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    Voyages of a Skywalker

    1. Anxious Feast

      by , 10-14-2012 at 10:02 PM (Voyages of a Skywalker)
      In a cafeteria I am at a long table spread with food. I'm having a hard time deciding what to put on my very small plate. After choosing three of four items, one more table of food is set out. For a moment I am worried that there won’t be enough room. I occurs tome that I can place my smaller plate on a bigger plate. It is announced to me that if I have a hard time deciding, there will be guidance available to me.
    2. Intro Class Daily Dream Snippets

      by , 10-14-2012 at 04:25 AM (Voyages of a Skywalker)

      I'm in a house with my sister and we are almost hiding out. I can feel that there are very few life forces around. Maybe a few other families on a big, sandy colored suburban block of Las Vegas style, upper-middles class houses. There is a war/fight going on in the sky. It is night time. Out of the large living room windows I can see formations of flying fighter crafts deploying to some unknown mission. Are they on our side? I don't think so. I know it's not safe here and at any moment we could be attacked. It seems my sister is unaware of this or doing very well do ignore the threat. A man knocks on my door. He is a shorter brown man with black hair and a moustach. I think he's Indian. I immediatly and suspicious of him, and he invites me to a meetup a short distane from here at an abandoned Taco Bell. Here we will learn about the threat and current conditions. I don't believe him. He leaves and a short time later, his wife knocks on my door. She is brown like him and she has some thawed out bags of meat to give me; tilapia, shrimp and something else. I take them graciously even though I don't eat meat. I understand that food is sparse. She asks me how I am and I feel I must mention the meeting with her husband. She acts as though she doesn't know what I'm talking about but I can tell she does. I can see her husband watching us behind her through the door.