Fragment of Dreams
A half demolished home. An Ordway-type figure dances amongst the rubble. Matriarch questions why I care about her dancing, I say she's beautiful.. Melody P comes to the door as I'm lying there in the half demolished home. She's looking for matriarch. I lie back down, relishing the last few moments before the home is completely gone. My vacating there is a combination of recently leaving my South Pasadena apartment, and the destruction of my old family home. 10 years apart but one and the same, in this moment. A second scenario. I'm in a cubicle farm, many people clogged together. It's dusk, remnants of sunset still linger. There is talk of some UFO or weaponry overhead in the night sky, but the talk is light. In a different room, a terminal emulator is portrayed on a large projector screen. It doesn't at first register to me that it's the same one we use at work, and because of that I find it more interesting and modern. Then I realize it's the same and the fascination fades.
I fell asleep last night listening to various videos about quantum physics, the solar system, consciousness.. just hoping they could inspire some memorable dream states. Once again, I failed to record them immediately upon waking. But they did happen, and I will recall them to the best of my capabilities now. I was driving my father's old Jaguar and got a flat tire. I remember feelings of embarrassment and shame, as it was due to foolishly driving up on a high curb or something careless. I began playing drums and singing in what was to become a Jellyfish tribute band. Once again, I was elated at my ability to sing these songs well and harmonize with the other vocalist (who I believe was actually Roger J. Manning Jr of Jellyfish). It really was a great feeling, even better than my previous night's dream of singing Led Zeppelin. The last instance I can remember, which I know was a very small part of a much larger scenario, was making eye contact with one of my sister's friends. She's someone I never think about, but this moment in the dream was powerful. It was as though I fell in love with her right there, just by locking eyes. A wonderful feeling, but it was fleeting. There was more to these dreams, but that's all I can remember. I'm just hoping to continue on the path of hopefully inducing a lucid dream. I'll fall asleep listening to similar videos again and hope for the best. Additionally, I need to fight through the desire to go right back to sleep after waking from a dream, and just record it immediately.
Several different scenarios, all connected by a feeling. What would normally have been permeated by fear or a sense of dread was instead punctuated by calm and happiness... First encounter: There was this large collection of skyscrapers, interconnected by a kind of airport-esque system of subways and elevators. I was trying to reach my floor, where I was to attend what was, to the best of my memory, a job/lecture. My boss/professor was similar to my college history professor, a distinctly British man. Strange I cannot distinguish between this being my vocation or just a college class. I had several encounters in the buildings/elevators/subways with both strangers and familiar faces. At a certain point, the main entrance to my building was closed, and I struggled to find another way inside. Second: I was with my family, I believe we were discussing politics in an outdoor pavilion. Fairly out of the ordinary for my family to do this. I was to travel to our beach house, and I think my dad was waiting for me there. I can't remember the details of this encounter, but I do recall the feeling distinctly. It was a kind of sickly/sweet happiness, like a fabricated ease. Only upon waking did I question the fact I was feeling so at ease in these dreams. But it did make for an unusually enjoyable experience. Third: I was at a concert or possibly a music festival, it was nighttime. Once again, I encountered both strangers and friends. I was walking around, it was red and black, kind of carnival-like. Some members of one my bands were there and we exchanged words. I think it was friendly. A part that sticks out was a singer preforming a Led Zeppelin tune and forgetting the lyrics. One moment she put the mic in front of an audience member, who sang the incorrect lyrics to the song. She scoffed at him and moved on. Eventually I took over and began singing the bridge portion of Stairway to Heaven. I remember being quite pleased that I was able to hit the high notes pretty well, but nobody seemed to take notice. I wish I had recorded these dreams immediately upon waking. They were still so fresh and vivid this morning. I can only remember fragments and feelings now. But these encounters really gave me a strong, new feeling. It was powerful enough to make me journal them. I hope to continue these recordings as regularly as I can, and ideally get to a point where lucidity would be possible...
In light of recently reconnecting with an old school chum in waking life, I found myself in his presence within my dream. He was sort of guiding me along a path on some island where he lived. We came across a ferry that took us a short way across a very narrow river. On the other side, we met up with a few of his friends, some of whom I seemed to know, others I did not. I remember having packed an excessive amount of clothing, and fussing over what I would change into. I think my little sister showed up at one point as well. There was some important crux to this dream I am forgetting, but I really hope to start journaling regularly again. I need a greater sense of spiritualism and synchronicity in my waking life, and I used to obtain often those from my dream life. Here's to hopeful, consistent Dream Journaling once again.
