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    Same old, but very different

    by , 10-19-2013 at 06:48 PM (569 Views)
    So frequently I have these dreams that are located at shopping centers.

    In the dream I hear conversations of people happening around me. The dream started out where I was walking towards a store with some kids that were supposedly my own. One of the kids that was with me was just a toddler girl, she kept running away from me towards people and other stores so I kept having to catch her and hold her for a bit before putting her down again. Anyways, I heard a conversation that was I'm guessing my own conversation about being goal orientated or wanting some goal orientation because it seemed to me that nothing was happening of interest in this dream.

    FYI: I have a separate dream family apparently. The are made up purely from imagination and I can't fully see them in dreams, its almost like they are just shadows, but I can see them and talk to them but it just doesn't seem real enough to me and it is quite frustrating that the keep showing up. Rarely do I ever dream about real family members. It is very strange to me.

    I am then losing track of who I'm with because it is not clear to me who these people really are to me and they won't really communicate with me either mostly because it just seemed like I had a baby with me and that was it, but I felt other presences within the dream, it was odd.

    I walk around the store I was going into in the beginning of the dream and start looking for clothes for a baby. I do this a lot in dreams and I have no clue why because I don't want kids, although I love kids and am definitely not expecting. Apparently my subconscious picks up on the side suggestion that maybe I do want kids but it will never be a set fulfillment in my life so it leaks out into the dream world.

    So this whole entire dream I'm just walking about it store outlets, and I have no clue what I am really doing there. END

    The next dream I was playing a video game that reminded me of a shooter like Grand theft auto. I was playing with these people and was telling them to take down this mob boss in the game. The mob boss had two stacks of health and when I shot him his health only went down a little, but he was just standing there staring at me. Then I said something like "wait, who is the person I'm shooting? Am I supposed to kill him?" There were these two other people with me who told me that there was some other objective to accomplish before we killed the mob, but I was still confused about why he was there in the first place if we had to do something else before killing him. END

    The last dream kind of remotes back the shopping center except it was kind the shopping outlets were separated into fairground booths but still had the layout of an outlet store. You could walk into these booths, just like you would a store and the whole room consisted of the booth. The had weird prizes for kids, very ugly giant stuffed animals. Someone then told me these booths were like daycare, you leave your kid at a giant outlet store fair game booth with unreliable people. I told the people at one of the booth/stores that these were a bad idea and no kid would want to stay at these. Apparently as it was apparent to me in the dream I was very disappointed at the idea and left or rather awoke. END

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    Updated 10-20-2013 at 02:26 AM by 1643

    non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
