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    Letaali's Dream Journal

    Intruders + Control Your Fear

    by , 08-24-2018 at 12:00 PM (405 Views)
    I decided before sleeping that one of my goals is to learn to control fear. I've struggled with it in lucid dreams. Ask and you will receive...

    I falsely awaken to hear two guys moving in the apartment. They are moving towards my room. I feel fear. I want to get up and defend myself, but my body is paralyzed. I see the rest of the dream in 3rd person as I fight the paralysis, but simply cannot move. I struggle to the point of waking up.

    Control Your Fear
    I'm a researcher and studying how small animals deal with all kinds of stressful situations. I handle many dead rodents. We basically torture them. I don't feel like I belong there, I don't agree with any of it.

    Scene changes a bit, now we are studying the same thing with human prisoners. One of them has secretly been eating burnt wood, chewing it into a strange paste that he has made into some kind of armor. He seems to also be immune to electricity. Our weapons don't shock him when he eventually escapes.

    Scene changes. I'm in my parents' place, but the house has many more corridors and rooms. One room in the center is different. It's built for food storage I guess, but it's relatively empty. Monsters start appearing from that room. These demons are large, pale, winged humanoids. Their arms and legs are extremely long and skinny. Their fingers are sharp and long claws. They have no eyes.

    I spend a week fighting them. I lock the storage room's door the first time I see one inside, but these demons haunt me no matter what. When I close my eyes, they are waiting. I assumed they come from my dreams, but eventually they start appearing when I'm awake. One day I kill one of the monsters and leave it in the storage room. Moments later I open the door and right at the door, towering over me is another one. I stare at it and tell myself it's not real. I swipe at it with my hand, imagining it to be like a mirage that would vanish. It takes effort, but I manage to make that one disappear with willpower.

    I'm sleeping in my parents' bedroom to keep them safe. They can't see the monsters. It's night and my dad wakes up. He asks me about these monsters. I tell him that I've been fighting them for a week and how they appear. One of them appears over the bed and floats slowly towards me. I wait. The demon hovers right in front of me and nothing else happens. I fear this is a bad choice, but I decide to let it be. I touch the demon's face with my hand. Dream ends.

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