There was an event to take place in a huge event center, which appeared to me as a sort of pleasant hybrid of a baseball and football stadium. This event was to be the launching of a man from a cannon into a great trampoline, which subsequently would result in him flying off into oblivion (This is what we as spectators were to expect, anyway). I, simply just another innocent bystander among many, viewed this event from behind large glass windows. It was like we were in a private box, but it was on the same level as the ground level of the stadium. I stood there among what i suppose were executives, people in charge of the event. I was accompanied by a couple attractive girls, blondes, who bore a resemblance to several girls from two of my IRL college courses. We were all excitedly awaiting the launch... After the launch occurred, the old man bounced off the trampoline in a rather anticlimactic manner. He only managed to gain a few feet, and we all had expected him to fly much further than this. I felt disappointment, and a kind of sick recognition of an unfulfilled general aura. Then, much to my disturbance, the girls beside me went out onto the field and started fucking some of the executives who had been viewing the launch. It was a ludicrous and raucous display, and it gave me a sinking feeling. Afterwards, the girls came back inside; one of them was apologizing to me it seemed, and attempting to console me, though i did not outwardly express my disgust at the disturbing display. She was kind, though, and it was almost as if her consolation negated her previous sexual misconduct. We walked together, and i somehow gained a solace about the situation. There was much more to this dream, but this is what i remember.
I found myself in a huge convention center, it seemed. And to my surprise, the place sort of circled around a large domain where the space needle was being constructed, though it was black. I met this woman, and everyone presumed she had an attitude about her that made her cold, unapproachable, and seemingly ill-tempered. I chose to ignore these elements and sat down with her at a picnic table, still inside this convention center. This woman's disposition was an absolute amalgamation of several personas of multiple strippers. La I'm so stupidly foggy as to other dream aspects, but I was at one point conversing with my mother about something lifelike. Additionally, my friend Matt was at my house, and he felt the need to watch television on our big screen downstairs. He gathered together a jumbled mess of extension cords, and sought the assistance of my father to garner a means to watch his program. When i met him at the foot of the stairs, I asked why he needed to do this, and he responded with "I didn't want you to give me that look of eyes five inches apart!" WHO CARES WHAT PSYCHIATRISTS WRITE ON WALLS!
A dream like this came as no surprise given my circumstances the previous evening. I dreamt that my good friend picked me up from a Campus Christian Fellowship event, which actually did happen the night before. Only in the dream, there occurred a disturbing turn of events. He exited his car and entered into the facility in which the occasion was being held. I had already left the building, but after he had been in there for a little while, I noticed several members of the fellowship program leaving with very sad and offended expressions. In my mind, I felt that he had spoken harsh and offensive words to them and greatly disturbed these people. I, in turn, was quite upset, and we proceeded to have a fairly significant argument over the matter. He did not drive me home, and I was stranded into the night. Now, some things about this made sense, and other things did not. My friend does not consider himself a Christian, but he is not very critical of those who do profess to be, and he would certainly not intentionally carry out offensive and hurtful actions to strangers in the community, but this was the case in my dream. I was disturbed by this dream upon awakening, and I wondered what this was trying to tell me, if anything. I cannot remember the circumstances surrounding this next dream, but I remember the feeling of it, and one image in particular. I’m staring at a face that bears a striking resemblance to that of my former lover. In the dream, I am experiencing the exact emotions I had when I was with her. It’s weird that I cannot recall these exact emotions now IRL, but in the dream, they were very real. It’s as if I can only recall my true emotions of the past in my dreams. The reasons behind this dream I could point to fairly easily. I introduced my friend (The same friend in the first dream) to the show Twin Peaks last night. We watched the pilot episode last night, and needless to say, he’s hooked. But there was an odd moment when we realized he looks quite a bit like the show’s unfortunate victim, Laura Palmer, to the point that it actually freaked us out a little. I have no doubt this instance is what influenced my dream, but I cannot explain how I was able to relive the exact emotional state in the dream as when I was with her.
I’m at somebody’s house, near the kitchen. There are two women, one of whom I recognize. I have an idea who the other might be, but I can’t be sure. The one I know begins to get close to me, and she cranes her neck to kiss me in a friendly way, but I feel that she wants to convey something else. She kisses my cheek, then again, nearer to my mouth. I come close to her, and ask her if she’d like to go out with me. She is ecstatic and responds so enthusiastically, which is satisfying to me. This is special; this girl was my friend in high school, she’s extremely beautiful, we did a play together once and interacted on some kind of emotionally significant level, given the grave and serious nature of the performance. I would have gone out with her in a heartbeat, if only I had the confidence back then. The other girl in the dream seems upset, but I take little notice of this. I’m soon at a restaurant with a friend, and I run into a family for whom I had played piano a couple of weeks ago at a party. We find our table, and I notice a table on the other side of the restaurant where there is another family I know. Only I’m overcome with anxiety when I realize who they are. I imagine that I had asked out the daughter in this family, only this is not actually the case. But in the dream, I am convinced of this. I don’t understand this dream, but I have ideas as to simple meanings behind some of the particular circumstances of it. Overall though, I cannot interpret it.
