The One I've Been Waiting For
, 12-05-2016 at 11:43 PM (423 Views)
Last night was the dream I had been waiting for. The dream that I knew needed to happen at some point, but had been eluding me for some time. I went to bed fairly early, and I took two NyQuil capsules, as I’ve had an annoying cough I can’t seem to get over. I also took a couple of ibuprofen, as I had been in a fight with my friend the night before, and my face was still pretty sore, and the bruises on my body were getting worse. Anyhow, so the stage is properly set. But I was not attempting to induce anything, nor was I anticipating. Here we go:
Part 1:
I’m in a white, queen sized bed, high above the ground, centered uncomfortably and disturbingly in the middle of a dark bluish room. There are sounds from outside. I see light through the crack in the door. I’m uncomfortable, cold, fearful, and confused. I am revisiting the fear of nighttime from my childhood. It’s so real. There’s something beautiful about this. Something is on the outside of my room. I travel outside. It is my Bellingham house, but different. It appears to have been flooded recently. There are puddles of murky water all around. I travel into the bathroom, and it’s larger than the real one. The toilet is missing. Later in the dream, the toilet is returned, but another toilet from a different spot in the bathroom is missing. The shower is running, but there is no sound at all. I notice this, and it disturbs me greatly. I know I’m not deaf; the rapid running water makes no sound. Senses are so real, so similar to being fearful in my bed as a child, in my old room, but different. I drift in and out of sleep in this dream, which convinces me of the reality of the dream.
Part 2:
My landlord is present, and my parents and I are in his house. It is very clean, but with old furniture, not unlike my grandparents’ old house. The house is oddly off-balanced, and my dad points this out. Soon we are at my grandpa’s old house. He has this small dog. He is uncharacteristically swearing and seems to be unaware of it, but it disturbs me and my mother. My sister Julia gives the dog a sedative and it goes limp. There is a performance that will occur at Cedar Park. There is a piano, and the stage is strangely arranged.
Part 3:
My sister Jeannette and I are at McDonald’s. I think it’s a mix of one I’ve been to in Kirkland, and the one I frequent in Bellingham. We are blocking the drive thru line, unaware of it. A man in a pickup drives in front of us and flips us off. People are getting frustrated. We drive forward and soon realize our fault here. We pull around to the back of the line. I notice many Mexican Americans in the drive thru line, but they are all on foot without a car, and some are being quite rude it seems. I’m eating some kind of overly cheesy sandwich. A woman approaches; she bears the resemblance of Rosita from The Walking Dead. She enters my car, and we begin to kiss and embrace. I’m worried that my sister is taking notice of this, but she’s disappeared from the vehicle. This girl wishes to make love but I tell her no. There may have been more to this dream sequence, but that was all I can remember.
Part 4:
Here’s where things get fairly emotional for me. I am in a wooded area with a group of people. There are very old trees with gigantic roots, and they grow in impossible shapes. It is disturbing but fascinating. This girl I am interested in, Camila, is in this dream, and I think that I am in love with her. I climb one of the trees. It twists about up through the forest so impossibly but so satisfyingly, in that I am able to climb it with ease, and I soon near the top. Our leader faces a giraffe or dinosaur-like mythical creature that soon approaches my tree and climbs it. I confront it, fearful at first, but I win the battle. Our group continues on through these woods. I feel empowered. We are now on a university campus. I run into Sam (my ex-girlfriend). We talk, argue, I try to kiss her and she angrily backs away. I think she has red hair at first. Then she has blonde hair, and she approaches a table with several of my acquaintances and someone who resembles Glenn McEvoy (my management professor). Sam with red hair is also at this table, and she seems much kinder. So there are somehow two of her here. Sam with blonde hair is making a scene and spouting off a poem and talking about some instance with us over the summer. The situation ought to be way more uncomfortable, but there is a level of understanding among us at the table, and I have these strange feelings, many of which I cannot identify. McEvoy even makes a light comment about the situation, and I respond with some clever remark. I argue with her more as I hope my current lover (Camila) approaches, but she doesn’t. Ali (a girlfriend of my friend Cameron) is there and puts her arm around me, as if she were a good friend who wishes to comfort me. Sam with blonde hair is evil to me. Sam with red hair is passive, sitting there, seeming to sheepishly say sorry for blonde Sam’s behavior.
4 very different, very real, very vivid situations. The first gave me feelings of fear and confusion that I haven’t experienced in quite a long time, I think since I was practically a child. The second gave me feelings of great discomfort, mainly due to my grandpa’s unusual cursing. The third gave me feelings of confidence and animalistic pleasure I also haven’t felt in a long time. The fourth at first gave me feelings of bravery and invincibility, then of profound sadness, then anger.
In these dreams, I have a sense that all the happenings are synchronistic, as I had been reading Jung’s "Synchronicity" the previous day. I felt that concepts I had read about the principle were pervading the dream somehow, and I was subtly and possibly unconsciously aware of this while dreaming. This dream world was so real, realer than anything I’ve experienced in a while. And upon waking, I wasn’t really awake for a few seconds. But I knew I must immediately take note of these dreams.