledge she's on and says “Oh come now Murray” with the exact same behaviour and speech pattern as in the game. My facial expression is one with a mixture of innocent curiosity but also some form of hidden shock and aggression and I was aware of how she had previously harmed Murray. The thought inside my head was something along the lines of “You're not going to hold him hostage again... Not on my watch”.

    From Murray's back, I assessed my surroundings and noticed that this was some sort of triangular shaped tower. I figured that there was no way for Murray to reach the Contessa, there were only Sly's wall-hooks but he was outside... So I figured I had to go, I was capable of replicating all gang member abilities. I catapulted myself from Murray's back and latched onto one of the three wall-hooks. The Contessa then jumped down and hooked herself onto another one... This was turning out to be a boss battle between me and the Contessa.

    I jumped over to the next wall-hook while noticing Murray still standing on the ledge we entered from, watching me, giving me a hopeful gaze that I would succeed and finish her off. The wall-hooks I jumped onto would lead me further away from her and she would always follow me; it was a tedious process. When it came to my next turn though, I stopped and thought to myself, “Shouldn't I be going backwards? If I do that, I'd leap onto her and knock her down, causing her to fall to her death in the endless pit”. I changed my direction but before I could make the leap, I woke up with the clock in my real life bedroom saying 8:40 AM.

    Dream Tasks
    - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? No)
    - Investigate where my SML postage has gone (Achieved? Cancelled - Time Expiry)
    - Reach the Gyeongbokgung Palace (Achieved? Partially)
    - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No)
    - In accordance to the "shared dreaming experiment" proceed on locating the moon (Achieved? No)

    Dream 358: Results (Competition #4)
    Competition Night: 21
    Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
    Dream Guide: Me & Murray
    Emergency Team: Sly & Bentley
    Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

    Points For This Entry: 7.5
    Calculation Details:
    - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
    - New Personal Goal Achieved: Spend Some Time In Paris (3.0)
    - Be A Dream Guide Yourself (2.0)
    - Have A Dream Guide Appear Automatically: Murray (0.5)
    - Help Someone In Need (1.0)

    + Previous Total: 79.5
    Total Accumulated Points: 87.0

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    Updated 06-22-2018 at 11:55 AM by 93119

    non-lucid , memorable