Last night was not exactly fun. I can remember brief instances of this one; they mainly seemed to be warped situations of things that have happened to me in the last few months IRL. I am at a performance, with cover bands, but it’s as if they’re all playing to a track, not actually playing their instruments. I am expected to play piano to a Queen song, but someone takes my place. I’m at a movie theatre, about to go see a film by myself. I run into several old high school acquaintances. I’m finishing a group project and turning it in at the last minute; I think this is at my old house. The last instance was the most vivid and unfortunate. I’m sitting alone on a couch in a strange room; it’s like some parts of the wall are missing, or maybe the ceiling. It’s cloudy and grey outside. I think this place is near a lake. I see my ex-girlfriend just outside, her red hair vibrant and flowing in the wind. She is soon inside on the couch with me, and we begin to kiss and hold each other close. This is the first time I can think of that I’ve had this good of a dream about her since we broke up. In most dreams I can remember, she is cold, distant, or angry. In this one, she is welcoming, reciprocating, and affectionate. Then my friend comes in the room, acting like his usual annoying self. IRL, he didn’t like my girlfriend, and even told lies about her to my friends. This anger I feel toward him was evident in the dream. I am happy with her in this dream, and I want him out of the picture. Feelings of affection I have for her in the dream are coupled with the feelings of hatred I have for my friend. This is very similar to an instance that occurred a couple months ago IRL. But I wake up and realize, that although I’m over her, my hatred for him remains.
I’m outside on a cold winter’s day with a couple of friends. We’re on a street corner with heavy traffic. I see a cute woman with bad teeth who is dressed like a hooker. I decide to trip her and then catch her as a form of flirtation. Whatever I said after that worked, because she agreed to go out to eat with me and my friends. We leave the restaurant and my date says goodbye. We enter into a car and drive toward home. My friend drives us to my other friend’s house, where I get out of the car and travel inside. There, I am telling my friend Syd about women being just as sexually charged as men, but that men are simply more explicit about it. We travel to her bedroom, and she tells me that she once snorted cocaine. The next sequence is rather odd. I am outside in my old backyard, and it is soon nighttime. I choose a spot on the grass to lie down. There are a couple of speakers lying there on the grass, and I listen to music as a fall asleep. I wake up, and gather up all my clothes and travel somewhere else. I find myself playing a keyboard outside in the street by a house at night. There is a hat of some kind on my head, and eventually I put a traffic cone or megaphone or something on my head. I probably look ridiculous. Old friends pass me by. I think my dad comes out to walk the dog. I’m then inside a bathroom playing a keyboard on the sink. This bathroom is connected to my friend’s bedroom, and I’m unaware of this at first, but she soon comes in, and I know I need to leave. I’m in my friend’s car again, this time with my sister. She opts to have him drop us off at 7/11 to study. We soon find ourselves at my old high school. She gets in a car with other friends and leaves. I’m walking around in a careless manner, as I run into my mother as well as an old friend. I warmly greet her and tell her that I love her hair. That’s all I can really remember.
It was my first night home for the Christmas break. I wish I could remember this dream better, as it seemed to be fairly eventful and reached new areas of strangeness. I think there is a contest having to do with a train or a railroad station or something of the like. It may be old western times. There are many people I know and celebrities participating in this contest. It seems that the participants are being eliminated quickly, but there is one of them who has yet to compete, and who I have great faith in. This of course is Sting, my favorite song writer. IRL, I read his memoir “Broken Music” over the summer. It influenced me greatly, and I have this connection to him. That connection was evident in the dream; though I’m not sure he acknowledged it. I cannot remember the outcome of this contest. But there are two other instances of this dream that I remember. One of them is me, in a hotel room, high above the ground, in a bright white room. I look out at the balcony. I think there is an ocean. That’s all I can really remember. The other is me receiving fellatio from this brunette girl who bears a resemblance to someone I met briefly about a year ago. Though all goes as it should, several times I think, it is strangely dissatisfying. I remember feeling rather pleased with the state of affairs, as was she, but I do not think I felt anything orgasmic or really significant, as I normally would in this situation. I can remember so clearly the pictures from these dreams, which only makes me long to remember the circumstances and sequences of events.
I am traveling with my mother, my sister and her child, and possibly someone else to see Jon Anderson and Todmobile in concert. We arrive at this place that does not seem at all like any sort of proper concert hall. It seems more like a small entry way with windows behind us. We are right in front and are able to interact with the performers. Todmobile is playing some sort of impossible instrument. It’s rather difficult to describe. It has a spongy, fluid texture, and it moves downward like a spiral staircase. I think I remember playing it like you would a vibraphone, but it was huge and in constant motion. Colors changed on its surface, and I remember enjoying the sound it produced. Our cousins are also at this performance, as is my uncle. I know there was so much more to this dream, but that is all I can remember. For the last two nights, I had been attempting to recreate the circumstances which enabled my initial “one that I’ve been waiting for” dream. So this involves taking NyQuil and Ibuprofen, and I also downed apple juice in hopes of greater vividness. It has not produced similar results. I know I’ve been dreaming, but they have in no way been nearly as profound or memorable as that first one. It seems to me a typical case of trying to reproduce something amazing that occurred without any effort or preconceptions. I’ve even been listening to the same album I did that first night. But I admit, this has been a rather foolish endeavor. The feelings and symbols I experienced in that first dream I cannot hope to experience again by means of forcing it to happen. It happened somewhat naturally, it seems. I can only wait for the next time.
Lately, I've been having dreams involving embracing, kissing, and affection, mainly with women whom i cannot put a name to. I'm mainly thankful that these dreams do not seem to involve me ex, as my feelings for her remain strong and difficult to deal with. However, a dream that took place the other night stood out to me. I find myself in a strange building with many windows, accompanied by this girl I've been seeing lately. There are things that happen in this dream, but I cannot remember most of them. But I do vividly remember a particular instance, similar to how I remember things from my childhood. A girl who attended my high school makes an appearance. I always sensed that she liked me in high school, but I never made a move. In the dream, there seems to be a mutual level of attraction between us. We kiss in a room that has windows and is visible from another part of the house. Afterwards, I immediately am with the other girl I've been seeing in real life, and she confronts me about kissing the girl from my high school. I can't remember what I said, but whatever it was convinced her that my kissing this other girl was not a big deal, and she quickly forgives me. We embrace, and all between us seems okay. That is all I can remember. It seems as though I've been having dreams like this every night. Last night I was in an absurd situation with a blonde girl at a dinner table. I know there was a lot more to this one, but as usual, I cannot remember. I can't say that I do not enjoy these dreams, but I fear that soon my ex lover will enter them. If that occurs, I imagine I'd wake up with such pain and find myself in tears.
I find myself at a performance of some sort; possibly a graduation. I'm among many of my old peers from Westmont, most of them being members of the orchestra I was a part of for the year I attended the college. I see my old conductor, and I seem to remember having a desire to approach him, but i cannot remember whether or not I did. I enter a rehearsal space, and in the dream, it conveyed itself to me as the place we rehearsed every Tuesday and Thursday. But upon my awakening from the dream, I realize that it was not the chapel in which we regularly rehearsed. In fact, I think it was a place altogether new to me, but somehow similar to my high school band rehearsal room. But this new room presented me with a sickly image of a rainy night outside of my old home, and I think some of my dream took place in this situation, but I cannot remember. This dream occurred the night after my ex-girlfriend decided to text me for the first time since we broke up. She reached out first, having read the letter I had written her about two weeks prior. Many mixed emotions swirled about my brain that evening, and I attempt to find some meaningful connection between the occurrence and my unusual dream. Of course, I had previously had dreams about Westmont. And it makes sense. I spent a year there, made friends and memories, and then left. And my thoughts often drift to questions of whether or not I should have stayed there, or if I even should've attended it in the first place. Perhaps if I had continued my education there, I may never have met my summer lover, and would be free from my love-lorn afflictions and anguish. Maybe i would've found someone else; someone who made me truly happy, and who deeply loved me. But I do not like dreaming about such things, as they are notions of the past, and are unchangeable and unattainable. I long for happier dreams. Dreams of freedom, success, bliss
Updated 10-18-2017 at 06:33 PM by 48007
I feel that there really isn't much to be said about this one. Any thoughts to be had come quickly, and any semblance of images fade. But there is one image, one picture that is stuck in my memory; it will remain there, I think. I see the outside of my house, but it is slightly different. It contains more greenery, almost like it is a garden. There is a group of people standing outside, and I feel that they are friends. However, when i travel outside, they have disappeared, and what remains now gives me a feeling of unease. It is a group of people who I perceive wish to do harm to me and my friends. That is all I can remember about it. I know for a fact there was much more to this dream, and I hate that I can't remember all of it. I have to say that I have not really been enjoying these dreams I have been remembering lately as much as I had hoped. There is nothing really striking or beautiful or meaningful about them. They just seem random, and they disturb me when I am in the midst of them. Even still, I wish I could remember them better. But I suppose I am grateful I have been remembering anything lately. For a while it seemed like I never could remember my dreams. No matter, I am hopeful for tonight. I desire a journey, a meaningful experience, a thought provoking encounter, a love.